今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月28日

2023-04-30 | Weblog



外国人にボクシングのスタンスを教える時「足を肩幅より少しひろげます。」と言う時「spread your feet little wider than your shoulder.」 と言っていますが意外とスポーツを英語で教えるのは難しいです。あとフックですが、英語の綴りはfu〇kではありません。英語で書けばhook文字通りひっかけるようなパンチですね。ボクシングの英語表現は少しセンスがないと思っているので気をつけたいと思います。

The number of vistors in junior high and high school students wishing to visit the school is increasing. Basically, We ask them to come with their parent or guardian. This is because boxing is different from other sports. There is a risk of injury, and we believe that it is inappropriate for children to make these kinds of contract since they are under the protection of their parents. In fact, if I ask them to bring a parent or guardian, 90% of them give up to come to the gym. but please understand we do not follow a common sence at the gym, but a common sence in general. We sincerely appreciate the sincerity of those who properly bring their guardians.

Boxing is about rhythm. We can't play music too loud because it would disturb the neighbors, but I would like to create an atmosphere where people can train in place like a club by selecting the upbeat songs and emphasizing the rhythm. I am thinking of incorporating a FM radio in Hawaii and playing it, I will do my best.

Sorry the website is very behind. We will work a little harder during the holidays.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月 28日

2023-04-29 | Weblog

The number of new members and visitors has increased considerably. Today, a person who has not experienced  any sports and tried four rounds of punching mitts under the guidance of a trainer and was able to do four rounds. members usually have two rounds of punching mitts, but he tried four round punching mitts while being taught by trainer Akiyama, and he gained confidence in his physical strength. Do not hesitate to try every thing what you want to do. We always stand by a people who are not good at doing.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月 26日

2023-04-27 | Weblog

What will you do in boxing train at first.
First, learn the jab cross (one-two punch); this is a basic punch in boxing. After learning one-two punch, straight left, straight right, and then hook and uppercut, after learning a series of punches, move stepping with jab, and when you get used to punching, punching while circling, learn defense, and if you want to try it, you can do non-contact mass boxing. I'm telling that straight is not stright in your arms being stright but trajectory of the fist is straight.

I believe that community order is preserved by the presence of a certain number of people in a high intellectual level. The manager's language is important, and I think we are required to use correct Japanese, not to mention English.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月25日

2023-04-26 | Weblog


ボクシング用語はセンスがないと思います。まずサンドバッグ日本語では土嚢袋ですが、そもそも砂など入っていません。工事現場じゃあるまいし、英語ではpunching bagです。あとものすごく気になるのがラスト30、特に減量でやつれた人間たちががラスト30とか言うと死神が死の宣告をしているみたいです。そう言いたい時は30min to goこれなら明確に伝わります。

The number of new members has been increasing, and many vistors have come to the gym. We completely get rid of violence, prevent injury, and offer practical training so that people can experience the fun of boxing. Although the members of the club are little older, we never accept any  violence action in our training. Also, non-contact mass boxing is a popular training because, although it is a practical training, there is no contact and an immense amount of exercise.

It will be closed on Sundays and May 3-5th during Golden Week. The gym will be opened on April 29th.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月 24日

2023-04-25 | Weblog



If you want to continue boxing, it is necessary to avoid hard train. Especially for those who have never had experience of sports before, just a little movement can easily cause muscle pain. It is important to come frequently. If you are feeling a little tired but you have a slight motivation to train, try coming. Just hitting the punching mitts or punching bag will give you motivation, and that will lead you to the next step.  

The gym's routine training is jump rope→shadowboxing→mitts→punching bag. Basically, We teach how to punch or difend yourself for beginners during shadowboxing and punching mitts. As they progress a little, you can do practical train. We especially recommend non-contact mass boxing. Non-contact mass boxing has many advantages such as avoiding injury, being more effective for weight loss, and allowing you to enjoy practical boxing.

 We will open the gym at 4:00 PM on April 26th.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月 22日

2023-04-23 | Weblog

ではまず日本語で言うトレーナーやジャージは何と言うでしょうか?確かにjerseyという単語はありますが、これはスポーツ選手が試合で着るユニフォームなどを意味する単語でbasketball jerseyはバスケのユニフォームbaseball jerseyは野球のユニフォームです。で正解はtracksuitsまたはSweat shirtです。


Recently, we have been getting more visitors again. Members of our gym take care of visitors well to make them feel comfortable, so they can see what the gym is like. We had some visitors last week, and most of them are middle-aged male and female.

April 26th will begin at 4:00 p.m. for convenience.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月 21日

2023-04-22 | Weblog

I would like to make the gym excite with music from the ring doctor'suggestion. I used to be a member of a team of students in Hawaii, and I had a friend, his name is oggi, who was in charge of music. He later became a DJ, and he chose groovy music, so we could enjoy training in atmosphere kike a club. Many Japanese people think sports is training like a monk, but I believe that sports are for fun, and if it is not fun, it is meaningless. If you are punching the punching bag to the rhythm of the music or if you are just punching the punching bag as if you train like a monk, the amount of adrenaline released will be different. So we would like to train with groovy music. For music, I would like to use Hawaiian FM.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月 19日

2023-04-20 | Weblog

We are very grateful for the many people who come to us with interests in boxing or English class.
MOB has three principles following that.
1. Information and intelligence are important.
We speak correct Japanese and adjust vocabulary to members depend on their vocabulary to enrich the community. Gather information from overseas using English and other languages to improve.
2. Do not expand unnecessarily. We will think about every member to improve their boxing skill. Our goal is to give advice each other so that they can grow technically, teach each other, and expand as a community.
3. We contribute to society.
Not only for ourselves, but also to think about what is happening in the world today. We will continue to make donations for this purpose.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月 18日

2023-04-19 | Weblog


I entered boxing matches mainly in Hawaii, and the gyms in Hawaii were very laid back. I did not mean to say that the level of boxing was low, although there were many nationally ranked boxers in those days, but there was no sense of despair ,probably because no one was pushing themselves too hard in their weight loss or training. In Japan, you often see people training in sauna suits to lose weight, but I have never seen anyone wearing before a match, and if I had practiced in a sauna suit, my coach would have said, "What are you doing? take it off" I think I was able to always train at my best because we can create the best physical and mental environment for training. In English, an amateur is not inferior to a professional. The distinction between a professional and an amateur, in my opinion, is whether you make a living from it (getting paid) or not, and it basically has nothing to do with level or ability. In Latin, the word "amateur" means "one who loves", and amateurs means person who love the sport. However, I wonder if we can truly love the sport if we practice by loosing the weight wearing sauna suite and pushing ourselves too hard. I wonder if it is fun to play. We need to organize an environment to love boxing. The MOB declares equality regardless of purpose, physical fitness, age, or gender.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 4月 17日

2023-04-18 | Weblog


About 40% of our club members are female. We respect them. We do not impose male-specific ways of thinking or practices on them, and we understand that workout for losing weight is an important issue for women in particular. The reason these women spend so much money and make so much effort into workout is because they want to get in shape and be cool, and we must understand and respect this. The purpose of the training for loosing weight may seem a little easy training. but they are serious about it. There are also some female members who have become interested in boxing and have taken the women's test. They have achieved their goals and are enjoying their training.


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