今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 11月 5日

2020-11-06 | Weblog
ジムに入る前は体温をチェックします。37度以上はジムでトレーニングできません。入ったらアルコールで手と指先を消毒してください。ジムではガイドラインを参考に行動してください。また水分補給は十分におこなってください。 アルコールは70%から75%のものを使用しています。


Go to travelの影響で旅行に行く人が増えてくると思います。

日本人は過去にこだわるから占いやエセカウンセラーの手玉に取られるとブログで書いたが、我々は이날 (この日)を生きているのだから、今を大事にしないとだめだ。バイブルにも”Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead”(後ろのものは忘れて、前に向かって全力を出せ)と書かれているが、我々は未来を変えることはできても過去は変えることはできない、過去を忘れて前に向かって生きることが人間らしい生き方であると信じている。
Each round is 3 minutes long. The workout is 3 minutes long and 30-second break and repeat it. The first part of the training is the jump rope, shadow boxing, striking mitt and punching bag. The jump rope is hard if you don't get used to it, so start with one minute.
We have three rounds of shadow, 1-2 rounds of striking mitt, 1-2 rounds of punching bag at first training.

Most of the people who come to our club don't have experienced martial arts , but you will improve a lot because not only do trainers instruct but also people around you instruct you. The majority of our club is made up of people who want to stay fit, so we focus on form and being able to move in a cool way.

Due to the influence of Go to Travel, more and more people are going to travel.
What you need to be aware of in the future is that if you go to a place where there are many crowds of people, Droplet infection
occur easily, such as karaoke, live music club, or bar, you should come after more than 2 weeks.

I have written in my blog that the Japanese 
obsess over the past and therefore is into the fortune tellers and fake counselors. but we live in 이날 (this day) and we need to cherish the present.
As the bible says, "Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead", but we can't change the future, we can only change the past. To forget the past and to move forward, is the human way of life.
To live positively, there will be many challenges and obstacles, and we need energy to overcome them. We want you to take my mind off your work and get energy in our gym.

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