今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 9月28日

2024-09-29 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記  A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing  9月28日

ハワイの試合はトーナメントなどの大きな試合は開幕前にシンガーが来てアメリカ国家The Star-Spangled Banner が斉唱されます。そしてその時会場に来ている人たちは目をつぶって胸に手をあててその国家を聞いていますが、いかんせん私は日本人、そのまわりの雰囲気にどうしていいのかわからず非常に気まずい思いをした思い出があります。ハワイは戦士の伝説があるのでみなさんすごくうちあいます。審判も比較的自由にたたかわせてくれるので見せ場が多く、会場は非常に盛り上がります。先日トーナメントの動画を見ていましたが、そのうちあっている様子をみて、我ながらこんなところでよくもまあ頑張ったなあと感心しました。選手を紹介する時も「Blue corner team rainbow Hoyoung Kim」とテンポがあってかっこいいです。ユニークなボクシングクラブHPhttps://oliveclub.wixsite.com/my-site

The number of visitors and female members are increasing. Boxing is one of the hard sport for women. Whether they can continue or not is a matter of environment and atmosphere we make, so we appreciate your cooperation. Thanks to all of you, middle-aged women are able to train without hesitation.
"Korean lesson"
Today we had a beginner level Korean lesson. Grammar has become a little more complicated, but Korean is a language that, like Japanese, is a language of cutting and joining words, not a language that changes like English or French, so it is an easy language for Japanese to get used to. MOB can deal with several foreign languages.

"My memories"
Before the opening of a tournament or other big game in Hawaii, a singer comes and sings The Star-Spangled Banner, the national anthem of the United States of America. I am Japanese, and I remember feeling very uncomfortable because I did not know what to do in the atmosphere around me. Hawaii has a legend of warriors, so it is pretty hardcore fight. The judges also let the us fight relatively freely, so there are many opportunities to show off their skills, and the audience is very excited. I was watching a video of the tournament the other day, and when I saw the video, I was amazed, because I was able to fight in those days. When they introduce the boxer, they say “Blue corner team rainbow Hoyoung Kim,” and the tempo is very cool.

高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 9月27日

2024-09-28 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記  A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing  9月27日 
私の考える哲学は「その考え方がまわりを幸福にしているか?」競技者や若い連中がワイワイとやっている中、中年や女性が遠慮しながらトレーニングをしているような環境は決して公平だとはいえないと思います。MOBの哲学はまず第一にジムではマイノリティは誰かという事を考えます。そして格闘技では女性や中年、運動音痴な人がマイノリティだと考え、そういう人たちを大事にすることが全体の平等だと考えていますが、これはロールズの正義論の無知のヴェール的な平等で、ブログや日記などでも繰り返し繰り返し、そのことを書いていますが、みなさんのお気づかいによってジムは平等に保たれています。ありがとうございます。私が心がけていることは言葉を選んで正しい日本語を話す。威圧しないように話す。武勇伝や格闘技自慢は絶対しないです。 ユニークなボクシングクラブHPhttps://oliveclub.wixsite.com/my-site

The gender ratio today is fifty-fifty, more female members relatively train in the early hours. We can declare that competitors and boxers are not the priority at MOB. We are here to train everyone equally, you can train equally no matter what time of day you come. That is our motto at MOB.
"Equality in the MOB.”
My philosophy is, “Is that it making those around you happy?” I don't think it is fair to have middle-aged people and women hesitate to train in a environment while the competitors and young people are having a fun. MOB's philosophy is that we think who are the minorities in the gym. And in martial arts, we believe that women, middle-aged people, and people who are not good at sports are minorities, and that respecting such people is equality of all, but this is the veil of ignorance equality of Rawls' theory of justice, and I have written about it over and over again in my blog and diary, you try to has the gym equal with consideration. I really appriciate your consideration, Thank you. 

高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記  A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing  

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 9月25日

2024-09-26 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記  A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing  9月25日
「お元気ですか?”Comment allez-vous」


”Comment allez-vous?”
It has been really exciting during day time lately. Most of the people who come here are women, they train here, hitting the mitts and punching bags. Recently, more and more people are doing strength training.
In our club, bragging about sports and fighting story lead gym'atmosphere to bad mood. This is because our club welcomes people who are not good at sports or coward, and we would rather have such people take advantage of our club. If they find that there are people who brag about their sports or their fight stories. I think it is really disgusting, and such low-level talk is like a contagious disease, and spread it soon. It is complicated when people share such talk and brag about it, and it is not my concept of a boxing club. I want our club to be a place where people who are not good at sports can train in peace. And it is actually functioning as such a place thanks to everyone's cooperation, I hope to continue pursuing this ideal and hope that as many people as possible can come here and become energized through boxing.
We are planning to add more new members in October, not only women but also people in their 50's.

高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 9月21日

2024-09-24 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記  A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing  9月21日
まだまだ暑い日が続きますが、水分補給を十分に行ってください。エアコンディショナーは26度に保っています。 最近マスボクシングでカウンターをうつ人が増えています。「あっ今の見事なカウンター」おそらく実戦だったらダウンしてるんじゃないかと言うぐらい見事なカウンターを時々見ますが、うつ人たちは40以上のおっさんたちです。カウンターをうてるようになるという事はかなり実戦に余裕が出てきたことと思います。パンチをよく理解して、実戦のかけひきができるようになった。ここからさらにボクシングが楽しくなってきます。

「Dum docent discunt(教える間に学ぶ)」
「Dum docent discunt(教える間に学ぶ)」  私が好きなラテン語の格言、私が競技したところでは自分が習得した技術を他人に教えることはあまりありませんでしたが(アジア系は別)、日本人は助け合いの精神が強いので自分が苦労して習得した技術であってもいとも簡単に人に教えてくれます。でも実際教える人は本当に上手になっています。日本人はこのラテン語の言葉をよく理解できていると思いますね。

The weather is still hot, but please stay well hydrated. The air conditioner is kept at 26 degrees Celsius.
"Enjoy boxing"
Recently, some members became able to punch a counter punch, in mass boxing. I sometimes see such brilliant counters that he would probably be downed if he were in a bout, but these people are over 40 years old. I think that being able to punch a counter means that you have improved your skill in practical training. You now have a better understanding of the punches and tactics. You can enjoy more from now. 

”Dum docent discunt, While they teach someone, they learn.”
My favorite Latin saying, where I competed, it was not common to teach others the skills you have mastered (except for Asian people), but Japanese people have a strong spirit of mutual help and will easily teach others even the skills they have struggled to master. But in fact, those who teach are getting really good at it. I think Japanese people understand this Latin saying very well.

高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記  A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing

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2024-09-20 | Weblog
On Tuesday, September 24, we will open as usual at 3:00.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 9月19日

2024-09-20 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記  A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing  9月19日

ユニークなボクシングクラブでは私の海外でのボクシングなどの体験を記載しています。興味のある方はMOB DIALYの記事にあるリンクをクイックしてください。ユニークなボクシングクラブHPhttps://oliveclub.wixsite.com/my-site

"Mass Boxing"
Despite the lingering summer heat, many members visited the gym today. The ratio of male to female today was 4 female to 6 male. MOB encourages mass boxing. Mass boxing is non-contact, so you can safely train without getting hurt. Everyone from women to middle-aged people and even those who are beginer, we will lead how to do it so that you can do, and everyone can have fun.
Feinting is not only punching, but also using the body is an effective feint. The other day, a college student named Hiraoka, he came to our gym and taught us with a mitt, he also often uses body feints because of his small size. It is also important to catch your opponent by surprise by slipping to the side and then hooking him, as if you are going to punch him. Body faint is the same as the mitts drill. His next match will be in November. Please back him up.

高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 9月17日

2024-09-18 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記  A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing  9月17日
本日の男女比率は女性3,男性4でした。 見学の人や女性会員が多くなってきました。ボクシングは女性にとってハードルの高いスポーツです。続けれるか続けられないかは環境や雰囲気の問題でもありますので、ご協力よろしくお願いします。みなさんのおかげで中年層の女性が気兼ねなくトレーニングできていること感謝いたします。


 The number of visitors and female members are increasing. Boxing is one of the hard sport for women. Whether they can continue or not is a matter of environment and atmosphere we make, so we appreciate your cooperation. Thanks to all of you, middle-aged women are able to train without hesitation.

“A man is a castle,”
I believe that MOB's adverstise is, in a word, good human relationship. Shingen Takeda said, “A man is a castle,” and here, experienced members are there to talk to beginners and give them advice, so no matter who comes, there is a place for them here. The facilities are not that great, but the people at our club take care of you and make the place lively, so you will have a fun and fulfilling training experience. 
"Keep up doing workout regularly"
You have started to see weight loss effects. At first, you may gain some weight because you overeat a little, but soon after, your basal metabolism will increase and you will become slender. No hard training is required, if you come regularly and enjoy the exercise, you will see results.

高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記  A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing  

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 9月 14日

2024-09-17 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記  A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing  9月14日 


It was a busy day as soon as we opened. I think the male to female ratio on this day was 6 to 4, female exceed male.
"What MOB is all about"
There is book of “The old cat, a master rat catcher". It is a book of instruction on swordsmanship written in the mid-Edo period, and it makes us think deeply about how to live, how to fight, and what it means to win. The old cat says, “Strong and weak will always change. There is no such thing as being strong only for yourself and weak for all your enemies. No matter how strong you are, strength is just that, and it does not matter whether you are stronger than your opponent or not. It is how much you stand by the truth. In martial arts, there are people who make themselves look stronger than necessary, but I think it is very stupid. No matter how strong they try to make themselves look, there is a limit. Such people change their attitude depending on who they are, and it becomes ridiculous when people of high intellectual level gather together like in MOB. What is important is to be considerate of others, and it is this consideration that makes one's life better and the community better. I believe that is what MOB is all about.

I am feeling quite tired and am planning to take a couple of days off around November for a medical checkup as well.

高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記  A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 9月 12日

2024-09-13 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記  A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing  9月 11日

"It's not variety show"
We have many new members joining in September and I am getting busy teaching them. It can get crowded at certain times of the day, so we would appreciate it if non-beginner members could be considerate.
The ratio of male to female was fifty-fifty today. MOB is like a variety show on the days when Fuku-chan and his friends come. Today, a new female member made her Joousama debut with Fuku-chan's advice to “whack like a whack-a-mole. Fuku-chan is very good at joining a training as if they play, he sometimes make the most use of people around him. Today, a Thai exchange student was forced to play joousama 3 rounds. Everyone is a comedian in character, so when you see them doing it, it looks like they are just joking around, but both the players are very serious, and I think it was a great exercise.

高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 9月 9日

2024-09-10 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記  A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing  9月 9日

「 MOBの基本方針」


Today's ratio was 3 female, 7 male, a few female, and mostly old guys. Our old men have based on 40s and above, not in their 30s. 40 to 60 year olds guys are enjoing in the ring. Recently, more and more female members are joining, and the ratio is becoming fifty-fifty.

"This is our philosophy " 
I think it's etiquette to be humble and considerate in the little things of everyday life and show it to others.”
This is not what the director said directly, but perhaps this is the kind of etiquette he was trying to teach us. People in the athletic field talk about etiquette, but they are self-centered and formal when hey talk about that. In our club, we value etiquette more than courtesy which athletes talk about. It is gym etiquette to think about who is in the minority in the gym and give priority to those who are in the minority and give it to them, We believe that this kind of consideration improves the order of the gym and is equality. No matter how loudly you can greet people, it is rather annoying to shout in the gym. offensive sparring, training naked and sweaty, and intimidating training that makes women and children scared are clearly harmful. Doing everything you want to do and then handing it over to them when you can afford it, it is not etiquette you show others. I believe it is important for the working community to consider who is a minority in the gym and act accordingly.

高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記  A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing  

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