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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 1月 30日

2023-01-31 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 1月 30日

The 30' generation is still young in our club, but recently the number of people in their 20s has been increasing. However, since most of the members are older than 30s, the gym does not have an aggressive atmosphere, and each member trains at their own pace.
The gym's routine training is jump rope→shadowboxing→mitts→punching bag. Basically,We teach how to punch or difend yourself for beginners during shadowboxing and punching mitts. As they progress a little, you can do practical train. We especially recommend non-contact mass boxing. Non-contact mass boxing has many advantages such as avoiding injury, being more effective for weight loss, and allowing you to enjoy practical boxing.

I'v gotten static electricity with the punching mitts training, but winter is a dry season. Viruses are more likely to be active. Therefore, we sometimes open doors and windows. It may be a little cold, but please cooperate to prevent viruses.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 1月 28日

2023-01-30 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 1月 28日



We are often asked, "Is it ok for a woman to go alone? Most of our club members in female come alone. We are trying to eliminate violence, to eliminate old traditional ideas of gender discrimination and to make our club more accessible to female. In our clubs, we have not adapted athletic club rules, but etiquette. We will not take off our cloth even if it become hot or we will not lie down with our body Soaked in sweat after do hard training. Etiquette is important in our club.

The hot water supply finally broke down. I decided to replace it with a new one. Now I don't have to hear the "Ahhhh!" suddenly when you are taking a shower.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 1月25日

2023-01-26 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 1月25日

It has been three years since the coronavirus changed our lives. Although the self-restraint has eased, our stress continues to build up. Boxing is a good sport for relieving stress. Everyone was enjoying the punching mitts and mass boxing today. Some people come here with a bit of strict faces, but by the time they leave, they seem to be smiling. We have a good relationships in community. They respect each other and treat each other with a sense of distance, so there are no troublesome problems and everyone is able to train comfortably. Also, the experienced members teach the beginners, so everyone improve quickly.


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2023-01-25 | Weblog

Hot water sometimes had not come out due to freezing temperatures today. We apologize for the cold weather. It will be repaired it if it is not working properly.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 1月 24日

2023-01-25 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 1月 24日


 Although the number of people in their 20s has been increasing recently, basicly ages 30 and over members are majority in our gym. But many of them come because they are not getting enough exercise and need to do exercise. The health benefits of exercise are "loosing weight" " physical health for blood suger level down" "mental health" in order to reduce stress, and "prevention from osteoporosis and cancer". We provide you with good environment to train here. You can train enjoying here. Our club's motto is that members who come here can train equally.    

Stretching is important. Stretching that improve flexibility while moving the body, such as relaxing the wrists, can increase the amount of energy expended because many movements give us an exercise effect.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの 1月 23日

2023-01-24 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの 1月 23日
ジムで流れるJust the way you areこの曲は2つありますが誰が歌っているかによって時代がわかります。ジムで流れているのはブルーノマーズですが、ビリージョエルだとかなり古いですね。うちのクラブには様々な年齢の人が集まっています。ここでは皆さんの目的を尊重し、可能な限りいろいろなことにトライしてほしいと思っています。ノンコンタクトのマスボクシングはぜひトライしてください。女性対男性も十分可能です。少し不安な人はベテランの人にお願いして手ほどきされながらトライしてください。今日もベテランの人が女性に手ほどきしながらマスをしてくれましたが、これをきっかけにボクシングが楽しくなりトレーニングも楽しくなったという人も少なくはありません。マスボクシングのアドバンテージはカロリー消費が高いのでダイエットには効果的だし、体力がつきます。1、2か月ぐらいしてリングで多少動けるようになったら十分できますのでトライしてください。


Same title's songs"Just the way you are" which ,is sometimes played in training, This song has two versions, but you can tell your generation by who is singing it. The one is played at the gym is Bruno Mars, but if it is Billy Joel, it is very old. We have people of all ages in our club. We respect your goals here and we want you to try as much as possible.
Non-contact mass boxing is a must try. It is possible to have a female versus male. If you are a little nervous, please ask an experienced members to teach you how to do it.  An experienced member taught a woman how to do mass boxing.  And many people have got opportunity to enjoy boxing and training by practical training like mass boxing. The advantage of mass boxing is that it burns a lot of calories, so it is effective for weight loss, and you can build up by this.

Gym will be opened as usual on Saturday the 11th February. We will closed on Friday 24th instead of 11th.

高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの 1月 23日

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 1月 20日

2023-01-20 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 1月 20日
コロナウイルスの警戒度が2類から5類に移行する案が出されています。今年の春ごろには実現されると予想されていますが、5類に移行すると飲食店の営業制限や外出自粛要請、感染者の自宅療養の要請など、様々な行動制限の法律上の根拠がなくなり、大幅に緩和されますが、その時さらにジムも活発になってくると思いますので、会員向けのホームページを作成し発信する予定です。ホームページは今年の1月に予定していましたが、時宜にかなった計画ではないと判断し、4月まで見送ることにしました。まず内容をお伝えするにはもう少しジムが正常に戻り、トレーニングが充実する必要があります。 現在コロナウイルスは様々な形でジムを運営するにあたり弊害となっています。そういう状況下でジムの様子を伝えていくのは不十分でできれば制限されることなく、みなさんが活発に活動できる時にジムの様子を伝えていくことがベストであると思っています。

Japanease government has issured a proposal to move the coronavirus alert level from category 2 to category 5. It is expected to be realized around spring of this year. If the alert level is moved to category 5, the legal basis for various restrictions on activities, such as restaurant business restrictions, requests to refrain from leaving the house, and requests for home treatment for infected persons, will be removed and greatly eased. We are planning to create a website for our members around then. The website was scheduled for January of this year, but we decided that it was not a timely plan and decided to postpone it until April.
The reason why is that we need to get the gym back to normal a little more and improve our training. The coronavirus is currently harming the gym's running in various ways. Since it is not sufficient to keep you informed of what is going on at the gym under such circumstances, we would like to keep you informed of what is going on at the gym when you are able to be active without any restrictions. We would like to enrich the training at the gym as much as possible now, and we would also like to make everyone participate in practical training such as mass boxing as much as possible, and we would also like to enrich punching mitt combinations with more variations. In order to enrich our training, we need the help of others. We have many people, including trainers, who have been helping us, but we would like to ask for further cooperation.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 1月 18日

2023-01-19 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 1月 18日



We have many people who started boxing for the first time in their life in our gym. Some of them even have no experience in sports, let alone martial arts. However, as they continue to train, many of them have improved and are now able to train for non contact mass boxing. Our club is not a school club, so we do not demand stoicism. If you find it interesting and fun, you will naturally become into training. And we hope you will achieve your goals enjoying. The trainers and experienced members tell you how to punch or move. You do not hesitate to come when you are interested in.

Covid 19 is a nasty virus if  you get infected, so some people are anxious about it. please wear Masks during mass boxing and punching mitts.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 1月 16日 

2023-01-17 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 1月 16日 


A long time ago, a man who said he was a kickboxer came to the gym. He was very aggressive about it, and he wanted to show the advantage of kickboxing. And since he said that we also use legs, I said you don't use head, too. Then he got mad and left from there. In fact, We  use  feet a lot in boxing. Ofcause, You don't kick, but as you can see when you do mass boxing, you move around a lot, so first of all, your legs get very tired. If you learn the rhythm and do the aerobic movements, I think it become the best way to lose weight and keep your fit.

I was watching the English news the other day and the topic was about a video of violent sparring in the southern part of the United States. It seems that many people are saying that the gym should be closed because of the violence. Boxing is a martial art, so it sometimes is important to have some fighting spirit. However, boxing is a sport, so it is important to cool it, watch your opponent's moves, and decide how you are going to fight. In my opinion the reason why people often get injured in gyms because of the environment around them. In an environment where some people brag about their fight story or agitate others, and such behavior became commonplace, people get injured easily. In our club, we are very strict about not only violence, but also violent words, agitating people, and acts and behaviors such as braging about their fight, which can be a negative impact on people. We aim to be a gym where everyone can train in peace.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 1月12日

2023-01-13 | Weblog
高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 1月12日



We encourage non contact mass boxing. It is the most practical training and no risk of injury, and you can do it without gender handicap. It can be done by a combination of female and male. Mass boxing can be done by anyone who can improve a little. They will tell you how to move at first, so please give it a try.

There is a Korean comic book called "The 26th Murder." The story is based on a true story, as far as I can remember, about Jean Pildew, a man who killed 25 women and is put on death row, behaves unruly in prison and says he will live comfortably here for the rest of his life, since Korea is a country where the death penalty is not actually carried out. However, the judiciary determined not to let such a vicious man live, so they try everything to send him to the death row, but then an unexpected accident occurs. Jean Pildew, got death sentense, became amnesia caused by turn over himesllf with rampage. he after all is released as a different person. I want to stop telling about this comics but I think you'll probably get into the story if you read. On my new website, I plan to make full use of our language skills to give information on new manga, dramas, books, movies, and so on.


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