今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 10月 27日

2021-10-28 | Weblog


Autumn has come and we can focus on training. The number of infected people has decreased and the gym is getting back to normal. 
MOB is mainly a club for working people. It is a gym where people who are trying to lose weight and stay healthy can have fun and sweat through boxing. In particular, we consider who the minorities are in our gym, and we run with the philosophy that  it is equal to take care of female in the gym because female is minorities in martial arts. I believe that the reason why people in their 40s and older can train safely and enjoyably is because of your understanding and cooperation with the gym.

Taisho was back after a long time. He said he was just going to do like warm-up today, but he didn't want to do train too much since it had been a while. He secretly asked me to do mitt training. I thought it was unusual for him to ask me to do it, but when I led him to the ring to do, he said, "No, no, here. Taisho said he hadn't been here in a long time, so he wanted to do easily, but Wombat found him, and he ended up doing two rounds of hard mitt training.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 10月 18日

2021-10-19 | Weblog


In the fall, the number of female members  are increasing. Our club is a gym for people who want to lose weight and stay fit, and we have a lot of members in their 40s and 50s who enjoy training. We train with the motto of safety and equality. whenever we come to the gym, we can see women and people in their 50s and 60s working out, including Elder Zenigame, and it's encouraging to see these older people boxing. We received three ropes for their ease of jumping from Elder Zenigame,  Thank you very much.
First of all, I once entered an amateur tournament that someone probably was killed on the ring. And as a boxer myself, I've been in a lot of fights and I know that punching is very dangerous. That's why sparring is dangerous. The reason why I am warning that sparring is dangerous , especially with junior and senior high school kids, is because I believe that boxing is dangerous, and that it could possibly endanger their future.
I was a one of athletes, I understand the fear of punching, and as a parent of a child, I fully understand how parents feel. Serious sparring is dangerous and there is a chance of serious injury. It is dangerous to spar with the intention of knocking out an opponent lightly. Punching is dangerous, and if you are not prepared to defend yourself and build up, you will not be given a serious sparring. All the members who come to the gym are valuable to the gym. Sometimes we are very strict with junior and senior high school students, but this is because we do not want them to get injured in an unintentional way.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 10月 12日

2021-10-12 | Weblog


Coburakaiと言うKarate kidの続編が動画配信されているようだ。
Karate kidの古いほうのやつの続編で、なかなか私にとってなじみ深い、セカンドシーズンは日本の沖縄が舞台であるが、撮影はハワイでしたそうだし、特にかっこよくもなく、ひょろひょろでダメ感満載主人公は若い頃の私を彷彿させる。実際私はジョージと言う日系人からボクシングをならったわけだが、そのジョージがある時私のパンチを強化するためにひとりのあやしいじいさんを連れてきた話は以前したと思う。そのじいさんが合気道のマスターで(私は疑っていたが)フラフープのようなものを回すトレーニングとへんてこりんな歩き方を毎日トレーニングの前にやらされた。そのトレーニングおわるとじいさんはかまえてみろと言って、かまえたらつきをくらわしてくるのがいつものパターンだ。そのたびに私は何をするんじゃくそじじいと言いそうになるが、じいさんはお前はカリカリしすぎ、力をぬけと言う。じいさん曰くパンチもただ速いだけではダメらしい、ふっと伸びてくるパンチ、これが見えないパンチで、体の力をぬいてうつことが重要らしい。ベースボールでもそうだがスピードガンの速度と打者が感じる速度感は全く違う。この前ベースボールプレイヤーがスピードに関係なく手元ですっと伸びてくるパンチが一番打ちにくいと言っていたが、パンチも同じ、速さや強さを意識してうつのではなく、力をぬいてうつことが大事である。しかしじいさんに言わせてみれば力をぬくことは一番難しい、これは誰も教えることができないらしい。おそらくスポーツにおいて重要で難しい課題は力をぬくことだ、これはどんな名トレーナーでも教えることは難しいと思う。

It was a little hot today, but everyone had a good time training. MOB is a boxing fitness club for people who want to get some exercise and get rid of stress. Although the training itself is boxing training, we do not accept any violent action, dangerous, or injurious, so people who want to lose weight or stay healthy can enjoy boxing as much as they can.

The floor has been repaired completely. The floor will not be out of position, so you can train comfortably.

There seems to be a sequel to Karate kid called Coburakai available on video.
The second season which is older is set in Okinawa, Japan, but the filming was shot in Hawaii, and the main character, who is not particularly cool and full of geek-like , reminds me of myself when I was younger. In fact, I learned boxing from a Japanese American named George. One day He brought in a mysterious old guy to strengthen my punches. The old guy was a master of Aikido (which I doubted), and he made me do something like a hula hoop spinning and weird walking exercises every day before the training. When the training was over, that old guy would ask me to show my stance, and when I did, he would punch my body, which was his usual pattern. Every time he punch me, I was about to say, "What are you doing, you old bastard?"
But he told me that I was too tense and that I should relax. According to him, it's not enough to just punch fast, you have to be able to throw a punch that extends suddenly, a punch that you can't see, and you have to relax your body to throw such a punch. As in baseball, the speed of a speed gun is completely different from the speed felt by the batter. In fact a baseball player once said that the hardest ball to hit is the one that extends quickly at hand, regardless of speed. The same is true for punching. It is important to relax and not be conscious of speed or strength. According to the old guy, relaxing is the most difficult thing to do, and no one can teach it. Probably the most important and difficult task in sports is to relax, which is difficult to teach even to the best trainers.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 10月 6日

2021-10-08 | Weblog

Iwasan kindly have been repairing the floor in the gym. We can't train when the club is open, so he came at a time when training is almost finished.  Our club is almost entirely managed by volunteers. In addition to the trainers, experienced members such as Iwasan and Fuku-chan's gundan are working to make the surroundings fun and exciting. MOB is the gym for every members. We never acknowledge unfair things that female and older people hesitate to train even though athletes train lively. We pay attention to people who are female and elder people to train equally.  However, even with such a vision, without the cooperation of the members, it will be hard things to do. that isfine-sounding talk.  As I said, many members help us as Volunteers, but the people who cooperate with us understand our policy and are willing to help us. Thanks to their cooperation, more than 40% of the women, nerds, and people who are not good at sports can enjoy training at the gym. Thank you very much.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 10月 5日

2021-10-06 | Weblog


The number of female visitors and members are increasing in October.  Our club has about 40% female members, our members consist of mostly working people who come to maintain their health and lose weight, so our basic policy is to prevent them from getting injured. For this reason, violent behavior is thoroughly avoided. We have repeatedly explained about violent acts, we consider any act that would scare or frighten the general public, especially children and women, to be violent, so ordinary members of society can train safely and with peace of mind.

Female members do non contact mass boxing recently. They have been instructed by experienced members. And the actual training is very effective for weight loss because you have to use all your techniques for practical training. The exercises are fun and like game, so please give it a try.

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