今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 6月 29日

2023-06-30 | Weblog
マスボクシングの動画を見ました。グローブにはあててもいいようですが、グローブにあてることで、パンチの距離感を保ち、相手に当たらないようにコンビネーションをうつことができるので、競技が成立すると思います。運動量ははげしく、私が見た動画ではグローブとヘッドギアをつけていましたが、見た感じはほぼ実戦に近かったので、ボクシングの試合には出たいけれどもけがをしたくないという人は目標にしてもいいと思います。尚動画が見たい人はunsung heroesから見れるそうです。

There will be a preliminary match of the National Mass Boxing Tournament tomorrow. Akizuki trainer and Representative Sato will participate. Yesterday, Fuku-chan asked me how I should cheer for the mass boxing. It is true that this is the first time for them to participate in this match, so I am not sure how we should cheer him up, but some members will be there tomorrow to cheer them up, so please cheer them up as you feel like.
I watched a video of mass boxing. It seems that you can hit their gloves, but I think that by hitting the gloves, you can keep the distance of your punches, and you can punch the combinations, which makes the competition viable. And in the video I watched, he was wearing gloves and headgear, but what I saw was almost like a real fight, so if you want to compete in a boxing match but don't want to get injured, I think you can put the mass boxing as your goal.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 6月 28日

2023-06-29 | Weblog


On July 1st, the preliminary match of the National Mass Boxing Tournament will be held. Akizuki trainer will participate in the tournament, and Lucky Star Ms Sato will also participate. Mass boxing is non-contact but requires a lot of physical strength. Our members do boxing as staying fit , so we are thinking of actively participating in mass boxing tournaments. What I think is fair is that they are separated by height and age, many people could participate in. I often see mass boxing frequently in MOBs. I think mass boxing is very interesting because it is non-contact, so it is possible to have a combination of female and male and you can be involved in many members.

The number of female members is increasing. They are all trying to stay fit. Boxing is an aerobic exercise and effective for weight loss. Punching mitts and punching bags are great way to get rid of your stress. It is an ideal sport for people who are stressed at work.



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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 6月 27日

2023-06-28 | Weblog

Boxing is a steady workout, but it has a good effect on weight loss. A member who have recently started boxing said that she have lost her weight, and I believe that if you continue training, you will see steady results. There are no members who scare women or children, and make you feel uncomfortable. In fact, I believe that the level of order is quite high, as they take care of women, who are in the minority in martial arts. It is bad manners to hit the sandbag in an unusual atmosphere, raise one's voice loudly, or take off clothes because it is hot. This is a group of ordinaly people, not a group of middle and high school students, and I hope that you have some manners and be considerate so that everyone can enjoy their training.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記6月 24日

2023-06-26 | Weblog



It was so busy day from noon. Today's ratio of male to female is fifty-fifty, and today the women were wearing headgear for practical training. Recently, women have been doing contact training like this. The opponent is a man, so they take it easy on them, but the punching makes them tense, so you feel like doing boxing, and I think it is a fulfilling training. when you do a contact training, be sure to wear a mouthguard.

MOB's members have been rejuvenating. We a sports club. Japanese people mistake sports for training like a monk doing, but sports are for fun, and here I hope they will enjoy themselves to the fullest and make it one of their hobbies.

Summer vacation schedule is
July 24th (Monday)
August 28th (Monday)-30th (Wednesday)

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 6月 23日

2023-06-24 | Weblog

First year of high school members have been increaseing. I was talking with a good friend of mine the other day. My friend already had an idea of what he wanted to do in his future and became a doctor, but not many people like him have an idea of what they want to do from the beginning. If I were to give one piece of advice to those who are told so by their parents or schools, it would be this: Have time to broaden your options. If I give one piece of advice to those who have been told so by their parents or teachers, it would be to have time to broaden your options. And to do so, you meet a variety of people and be affected from them. There are many different types of people in the gym, so I think that by interacting with these people through boxing and getting advice from them, you will be able to expand your life options. In fact, a high school students who had not thought about getting into a college have passed college exam after making up their minds, and I believe that our members are great role models. I believe that human development must be dialectical. Dialectics goes from denial to affirmation, and when we meet different types of adults in the community, we are directed toward new goals, as if we cannot go on like this. It is important to break out of your shell when you are young, not by yourself, but by the influence of other people, and it is necessary to go out into the outside world for this purpose.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 6月 22日

2023-06-23 | Weblog


The speakers I received are nice. The music and occasional English commercials make us feel like training in a foreign country. The music is mainly from the 80s and 90s, and the members must feel very nostalgic as they lived in that era. A high school female student joined our group after a long time. She hope to study in overseas college in the future. Her mother searchs for more information about colleges. I was so impressed because she has a firm goal from her first year of high school. I would like to help her because I have some connections. Our club do not take an intrest in boxing but also things about school or job. So it can inspire you, and you can find a lot of things which can be helpful. I often say, "I am not gathering people, I am creating a community." I believe I need a firm philosophy in running this place, and I am always thinking about how I can add value through the community and make everyone get better.

On monday 26th will be holiday.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 6月 20日

2023-06-21 | Weblog


Today's male and female ratio was 7-3 females, more males than females. Our club welcomes people who are not good at sports. The purpose of sports at MOB is to have fun. The ideal is for people to continue boxing as a hobby to enjoy in sports to relieve stress and out of shape. We try to prevent injuries, and we complately eliminate violence behavior and words as much as possible. Today, men and women of all ages train freely. and we recently have seen men and women doing non-contact mass boxing, and everyone seems to be having fun.

Members donated speakers. We will enjoy training with that. Thank you very much.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 6月 18日

2023-06-19 | Weblog

Most of the members of our club are people in their 40s or older. They started boxing because they are out of shape and need to exercise, but jogging and strength training make us get tired of, and they want to do something different. Boxing might be hard sports to do, but  you can experience practical boxing through non-contact training and punching mitts. Recently, there have been national mass boxing competitions, and boxing is a safe, fun, and efficient depending on how to do it.

FM radio overseas is very popular among us.
playing music based on 80's or 90's. since the time of day is being told delay 19 hours. so it bring me back into my college days. The MC is in English, so you can study English as well.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 6月 16日

2023-06-17 | Weblog

The ratio of old guy was high today. The ratio was 7 males to 3 females. Our club has a high percentage of women, and most of the visitors and new members are female. I am often asked if I can continue to exercise because I have never done any sports before. however you do not worry if you can keep up with, but they are training at their own pace.
We have female and old guys members , and members in their 60s who enjoy training, and we take time to teach those who can't, so even biginers, No worries, you feel comfortable to train here. Our female members can especially enjoy training. We don't believe that competitors are the best in the gym, female members can often be seen in the ring playing joousama to lose weight.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 6月 15日

2023-06-16 | Weblog


The ratio of male to female was fifty-fifty today. It was hot and humid, but weather is perfect for dieting. The number of high school students has been increasing, and they try to do workout or lose weight. Boxing is safe as long as it is non-contact. Mass boxing and mitts are practical training, and I think it is a great way to relieve your stress. Today, old guys were doing contact mass after a long time , and the sight of 40-plus year olds wearing various colors of headgear and punching remind us of the chanbara games of my youth. MOB is more of a playground than a boxing gym. We hope that everyone can enjoy themselves to the fullest as long as you do not get injury.


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