今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 11月 7日

2020-11-08 | Weblog
ジムに入る前は体温をチェックします。37度以上はジムでトレーニングできません。入ったらアルコールで手と指先を消毒してください。ジムではガイドラインを参考に行動してください。また水分補給は十分におこなってください。 アルコールは70%から75%のものを使用しています。

Temperature check is being carried out before entering gym. you are not allowed to enter if your temperature is 37 degrees or higher. Disinfect your hands and fingertips with alcohol when entering Gym. Also, please follow the guidelines in the gym. Don't forget to stay hydrated! 
Mill's "theory of liberty" is "you can do whatever you want as long as you don't bother people".  In other words "if you want to do what you want , don't bother people". This probably is true of the Japanese morality.
Now the coronavirus is spreading in major cities like Tokyo or Osaka, I would like you to act with a sense of compassion, not that you are safe, but that you should not spread the virus to others if you are infected.
Please, wear a mask when you come to the gym as visitor.

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