今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記10 月 28日

2023-10-30 | Weblog


November is coming soon. Today, everyone is enjoying training at the gym regardless of age or gender. We are unique boxing club where there are no human relations that consist of hierarchy. Recently, I have seen mass boxing between old guys and women, and it is quite interesting to watch. Mass boxing is basically non-contact, so it is fair. It is also the only training in which women and men can compete equally. Recently, there are many young women joining the club, so the old guy must train hard. I would be happy they continue to enjoy training while competing with each other.

We have many old guys in the gym, and several of them are about to retire. Lucius Annaeus Seneca, who lived in Roman times, wrote in his book "On the Shortness of Life": "Life is not short. We make it short." In other words, the shortness of life is a question of whether we are wasting time. In Seneca's view, life is not about quantity but quality. And Seneca goes on to say, "The best use of time is to use it for yourself." and you come to the gym, that is not your obligation but your will. This is your time, your precious time, and I want you to make full use of it, to enjoy it, and I hope that coming to the gym will be one of the factors that help you to make you feel life longer.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 10月 27日

2023-10-28 | Weblog
ユクスキュル の「生物から見た世界」と言う本があります。すべての生物は自分自身が持つ知覚によってのみ世界を理解しているので、すべての生物にとって世界は客観的な環境ではなく、主体的に構築する独自の世界である。これをユクスキュルは環世界(Umwelt )と言っていますが、われわれはその自分たちがつくった主観的な世界に生きているということです。

The gym has been rejuvenated with more members in their 20s. However, relatively speaking, there are many middle-aged people, and they are training hard and enjoing.
There is a book called "The World as Seen by Organisms" by Uexküll . Since all living things understand the world only through their own perceptions, the world is not an objective environment for all living things, but a unique world that they construct on their own. This is what Uexküll calls the cyclic world (Umwelt ), and we live in that subjective world of our own making.
There is a movie called "The Truman Show" starring Jim Carrey. The main character is an ordinary businessman living on a small island, but one day a light falls from the sky and he realizes that there is something wrong with the world he lives in. In fact, his life is being filmed 24 hours a day, and the people in the town where he lives are all extras. And he ended up escaping from this island. If We live in Umwelt  , then we can change the world if we look at it in a different way, as this film. Many people come to the gym to train, many of them middle-aged or female, but I hope that they will not be limited by their surroundings because they are in their 50s or because they are women, and that they will break out of those boundaries and create a new world.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 10月 25日

2023-10-26 | Weblog

"Philosophy of shadow man."
Feudalistic or patriarchal thinking is thoroughly eliminated, because if there is the highest person in the gym and that person's way of thinking becomes absolutely right, then sports can only be viewed within that scope. By eliminating feudalism, will create the ability to teach each other. People in an athletic club look at other people's expressions (especially to older person), but by we elminate such a idea, members can work freely, and insist their own ideas openly, they can think about sports from various perspectives and we can take  various idea into our way. It is more enjoyable to learn sports in such a way. In fact, I think it is more enjoyable to learn sports in this way. Although it is not structuralism, I think that the thoroughness of courtesy and greetings is intended to make it easier for the athletic clubs to be dominated by the system of the athletic clubs. Michel Foucault likened the dominator and the dominated to a panopticon (prison), and to follow meaningless courtesies and customs is to live, more or less, in such a world of limitation. And in order to create a system in which everyone can teach each other with their own ideas freely, it is important to realize that I myself don't need.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 10月 23日

2023-10-24 | Weblog


In October, the gym has been rejuvenated with new members in their 20s. However, there are still many old guys. Recently, female members have been improving and are becoming a threat of old guys. They move so fast that it is hard to believe that they come to gym to lose their weight . Recently, I have been asked about various technical matters, and I am happy to see that they are enjoying boxing. My wish is that since you are here to learn boxing, I hope you will enjoy learning various things. I respect everyone's goals here. I hope that you will enjoy your training and do not hesitet to train in the gym.

"Philosophy of shadow man."
What I try to do at the gym is to go in a natural way. I try not to be a great person or try to be special, because that will make the atmosphere in the gym worse. What I try to do is to respect each members and help them to achieve their goals. I also try not to get them injurery. That's my mission in the gym. I hope members train safty here.


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報告 Ευαγγέλιο

2023-10-22 | Weblog

The women's test was held today, and a female member from MOB participated and passed in first prize. Congratulations! The female member came to the gym because she had finished raising her children and wanted to do her favorite boxing in her free time. She hesiteted to train at first, but fuku chan and iwasan asked her to join practical training, and she was getting used to train and improved it.
The MOB's advantage is "cooperate". Even if you are not good at doing boxing, you have a goal and train hard, members around you will seriously cooperate and support you. I believe many people helped and supported her this time as well, and I would like to thank them all. I would also like to thank Mr. Sato for all of his hard work in the certification test.

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 10月 19日

2023-10-20 | Weblog

Tonight Akiyama trainer came to see us after a long time, and   we were so lively at the gym. The trainers at MOB have a long career in boxing, so they are very good at teaching. MOB has a congregational system which means that the administrators, trainers, and members are all stand on the same position in boxing. We have a different variety of members in the gym. Some of them are a craftsman and others are Dr and professer, and they understand how to get a trick by their point of view, and it is so understandable. I think that these things have a lot to do with the work they do. When you play sports, you are often told to think, but even if you are told to think, it is wiser to think by expanding your options through various perspectives rather than thinking within a single way of thinking that can only be done in boxing, and above all, I think it makes boxing more interesting.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 10月 17日

2023-10-18 | Weblog
私はテレビをあまり見ないし、ボクシング中継を見ないので、どんな有名な選手がジムで話題にあがっても、いったい誰だかわかりません。たぶん道であってもわからないと思うのですが、MOBの存在目的はみなさんの遊び場となることです。そして私はみなさんをボクシングを通して楽しく遊ばせること、それが私の仕事だと思っています。ヨハン・ホイジンガは人間をホモルーデンス(遊ぶもの)と定義しました。遊びは文化に先行しており、人類が育んだあらゆる文化はすべて遊びの中から生まれた。つまり、遊びこそが人間活動の本質であるというのが彼の思想です。 ボクシングは遊びです。決して修行や武道のようなものではない、ケガには十分注意して、楽しく競技すれば誰でも上達すると思います。実際うちの会員の人たちはこの遊びを通しておっさんも女性もかなり上達していっている様子が見られます。ジムに来たら思い切り遊んでください。ミット、パンチングバッグは遊具であり、マスボクシングは鬼ごっこのようなものです。

I don't watch much TV or live boxing, so no matter what famous boxer are talked about in the gym, I don't know who they are. The purpose of MOB's existence is to be a playground for members. And I think it is my task to make you enjoy playing through boxing. Johan Huizinga defined human beings as homo rudens (people who play). Play precedes culture, and all cultures nurtured by mankind were born out of play. In other words, his philosophy is that play is the essence of human activity. Boxing is play. It is not a kind of training like a monk or martial art. I believe that anyone can improve if they are careful to avoid injury and enjoy competing. In fact, I can see that our members, old guys and women, are improving a lot through boxing. When you come to the gym, please play as much as you can. Mitts and punching bags are playground equipment, and mass boxing is like a play tag.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 10月 16日

2023-10-17 | Weblog

The ratio of male to female today is fifty-fifty. A number of new female members are relatively increasing in October. Boxing is an effective exercise for weight loss. The aerobic exercise of breathing in and out assist metabolism and perspiration, and strengthens the inner muscles, making it possible to keep your body balance and lose weight beautifully. Training frequency of about 30 minutes two or three times a week is sufficient. 
Etymologically speaking, sports are not only to "do," but also to "watch" and "support," and can be enjoyed by anyone in a variety of ways. Even without high ambition or burdens, we know that our lives can be enriched by just a little bit of exercise. Just 30 minutes at the gym with an awareness of physical activity can make our lives more enjoyable and fulfilling.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 10月 14日

2023-10-15 | Weblog

今日若い女性が見学に来たのですが、話が盛り上がり、「君グローブつけてミットたたいてみない」とグローブをつけてたたいてもらいました。そして見よう見まねでパンチをうちましたが、おそらく人生ではじめてうったであろうパンチはIt was so excellent. 彼女はちなみに文武両道です。


Recently, we have been doing a lot of mass boxing, and  also enjoy training with punching mitts. Akiyama trainer who is always very active in the gym, is trusted by everyone around him for his basic boxing. He encourage you when you do punching mitt. He gives you maximum adrenaline and energy.

Many new members join in October.
Today, a young woman came to our gym. We had a lively conversation, and I asked her "Why don't you put on a glove and try to hit a mitt. " She actually punched. Her punch was so excellent. It was probably the first punch in her life. She is good at both sports and studies.

For some reason, I have a connection with Hispanics. The first time I was beaten up by a Hispanic, and when I do shadow boxing at the gym, it was also a Hispanic who do shadow boxing with hostility beside me. So I don't really root for them. By the way, I root for boxers from developing countries more than Japanese boxers in world fights.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 10月 12日

2023-10-13 | Weblog

There is a professer with whom I often talk at the gym. I talk about academic and casual conversations, and it is so interesting and learn a lot to hear from someone who has lived in a foreign country for a long time, and I believe that speaking a foreign language and living in another country is a great opportunity to broaden your idea. I understand that globalization at MOB is to form a community that recognizes and accepts diversity. At MOB, we aim to create an environment where everyone can enjoy training equally regardless of purpose, nationality, gender, or age.

What will you do in boxing train at first.
First, learn the jab cross (one-two punch); this is a basic punch in boxing. After learning one-two punch, straight left, straight right, and then hook and uppercut, after learning a series of punches, move stepping with jab, and when you get used to punching, punching while circling, learn defense, and if you want to try it, you can do non-contact mass boxing. I'm telling that straight is not stright in your arms being stright but trajectory of the fist is straight.


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