今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 12月 15日

2023-12-16 | Weblog

「ボクサーは勝って引退するのは失礼だ」と言った人がいたが、私も試合に負けて引退した。アレンに言わせてみればボクシングは才能がものをいうスポーツらしい、だから才能のない人間はいくらがんばってもそれ上にはなれないらしく、私の能力もこれが限界である。しかし彼は続けて言う「それでもお前を心から尊敬している。よくやった」。この言葉は私にとってたいへんうれしい言葉であった。夢を持ってここへ来たが現実にぶつかり、自分の才能に気づかされ引退しようとする人間をこころからねぎらい認めてくれた。このとき本当に自分はボクシングをやってよかったと思った。大げさかもしれないが生きててよかったとさえ思える言葉であった。もう何十年も前の12月22日の出来事である。MOBのボクシングはただ勝つためのボクシングではない。すべての「練習」「試合」「出来事」「体験」は自分の人生のアルバムにきざみつけるためのものであり、自分が精一杯やったというあかしである。人間は認められてそれを受けてめてくれる存在があればたとえ結果がどうであれ、自分がやってきたことに意味を見出し、自信を持つことができる。もし勝ち負けこだわっていたら、その競技人生は無味乾燥のようなものだろう。監督やトレーナーに一番必要なのは人をレスペクトすることだろう。私も彼らと同じように会員の人ひとりびとりをリスペクトしたい。Wishing you joy, peace and good health this holiday season.

With the help of all the vexperienced members, old guys and female members are getting better every day. Tomorrow, the Kobe competition will be held, and there are participants in the women's mass boxing, and this is the first time a female member has participated in mass boxing at MOB. The number of female members in the gym are about 40%, and since MOB does not give priority to competitors, but give priority to members who are regarded as the minority. So they can enjoy training. Yesterday, when I asked Edomurasaki, who is now 40 years old to have a mitt training for him, he said, "No, thank you,"  probably because he believe if I have, he might be getting worse in his boxing. I still asked him twice, but he said " no thank you" even the timid Edo Murasaki is free to express his opinion in our gym.
Someone once said, "It is rude for a boxer to retire after winning a match," and I retired after losing a match. Allen said "Boxing is a sport where talent is important, and therefore, a boxer without talent will never be as good as the best, no matter how hard he tries. " However, he went on to say, "I do respect you. You did a good job. These words made me very happy. He truly appreciated and recognized someone who had come here with a dream, but who was about to retire when he realized his own talent. At that time, I really felt that I was glad to have done boxing. It may be an exaggeration, but his words even made me feel glad to be alive. It was December 22nd, decades ago, and boxing at MOB is not just about winning. Every "practice," "match," "event," and "experience" is something to be engraved in one's life album, a testimony that one has done one's best. When a person is recognized and accepted, no matter what the outcome, he or she can find meaning in what he or she has done and feel confident. If you are obsessed with winning and losing, your athletic life will be a dry and tasteless one. The most important thing for a coach or trainer is to respect people. I want to respect each and every one of our members as much as they do. Wishing you joy, peace and good health this holiday season.


Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (cover) Megan Nicole

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