今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 12月 11日

2021-12-12 | Weblog

Jedem Anfang wohnt ein zauber inne, der uns beschṳtzt und der unshilft zu leben. すべての始まりには、私たちを守り、生きていくための魔法がありますwohntは住む、英語訳でもdwell住むと言う言葉で訳されているが、物事のはじまりにはかならずその人を導く力が誰にでも宿っていると言うことであろう。スポーツは競技すること自体に意味があると言うことだ。私自身たいした実績もないボクシング競技者であったが、競技したことはすごく楽しかったし、その競技を通していろいろなことを学んだし、ここに導かれてきたと思う。私はある時から自分は生きているのではなく、生かされているんだと言うことを実感するようになったが、すべてのはじまりには目的がある。その目的は振り返った時にああこういうことかと理解できるものであり、ひょっとしたら勝つことよりもそれを知ることが大事なことかもしれない。

Many of the members of our club have been with us for more than five years. All of them have been boxing for the purpose of staying healthy, but if they have been boxing for more than five years, they are be well informed about boxing because they have been watching videos and studying boxing through actual training.
I am amazed at the fact that people who are not athletic or have never exercised before have got better and have become quite good at it. I call them "otaku boxers" because they have little experience in boxing, but otaku boxers have strong research skills. They help each other to improve their skill.

A quote by Hermann Hesse that is not often quoted in Japanese quotations "Jedem Anfang wohnt ein zauber inne, der uns beschṳtzt und der unshilft zu leben." In the beginning of everything, there is a magic to protect us and keep us alive. In sports, there is meaning in the act of competing. I myself was a boxing competitor with no significant achievements, but I had a lot of fun through competition. and I learned a lot of things through that competition. One day, I began to realize that I was not living, but being kept alive, and that there is a purpose to everything. Everybody has their purpose as far as you do something. The purpose is not only get victory but something that you can understand when you look back, and perhaps it is important to know it.
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