今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 3月 29日

2024-03-30 | Weblog

It was a busy day from noon. MOB is a boxing club for female and people in their 30's and older, and we welcome all not athletic people and  timid people. We have five policies to ensure that our members can train in peace, safety, and equality.
1, "Thoroughly eliminate the violent."
In this case, what is understood to be the most dirty is violence and a tales of valor to show off oneself, the act of beating up those who are less skilled than them in training, etc. Basically, We regard it as violent when female who are minority in martial arts are afraid.
2, "Use proper japanese."
Speak correct Japanese, not the keigo used by middle and high school student athletic clubs.
3, "Let people know that they are a helpful member of the gym." Therefore, we respect each and every one of our members, regardless of gender or age.
4, "Trust the trainers and members to manage the gym.
I felt that Japanese people are a people who teach each other when I lived abroad. Because they are willing to teach the skills they have learned, eliminating the meaningless hierarchy that is like a athletic clubs, and if the community is flat in the sense that they teach each other, I believe they will grow throughout the community.
5, "A certain number of people of high intellectual level gather together."


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 3月 27日

2024-03-28 | Weblog

かなり暖かくなってきました。もう春です。もうあちこちでさくらがさきはじめています。韓国に行った時、こういうサインを見ました。「당신이 따뜻해서 봄이 왔다.(あなたが暖かいから春が来た)」MOBもそういう場であることを願っています。ユニークなボクシングクラブHPhttps://oliveclub.wixsite.com/my-site

Most our members are training for the purpose of losing weight. Today, a graduate student member was training for losing weight. Boxing is one of effective aerobic sport. If you move in an aerobic way, you sweat a lot and can build up the inner muscles necessary for metabolism. MOB has created an atmosphere where it is easy for you to come in. We make sure how to talk in good manner and behavior, also we can talk to foreign people in english who come to MOB.

It is getting quite warm. It is already spring. Cherry blossoms have already begun to bloom here and there. When I visited in Korea, I saw a sign like this"당신이 따뜻해서 봄이 왔다. " It means spring has came because you are so warm. I hope MOB will be such a place. 


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 3月 24日

2024-03-27 | Weblog


Today we had a mass boxing by five people turnind out, so there were a lot of different style, and I think they was able to improve and became a pretty good practice. Basically, sport is play. Johan Huizinga called human beings homo ludens (people who play) and said, "Fun is the essence of play. Many Japanese people believe sports is a training like a monk do but sports are play. According to Huizinga, this element of play has advanced everything in our life. You find it interesting  mass boxing , that's why you are able to push themselves beyond your limits. Mass boxing is a very hard workout, but you can do it because they find it interesting and fun, and in fact, everyone seems to be enjoying it. 

The picture is a book that a member requested me to read with her. some members recently ask me to teach them the Toeic because they needs it for graduate school and job hunting. But I'v taken toeic test in my life, so I bought a book about Toeic and try to find a trick to solve it. A member said that his score has been steadily increasing thanks to my efforts.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 3月 23日

2024-03-26 | Weblog


A young member has came back to kochi to study in graduate school after a long time, He is R Dr's son, and seem to be much bigger than when I saw him last summer. It had been a while since he had trained, so he was exhausted by the end of the workout, but I hope he will gradually pick up the pace and focus on losing weight.

In the spring, new members have been increasing, especially they come in the early hours. Members who gather at MOB are boxing geek, not interested in boxing but want to lose weight, and enjoyed playing video boxing games and so they want to give it a try, all of whom are enjoying their goals at their own pace. They are all enjoying the purpose of boxing at their own pace. We actively encourage mass boxing (non-contact boxing) into our training program so that female and siner people can box in a realistic way. Don't think that you are too old or not good at sports anymore, MOB is always on your side. Please don't hesitate to do boxing.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 3月23日

2024-03-25 | Weblog
本日は初級韓国語のレッスンが2時15分よりありました。받침( パッチム)を学びました。現在語学は基本的に会員であるならば無料でレッスンを受けることができますが、私がボクシングクラブを運営しているのは、仕事や様々なことで疲れている社会人を励ましたいからです。うちのクラブは40代以上の人が多く在籍していますが、年をとってくると体力がおとろえてきます。実際に何をするにも体力が必要です。しかし体力がつけば自信が出るし、語学ができるようになると学術的な意味で自信が持てると思います。格闘技のジムは何か少し一般の人には入って来にくいですが、しかしMOBは女性や年配の人が多く在籍していますし、語学を学ぶ人たちも多くいるのですから気軽に来れると思います。ボクシングと言うハードルが高かったら、どんどんくぐっていけと言うのがMOBの発想です。トレーナーやベテランの人たちが教えてくれるので、思い切りボクシングが学べます。

「Non scholae sed vitae discimus(私たちは学校のためではなく、人生のために学ぶ)」教養としてのラテン語の授業から。人生は一生勉強、MOBはいろいろな人がいるし、アカデミックな場でもあるのでたくさんのことが学べます。ユニークなボクシングクラブHP本日のブログは猫飼いを追体験「かわいいにもほどがある」https://oliveclub.wixsite.com/my-site

Today we had a beginner Korean lesson at 2:15. We learned 받침(patchim. )Now language lessons are basically free if you are a member. I run a boxing club because I want to encourage people who are tired from work and many other things. Many people in our club are in their 40s or older, and as they get older, you dont have as much energy as you used to. In fact, you need energy to do anything. However, as you get stronger, you become more confident, and as you become more fluent in languages, you become more confident in an academic sense. Martial arts gyms are a bit difficult for us to enter, but MOB has a lot of female and older people, and there are also a lot of people who are learning languages, so I think it is easy to come. If high hurdle stand in front of you, MOB's idea is that you should go under it. The trainers and experienced people will teach you, so you can learn boxing to the fullest.

"Non scholae sed vitae discimus (We study for life, not for school)" from Latin class as a liberal arts. Life is a lifelong study, and MOB is a place where you can learn a lot from a variety of people and academics.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 3月 22日

2024-03-23 | Weblog

シェイクスピアを英文で読んだことがあります。内容はめちゃくちゃたいくつでこんなのどこがおもしろいんだと思ったことがあります。ロミオとジュリエットの一幕のシーンにこんなセリフがあります。"If love be blind, it best agrees with night(もし恋がもうもくというなら、夜こそ恋にふさわしい. )" なかなかかっこいいセリフですが、MOB風にアレンジして”If boxing is fun, MOB is perfect match for you!(ボクシングが楽しければ、MOBはあなたにぴったりです。)” ユニークなボクシングクラブHPhttps://oliveclub.wixsite.com/my-site

We had  a visitor today, he said that I hesitate to come here because I thought boxing is a little violent. But R.Dr said that you don't need to hesitate because members around you are kind and teach you, and you can improve your excersise. MOB is a boxing club where you can enjoy learning boxing as a hobby. and there are not only trainers but many experienced members around you and teach you. So middle-aged people and women can enjoy training in a safe and enjoyable environment.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 3月 21日

2024-03-22 | Weblog

Dear Visitors

"Determinatio est negatio." 直訳すると限定は否定である。何をするにあたっても意識は行動を決定する。可能性は限定しない柔軟な思考から生まれるのだろう。ユニークなボクシングクラブHP今日のブログは中東を学ぶなら 飯山陽https://oliveclub.wixsite.com/my-site

Determination is negation.
We had a Joohsama after a long time, a beginner female partner, was able to do best and did it two rounds in two minutes. about Joohsama, there is no atmosphere where we can refuse a request, so please don't hesitate to ask us. If you need, please ask for Fukuchan. JoOusama uses physical strength just like mass boxing, so it is very effective for weight loss.

Dear Visitors
Here is a description of the first training. The training lasts 3 minutes with a 30 second break. Almost all of our members train for fitneess or workout.
Skipping rope, from 30 sec to a round.
Shadowboxing: you check your form in front of a mirror and learn how to throw a punch and defense, 2-3 rounds. Mitts drill: punching drill with punching mitt, 1- 2 rounds. Punching bag: Punches throw your punch at the punching bag, 2-3 rounds. You can train according to your physical fitness level. The recommended initial training time is 10 rounds for those who have recently done a workout and 6 to 7 rounds for those who have never done a workout before.

"Determinatio est negatio." literal translation is "Determination is negation." Consciousness determines action in everything we do. Possibilities will come from flexible thinking that does not limit.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 3月 19日

2024-03-21 | Weblog
Hawaiian Gardens Boxing Show of August 18, 2019



The day before the holiday was quite a lively. Today, the trainer Akan Wombat, who played nintendo  too much when he was in elementary school. And he got his father's angery and father broke his nintendo, came. His style of making you punch the mitts while having fun is well known. It's hard work, but before you know it, you will notice two rounds you already did.

If you want to lose weight effectively, train with an awareness of breathing in and out. Boxing is an easy way to lose weight because it is a high aerobic exercise, and in order to make the most of this, please train by breathing in and out firmly.

Video of matches where I competed. On national days and at big tournaments, the national anthem is sung by a singer. In English, a match is also called a "show," hawaiian style is to punch each other as hard as you can, so it's quite exciting. I remember once I got punched so hard in a match that I looked like an alien and had to train for about a week wearing sunglasses.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 3月 18日

2024-03-19 | Weblog
キューバンボクシングと聞いて興奮するのは私だけだろうか。かつてのボクシング大国キューバのHow to do footwarkの動画。




Today, a college student from Matsuyama, Hiraoka joined the training. It was so fun since he did mass boxing together. He was a little nervous to do mass boxing with his master after a long time, but both of them showed a high performance, and Iit was so helpful for the others.

The number of young people in our gym, where there are many old men, is increasing. The young members who come to the gym enjoy training every day. The other day, a high school student told me that he changed his mind about sports after coming here. At MOB, we believe sports are not for training like a monk but for fun. In fact, member's level of skill have been improved, even though they are just staying their health. The atmosphere is like that of a easy college club, so it is easy to get used to, and you can train openly regardless of age or purpose. You will see when you come here that male and female of all ages enjoy training here.

We will be open as usual on the 4th (Sat.), but will take a compensation day-off in June.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 3月 16日

2024-03-17 | Weblog
Basic Boxing Punch Numbers EXPLAINED





We had a beginner Korean lesson and learned pachim today. Japanese language is a combination of consonants and vowels, but Korean language is sometimes a combination of consonants vowels consonants, so you may have a little difficulty when reading it. However, once you learn the rules and  get used to reading, it is easy to master since the grammar is the same as that of Japanese.

Akiyama trainer came today. He always teaches with a mitt and is very kind ,he always does his best to teach.  So he is trusted by everyone around him and loved by the members. He is a mood-maker and makes the atmosphere better when he comes. He come to Gym twice a week lately.

 A number of visitor have been coming to Gym lately. Most visitor are female and elder people.  Since many of them want to start boxing, but they are not sure if they can do boxing at their age or if they can keep up with the training from the beginning. They were worrying about that. The training program is met to the individual's needs. We also use common sense when we talk, and when you come to visit us, you will not be treated rudely.


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