今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月 27日 Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing Club in kochi.

2024-04-29 | Weblog
見学の方が多くなりました。MOBは初心者大歓迎、さらに言えば運動音痴、ヘタレ大歓迎のボクシングクラブです。最近外国人の新入会者や見学の人が多くなり、ジムには英語表記のサインが目立ちます。ジムでは基本的に日本語を使用しますが、英語もジムで使われる公用語です。ジムは公共の場です。ここでは年齢や性別、目的、そして民族の壁をこえてみなさんが平等にトレーニングできることを目指しています。英語の表現だとサンドバッグはPunching bag、腰をまわせはrolate your hipと言う言葉を私は使っていますが、ラスト30は30sec to goです。


Visitors are increasing, MOB is a boxing club that welcomes beginners and, people who are not talented in sports and coward. Signs in English stand out in the gym. Although Japanese is the basic language used in gyms, English is also the official language used in gyms. Gym is public place. We aim to provide equal opportunities for everyone to train regardless of age, gender, purpose, or nationality.

Korean lessons will be on Saturday, May 11th.

高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブ Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing Club in kochi.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月 25日 Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing Club in kochi.

2024-04-26 | Weblog


We have a foreign members in MOB, and our new member, James, we have good chemistryand will be a helpful foreign members. Considering the sports he has played and the education, I think he is a gentleman with a well-brought up. He is 182 cm tall, weighs in the 80's, and has so much power, members were stunned when he first started doing his mitts drill. Who fight him. Everyone agreed on Edomurasaki, andWe said " you don't care about weight deffrent, you should use your technique,"  Edomurasaki said it would be impossible. Finally, Jaguar said mysteriously it is okay because he was older than him, and the first mass boxing was decided to be Edomurasaki.

New members have been increaseing from April.
MOB encourages non-contact mass boxing for practical training, but there are some members who prefer contact mass boxing like sparring, since trainers or experienced members teach them. We basically ask your own risk, however, we do not impose everything on our members as your own risk, we pay attention not to cause any problems that could be questioned if we were companies or other organizations, and we try to prevent such problems from occurring.
In mass boxing (contact boxing), we ask that you wear a mouthpiece and headgear, that you relax when you punch, that you don't get angry and punch with hostility, and that you don't do with a revenge mentality, because you were not good last time than him . We ask that you keep these things in mind as you participate in the practical training.

Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing Club in kochi.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月 25日 Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing Club in kochi.

2024-04-25 | Weblog
「人生を面白くする 本物の教養」の中に「私にいくばくか教養のようなものがあるとすれば、それを培ってくれたのは、「本・人・旅」の三つです。私はこれまでの人生で、「本・人・旅」から多くのことを学んできました。あえて割合を示せば、本から50%、人から25%、そして旅から25%ぐらいを学んできたといったところでしょうか。」と書かれています。私の学生時代の監督はよく「リングをおりたらジェントルマンであれ」と言っていましたが、この言葉は何の実績も根拠もないのに文武両道とかしらじらしく言うのではなく、監督自身教養が高くて所作も身につけているのですごく説得力がありました。よく運動部で礼儀と言うけれども、それはでかい声であいさつとか敬語もどきの言葉を使って服従することではなく、コモンセンスとエチケット、教養を積む、そして弱者をいたわることが礼儀だと思っています。そのため本を読むこと、半グレのような集団ではなく、大人が集まるコミュニティで人と交流すること、そして外の世界に出て行って見聞を広めることはとても大事だと思っています。ジムで英語やほかの言葉が話せて、教養ある人が一定数で存在することは子供にとって大きなアドヴァンテージです。ボクシングやったから一時的に変わるというのではなく、ここに来ていろいろなことを押し付けられることなく雰囲気の中から学んでくれたらうれしい次第です。ユニークなボクシングクラブHPhttps://oliveclub.wixsite.com/my-site

It is written in "Real education that makes life interesting" that "If I have any kind of education at all, it has been cultivated by books, people, and travel. I have learned a lot from books, people, and travel in my life. If I were to give a percentage, I would say that I have learned 50% from books, 25% from people, and 25% from travel. The coach in my college days used to say, "Be a gentleman when you get out of the ring." These words were very persuasive to me because he himself was well educated and had mastered his manners, rather than saying something like "be good at both sports and studies" without any achievements or evidence. We often talk about manner in the athletic club, but I believe that it is not about greeting people in a loud voice or using B.S language and obeying them, but rather it is about common sense, etiquette, education, and respect for the weak. For this, I think it is very important to read books, to interact with people in a community where adults gather, not in a group like a gang, and to go out into the world and broaden your horizons. The presence of a certain number of educated people and members who speak English and other languages in the gym are a great advantage for the kids. I would be happy if they come here and learn various things from the atmosphere without being forced to do so, rather than being temporarily changed because of boxing.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月 23日 Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing Club in kochi.

2024-04-24 | Weblog



When young people gather together, the energy is worn out by their heat. Such was the case today. Mr. Under Armour, who has been improving his skills recently, thanks to his steady training, he has improved considerably and is now able to do 3 rounds of non-contact mass boxing for 3 minutes. I hope he will continue to learn from experienced members and become even better.

In contact mass boxing, It is not ovious that we get injury. Please relax when you punch to avoid injury. Basically, we consider boxing is a game. You do not need to feel frustrated when you are punched, so you should not feel like you will revenge the next time. If your get hurts on your neck, somewhere on you parts of your body or you have any other problems, please do not do contact mass boxing for at least one week.

Golden Week Holidays
We will be closed on April 28 th(Sun.), 29th (Mon.), May 3rd (Fri.), 5th (Sun.), and 6th (Mon.).
On Saturday, May 4, we will be open from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing Club in kochi.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月 22日

2024-04-23 | Weblog


On the 21st, there was a mass boxing practice session at Lucky Star. 3 members participated in, and it was a great experience for them to compete against people from other gyms, as they got to know different types of boxing styles. Mass boxing is encouraged at MOB. It is safe because there is no contact, but it is very hard to work and uses a lot of energy, so it is very effective for weight loss.

Thank to " we can handle foreign Languages" sign in my gym, many foreign visitors have been increasing. Last time I was asked at Starbucks by an American-looking perso if I suppose you are the owner of the gym. I told him that I was, and we talked about a few things, and he decided to come to the gym. I am actually biracial myself, and I hope to create an atmosphere where not only Japanese but also foreign people can feel free to come to the gym and make it an international gym. I would like to run the gym based on etiquette and common sense, not the common sense of an athletic club, as well as speaking English and other languages.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月 20日

2024-04-21 | Weblog


We had a Korean lesson. We started learning the hamnida form of grammar today, and from now we will start conversational expressions. MOB members can learn the language for free. MOB members are mostly adult and female, and I think It is advantage for us to speak another languages. First of all, we are able to look at things from a broad perspective. There are still violence, bullying, and gender discrimination in the world of sports. I think that the places where problems occur tend to be narrow-minded and unlearned, sticking to their own ideas and own ways, and creating a small world that can not able to accept new ideas, even if they are common-sense. I believe that if people can speak English, they can obtain a lot of information, which expands their thinking capacity, and if we have a philosophy, we can accept various things while deciding whether those are necessary or not, and form a community for the future where members can gather together in peace.

It was filled with a lot of members in the gym today. Akiyama, the trainer, did a great job and had a great time instructing everyone with mitts. The trainer has a great reputation for his coaching. He gives kind guidance to everyone, so some people fix the time to get his advice. The boxing career is as long as the gym's 60s members, so you can learn a lot of boxing skill from him.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月 18日

2024-04-19 | Weblog



The gym was filled with members, and it was so hot and perfect day for workout. It is going to be hot from now on, but please be careful not to get heat stroke. We provide you with sweets including salt candy in the gym, please feel free to take some.

The new members who enrolled in 3 month ago are showing results. Those who want to learn techniques are getting better, and those who want to lose weight have lost 5 kilos. I am under a lot of pressure to reach goals of the members because they have chosen MOB since they are busy. I feel that I have to meet expectations of the women and old guys, so I'm happy to see results like this.

MOB is a boxing club that can handle English and other foreign languages. Some members can speak foreign languages. Foreign people are training here, It is a great environment especially for those who want to learn Japanese. We always welcome your visiting.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月17日

2024-04-18 | Weblog

English Class開講予定。現在参加者を募っていますが、レッスンは場合によってはカフェとかでやってもいいと思っています。参加は無料です。



Mass boxing competition at Lucky Star will be held on the 21st, and one female and two male from MOB will participate, especially trainer Akizuki, who is preparing for the national tournament, and I hope he will do his best. Recently, MOB has been doing mass boxing as practical training since we have many female and middle-aged guy. Mass boxing is non-contact, it is safe, interesting, and hard exercise, and most members do it because it as it is possible to have various combinations, such as women vs. old guy, old guy vs. young, etc.

I recently have been reading something like a medical handbook and I believe education and medical knowledge is necessary to run a gym safely and equitably. Sparring children, unreasonable weight loss, these are obviously dangerous from a medical point of view, and MOB prohibits what it deems dangerous. It is really reassuring to have someone who can consult and give us advice such as Ring Dr and Mental Dr.

English Class is scheduled to start. We are currently looking for participants, but we plan to hold lessons at cafes depending on the situation. Participation is free. 

We basically use Japanese in the gym, but other foreign languages can be used depending on the situation. I think it is a good environment for those who want to learn Japanese.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月15日

2024-04-16 | Weblog



Our club often has over 100 mass. Recently, members in 20s is increasing, but we also have many members in 40s and 50s, and they are training just as hard as the young members. We believe sports are play. Many Japanese people believe sports are train as a monk doing, but I believe sports are for fun, and because they are fun and enjoyable, we can push ourselves beyond our limits. When you come to the gym after work and punch the mitts and punching bag as hard as you can, you can relieve stress. There is no hierarchy like in the patriarchal system in our club, so you can come to train without hesitatio although you come for the first time in the gym. We try our best to make MOB a place where members of any age can enjoy boxing.

We welcomes wimpy. Most of the people who come to MOB are really wimpy and they really hesiteted to come here. But as they continue to train practical training like a mass boxing, they somehow have recently become more confident. My motto is to be without drawing much attention in the gym, and to be the kuroko who just serves as a foil to you. I would be happy if you could enjoy training and get confidence.

We have foreign visitors. Although our basic language is Japanese, we have many members who can speak English, so we believe that foreign people can feel comfortable training with us. It is also a good opportunity to learn Japanese, so if you have any interesting, please come and visit us.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月 13日

2024-04-15 | Weblog

インデックス投資 その②

We have a Korean lesson on saturdays, we learned 5 times, and everyone seems to have improved their Korean reading and vocabulary. The teacher is a Japanese, but I asked her to teach because I recognized her talent for teaching, and she is very good at teaching, they have understood for now.
When I choose the textbooks , whether the curriculum to input and output the phrases learned, and we choose them based on whether each one has a subject matter. Korean lessons are free for members, lesson has offered conducted Japanese only.

It is busy on suturdays. Some old guys happily enter the gym with eyes like a finding beetle. Our club has experienced members who help you with your practice. These people also support our club. I myself started boxing because I wanted to become stronger, but what I eventually learned is that human beings are so weak and cannot live without support. In fact, this club has became able to run thanks to the support of the trainers and members. So I respect them and want to support them in various aspects so that they can enjoy their training here to the fullest.


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