


2010-10-31 02:05:27 | ナショナリズム

Lewis Libby, Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and Kenneth Weinstein, October 15.









Challenges Facing Japan [2]: The Rise of China

The second significant challenge facing Japan is the rise of China. In recent years,
statements made by Chinese leaders in international forums such as the G20 Summit
have drawn increasing attention. Japan is no longer the “spokesman for Asia,” a role that
it long played at the G7 and G8 Summits, and a position it used to make its presence felt.

Of course, “the rise of China” is not merely an economic phenomenon. Over the past 20
years, China’s military spending has risen sharply, to the point where it is now 20 times
as much as what it was in 1990. China has steadily built up its naval strength, and is
making progress in new fields with military applications, such as space and cyberspace.
What rankles more than anything, though, is the expansion of the Chinese navy. It
appears that China hopes to gain control not only over Taiwan, but also over the South
China Sea, the East China Sea and, indeed, the entire Western Pacific. Andrew
Krepinevich, who is no stranger to you, wrote an article that ran in the September 11th
edition of the Wall Street Journal. It was entitled “China’s ‘Finlandization’ Strategy in
the Pacific.” He put into words what I have been thinking for a long time.

Since the 1980s, China’s military strategy has rested on the concept of a “strategic
frontier.” In a nutshell, this very dangerous idea posits that borders and exclusive
economic zones are determined by national power, and that as long as China’s economy
continues to grow, its sphere of influence will continue to expand. Some might associate
this with the German concept of “lebensraum.”

There has been speculation that the impetus for China’s naval buildup was the 1996 crisis
in the Strait of Taiwan. Whenever I think back on this incident, I recall the Cuban missile
crisis of 1962 and the path that the Soviet Union took in its wake. The Soviet Union in
1962 and China in 1996 both suffered the indignity of capitulation in the face of the
overwhelming naval power of the United States, and both countries threw themselves
into building up their navies. We all know how well that worked out for the Soviet

I have no way of knowing how the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party would
view this analogy. Perhaps the party’s leaders, despite their fear of meeting the same fate
as the Soviet Union, are unable to resist the call of the People’s Liberation Army for a
military buildup. In any case, we can state with conviction that China has nothing to gain
from an excessive expansion of its military. It has no need to build aircraft carriers, for
example. Furthermore, any Chinese attempt to clamp down on Taiwan or the ASEAN
countries would not only be an enormous fiscal burden, it would also backfire, because
China would lose the trust of other Asian nations, which would do significant damage to
its influence.

Just such an outcome has already occurred. The ASEAN nations have reacted with strong
anger to China’s high-handed conduct in the South China Sea. Further, ASEAN countries
have begun to strengthen their relationships with the United States to act as a
counterweight to the threat posed by China. ASEAN has thus sent a strong message to
China that it will not allow China to do as it pleases in the South China Sea.

Meanwhile, I am concerned that Japan has sent the wrong message to China. Last month,
a Chinese fishing vessel intruded into Japan’s territorial waters near the Senkaku Islands,
and intentionally rammed into a Japanese Coast Guard patrol ship two times. Such a
barbaric act cannot be overlooked. The captain of the vessel was detained by Japanese
authorities, but Japan relented in the face of strong pressure from China and released the
captain, which was a very foolish move. In light of Mr. Krepinevich’s point, that China’s
ultimate goal is to “Finlandize” Japan and South Korea, I must say that the interpretation
of the situation by the Prime Minister’s office was frighteningly naive.

Of course, Japan must work to strengthen its cooperative relationship with China, while
also competing where competition is called for. But that must be accomplished in a way
that is conducive to peace and stability in Asia, and, by extension, the world. That is the
guiding principle that China should follow, and if it strays from that path, it should be
admonished. This principle forms the foundation of the “strategic and mutually-beneficial
relationship” to which I and my Chinese counterpart agreed.

Single-party rule by the Chinese Communist Party has been sustained by the assurance of
“equal results,” but the party’s legitimacy today depends on “patriotism and economic
growth.” The party has stoked the patriotism of its citizens, and it will do whatever it
takes to drive economic growth. What frightens China’s party leaders more than anything
else is an end to that economic growth. They fear that economic dissatisfaction on the
part of the people could combine with their narrow-minded patriotism and end up
channeling their anger toward the leadership of the party.

Japan and the United States have much to gain from continued economic growth in
China. At the same time, the path that China should pursue to maintain that growth does
not lie in foreign-policy adventurism, but rather in respect for values such as freedom,
democracy, fundamental human rights and the rule of law—values long embodied by the
US and Japan. Together, we must help China to understand how important these values



