今日のMOB Catch up with MOB



2021-03-31 | Weblog

It will be Permitted to train with mask off from April. However, since the infection is spreading in urban areas and other prefectures, please train with masks on as much as possible, except for hard training such as punching mitt and mass boxing.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記3月 27日

2021-03-29 | Weblog


Kochi Prefecture have settled down, we will allow training with masks off from April 1st. If you are worrying, you can wear your mask, but please wear it when talking or having the mitt.
We may ask you to wear your mask again in the future depending on the situation, so please continue to cooperate.

Our club boxing club focuses on people who want to loose their weight and do work out. Members are considerate to others, especially to women and other vulnerable people. So you can train peacefully. We are not looking for strong competitors at all, we are a boxing club for people to enjoy boxing. We are very careful about injuries, so please try as much as you can, assuming you don't get injured.

All members train with a general common sense and respect for each other, so we do not accept people who are violent or are likely to cause problems.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 3月 27日

2021-03-28 | Weblog

Kochi Prefecture have settled down, we will allow training with masks off from April 1st.
If you are worrying, you can wear your mask, but please wear it when talking or having the mitt.
We may ask you to wear your mask again in the future depending on the situation, so please continue to cooperate.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 3月20日

2021-03-23 | Weblog



It is getting warmer, and many people come to the gym recently.
Our club has a lot of people in their 40s and older, and although we have members in their 20s and teens, 70% of our members are in their 30s or older.
It's not a boxing club that focuses on competitors, and the club is run by common sense, so people who want to lose weight or stay healthy can train without hesitation.
In the martial arts, people around such a people don't say anything if they boast about their fights or talk about fight, so some stupid misunderstand that it is an advantage and keep on talking about such a stupid story.
We never accept such a stupid people, and kick them out, this is MOB. we never accept violence. 

I would recommend a noncontact mass boxing  for women, because you can practice defense and offense, it's very hard training, and it's a fun like game.
So you do with an experienced person at first, after you get used to, you do with women.

Every night around 11:00 p.m., he wander around the town to get the Draque monster, when I asked him "You're highly educated, you run a company, and you're a success in the eyes of society, why are you doing such like that? akanwonbat who just said" eez maah". He come to the gym 3 or 4 times a week constantly. It's still quite helpful to have a trainer come.

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2021-03-18 | Weblog

The declaration of a state of emergency  will be canceled by 21th. we will be back to normal training from April, with the exception of body temperature checks and disinfection. The number of infected people is decreasing, vaccines are being supplied, and the situation has calmed down considerably. Depending on the situation, we may apply the guidelines again in the future, but we still ask for your cooperation until April.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 3月 13日

2021-03-15 | Weblog



We were terribly busy on Saturday, and the Today's ratio of male to female was about 30% female to 70%male.
Boxing is one of the most efficient sports to lose weight because it is a highly effective cardio workout.
The simple movement of moving on the ring and punching is a movement that anyone can do, but it is quite hard because you have to keep doing that for three minutes.
Of course, we teach you from the beginning, but you will be able to do the one-two form in about 10 minutes after you come, and you will be able to punch and do footwork to some extent after you keep training. In our club, we train in a span of 3 minutes of train and 30 seconds of break, so you can train as much as you can.
Our club deny DQNs and punk people to join.
People who are not good at sports are welcome, so our members are a good member of society. In addition, we teach foreign languages, we can handle foreign languages.

Recently, a new star appeared in our gym, Inchikido, who was able to throw combinations with hooks and uppercuts in just three months of his career. When I started boxing club, I noticed that there are many talented people. It took me more than a year to get it, but our members are able to do it in a few months. There is a saying that "the best way to get better is to love it," and I believe that because you love it, it's fun and enjoyable and you will improve.

we will open the gym 20th on Saturday,
It will be off 22th on Monday instead.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 3月 11日

2021-03-12 | Weblog
ジムに入る前は体温をチェックします。37度以上はジムでトレーニングできません。入ったらアルコールで手と指先を消毒してください。アルコールは70%から75%のものを使用しています。 ジムではマスクを着用してトレーニングしてください。尚マスク着用に関してご事情のある方は遠慮なく申し出てください。


ありがとうございました。좋은 추억이 됐어요(よい思い出になりました)

Temperature check is being carried out before entering gym. you are not allowed to enter if your temperature is 37 degrees or higher. Disinfect your hands and fingertips with alcohol when entering Gym.
Please wear a mask to train at the gym. 

The ratio of men to women is 40% women and 60% men. Our motto is to make it easy for women and middle-aged men to join and have a fulfilling and enjoyable training. Ms Sadako Ogata said, "If you have patience and philosophy , things things will move". Our club donate. The reason why we donate in our club is because we believe that if we want to be happy and have peace, it is important to remember that peace is not only for ourselves, but also for those who are outside of us and are not related to us. There are many different people in our club, different genders, different nationalities, different ages, different work, and I think it is important to have a philosophy that makes people feel that they are here to train. 
What makes training peaceful and fun is not making noise or doing as we do what we want to do.
Such fun will always be unbalanced and occur inequality. In order to have a peaceful and enjoyable training, it is important to respect each other, to care about the weak, and to be considerate of others. We donate to remember not only ourselves, but also the people around us. This is Olive's philosophy, and it is also the meaning of donating to help people understand this.

Ms Era came to greet us as she was going to go back to her hometown. She participated in the competition and made our club more exciting. It's a little sad, one of our regular members leave, we hope for her success in the future. We have received some sweets from her, so please have it.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 3月 6日

2021-03-08 | Weblog



The coronavirus has calmed down considerably. It is safe to say that Kochi is almost under control, but since there will be a lot of moving around in March, please continue to wear masks during training. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by wearing masks during training, and thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Person who was punching mitt is Mr onecup.  
He has been boxing for 50 years, and when he first came here, He look so weak. people laughed when they heard him blurting out, "Sh〇t! , I'm beaten by a sandbag," when he hit a punching bag. Mr Onecup sometimes take the punching mitt for us and gives us some advice.

Female are showing good result in diet.
The secret is to have fun while training. In our club people who want to compete, people who want to keep fit, and people who want to lose weight all train together with respect for each other.
The last time In Johusama, Rattzko was seized at corner by gundan, and young woman gave him a series blows.
I think this is one of the ways to make women feel comfortable to train. It's really hesitate to come to a martial arts gym, but we have a lot of way to make people train without hesitation or worrying. as I've been saying for more than 10 years now, we don't have any boxing posters or prizes in our club, our club is a fitness boxing club where every single person plays a leading role.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 3月 3日

2021-03-04 | Weblog
今日は仮面ライダーを人生の最優先にしているアカンウオンバットトレーナーとジャガー、ラジャの3人でのマスボクシングでしたが、目立ったのはジャガーでした。正直ヘタレと思っていましたが、ラジャとの対戦では対格差があるにもかかわらず見事なディフェンスを見せていました。ジャガーはうちのジムでは唯一基本がしっかりしたボクサーです、ボクシングはジム一番参考になると言ってもいいと思います。ラジャはあててもいいと言うことでしたが、マスボクシング中は" You can punch him as much as you can"と言うえげつない声援がジムに響いていました。MOBのモットーは楽しくトレーニングをすると言うことです、ここに来たら思い切り楽しんでストレスを発散してください。




We had mass boxing with Akan wombat trainer who give priority to Kamen raider in his life , Jaguar, and Raja.
Jaguar was the one who stood out yesterday. To be honest, I thought he was a coward, but he showed us great defense despite physique different. Jaguar is the only boxer in our gym with basic technique , He is good role models for us. Raja was allowed to punch him, during the mass boxing, "You can punch him as much as you can" echoed in the gym. The MOB's motto is to make training fun, Please you have fun and get rid of your stress when you come.

I asked Edo Murasaki to join in the mass boxing, he said, "I'm tired," but at that time his face was so pale and he looked like he hadn't slept for 24 hours.
Edo Murasaki makes time in his busy schedule to come and train with us, and although he's sometimes given terrible nicknames like "hostage" or " man in coffin " but he says it's a good way to get rid of stress and he enjoys training.

March 20th is a national holiday, but we will be open on Saturday because many members come to train on Saturday. We will be closed on Monday the 22nd instead.

The words which they use in the boxing gym is vulgar, and it is sometimes hard for female to adapt to those words.
first of all, what is a trainee? they are called trainee because they train??
But I can't follow such a mentality, and the term is stupid and lack of respect.
The word "sandbag" is also kinda stupid words. It's not a construction site here.
I wonder if they feel reluctant to use such a word in a gym where women are also present. Its not too much to say that language is a person's culture.
If you use stupid and vulgar words in the gym, such people will get together in the gym. We are going to gradually get rid of such stupid and vulgar words.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 2月 27日

2021-03-01 | Weblog


Our experienced boxers were quite active today. So I believe  everyone enjoyed training to the fullest. In MOB, when they do mass boxing or striking mitt, we never command like "you do it next"  but  we ask" would you join mass boxing or striking mitt.
This is not something I specifically asked them to do, but therefore you will understand that our members are gentle and the gym is kept equally peaceful.
In the MOB, violence is strictly avoided.
We will understand that as violence if a person punch with hostile when he gets punches and we never accept act which female fell uncomfortable. The male members are gentlemen, and the more experienced they are, the more they give way to others. The advantage of our club is that we are able to give way to each other, and anyone can come easily and train without hesitation.

As I wrote in my blog, boxing is like dancing, They do say that the basics is important in japan, but rhythm, balance and groove is the most important where I competed. When you do shadow boxing , make sure to develop your rhythm to the music.

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