


2007-04-03 22:59:41 | ロバート・リフトン


BM: Those are religious terms. In every case isn't there there a religious force at work in the twisted mentality of these people?


RL: Oh, very much so. And this kind of apocalyptic violence, the impulse is essentially religious, however dark. But there's always a combination of the religious and the political. So Asahara had political and military goals as does bin Laden, but there must be that ultimate religious vision if you're to have this kind of extreme mass murder.


BM: I can't help but think of something william penn once said that to be furious in religion is to be furiously irreligious.


RL: Yeah. But, you know, religion has its problems. When I was studying --


BM: That's the religious organization in Japan.


RL: Yes, this fanatical Japanese cult, which combined ultimate zealotry and ultimate weapons or tried to, I saw a very, a piece by a Protestant minister. And he said you can't dismiss this as nonreligion, it's is a form of religion. This man had been promoting Christianity and teaching it and everything else, and he looked at me and said, there is nothing more dangerous than a religious conviction.


BM: Yet I've heard you speak on other occasions and I know you've written about how this sense of a religious foundation for life is often very important for people in dealing with what we're dealing with this week.


RL: Absolutely, and you see it all over New York when you walk around New York. It's as if every major religion can be in either direction, it can be a source of humanity, of opening the mind, an assertion of human right and spiritual expressions.


Or it can be the very opposite, absolutely dogmatic, it can move to violence, it can move to versions of fundamentalism that can become violent and it can suffocate feel. So religion has that potential in either direction.


BM: What is at the core of what you have called the fundamentalist self?


RL: Well, I think the fundamentalist self is a combination of what I call followingism, all or none convictions, wanting to simplify everything and having little tolerance for nuance and for uncertainty, but also is past oriented. It imagines a past of perfect harm harmony that never was, that's at the heart of the fundamental self.


And it's a very very dangerous mind set in the world, because this is a time when we need nuance, we have problems that we don't understand. And that haven't been ever presented to people before. And if you just close down with an absolute decision before you've even examined the problems, you have no chance of solving them.



2007-04-03 02:35:05 | ロバート・リフトン


BM: Is that what you meant when you once refered to altruistic murderers?


RL: Yes, exactly. I talked about them as performing altruistic murder and in their case there was a further idea that in killing someone, you are favoring him or her by initiating a special kind of immortality for the victim, there's a kind of theory which they put forward. With bin Laden it isn't that he's offering us more immortality so, to speak, by killing random people, but there is a parallel idea that the world will be purified and that the renewal will improve the world, will be a service to the world.


BM: This this case by getting rid of the great Satan, the United States?


RL: Absolutely, the great Satan. That's why i'm very wary of our leaders polarizing the world between good and evil, because that's exactly what bin Laden is doing. He sees us as the evil, and his motive as good and absolutely virtuous. I think we do better by looking into what he's about and the more complex nuances that create terrorism, and do things to minimize terrorism and prevent it.


BM: The Japanese religious cult did have this idea of saving the people they were killing by sending them to a better place. In this case it seems ostensibly that the hijackers, the terrorists themselves were seeking paradise and martyrdom for themselves, not for the 5,000 plus victims in the World Trade Center.


RL: That's exactly right. There's always some immortalizing promise in this kind of apocalyptic violence. And really in a lot of violence, a kind of promise that we overlook. And in the case of bin Laden, and his followers, there is a kind of islamic heaven which they envision, and in a sense they're giving up their life for something greater, in their terms, which is immortality and endless virtue and endless reward.


BM: How does someone like that, and you've referred to his kind before as a megalow a night cal guru, how does someone like that inspire a group of bright young men, intelligent, well educated in this case, inspire them to seize a plane, slit the throat of the stewardess or more, slit the throat of the pilot and then plunge that plane right into a building knowing they were killing thousands of people and themselves, how does he motivate them?


RL: Well, you start out with the term charisma. It's widely used, but people don't really think of what it really means what I this it means, someone has charisma when he or she offers you new meaning in your life and new vitality. And as well as that, also immortality. So vitality and immortality are offered. That's a lot.


And if people feel that these are available to them, they will follow someone, not only to the ends of the earth, but to the ends of killing, as you said. And the killing of large numbers of people is not perceived as murder, it's perceived as carrying out a necessary act for a higher purpose. So they block out from their minds the deaths of actual people, and they see that higher purpose as more important.


It's always dangerous when you block out human beings that you're harming.


What I call psychic numbing, or not perceiving them as human beings, and that's what you can do when you become a disciple of a charismatic person.



2007-04-01 20:39:32 | ロバート・リフトン


BILL MOYERS (BM): It's been almost a week now, and the questions continue to pile up:


What kind of people would do this?


What do they want?


How do we witness death on this scale and go on with our lives?


What do we do about the rage we feel?


What does it mean to realize how vulnerable we suddenly are?


My guest tonight is uniquely qualified to help us answer these questions. Robert Lifton has wrestled with some of the most disturbing events of the time. Trained in psychology and psychiatry, 40 years ago he went to Hiroshima to listen to the survivors of the world's first nuclear bombing explosion. His book won the National Book Award.


He's also written on the Nazi doctors in Hitler's Germany, Home From The War about Vietnam veterans, and most recently Destroying The World To Save It, a study of the extremist religious Japanese cult. Thank you for being with us.

リフトンさんは、また、「Hitler's Germany」という本の中で、 ナチの医者について、「Home From The War」という本で、ベトナム帰還兵について、
最近の「Destroy The World To Save It」という本で、日本の宗教的過激カルトについて、などを書かれています。リフトンさん、この番組に、お越しくださいまして、ありがとうございます。

ROBERT LIFTON (RL): Thank you.


BM: As we listen to Gwen Ifill and her guests, you said to me it's a very scary moment.


RL: I did, it really is. Because we've been hit very hard. There's been an evil act committed on us that can be said in this massive terrorism, and what's scary is the kind of response we might have and the whole process or the vicious circle of violence that could develop from all this.


BM: Is it possible from all your studies to put yourself in the head of the mastermind of this terror and imagine how he would like us to respond?


RL: Yes, one has to try to do that, one can't be certain one is exactly accurate. But when people ask the question, what does bin Laden really want, they assume that it's some specific set of political goals. And it's not that simple. Of course he has political goals, he wants America out of the Middle East and he wants to destroy America.


But there's also an apocalyptic dimension, I called my earlier book Destroying The World To Save It. And that's very much the story with bin Laden. He wants to destroy a major part of the world to purify the world. And that's why where you get into an apocalyptic nonrational vision that's very hard to cope with.


BM: I was taken by your extensive studies into this Japanese cult. It was six years ago?


RL: Yes. I did it mostly in '95.


BM: They had taken deadly gas down into the subways of Tokyo, and if it had been a purer form of gas, the casualties could have been tens or hundreds of thousands. And you refer to them as appear apocalyptic group.


RL: That's right, because the guru and his close disciples had this idea that everything around them, ordinary people, the world at large, was defiled, and had to be destroyed because it had no prior contact with purity, namely the guru. It's so wild and absurd idea, but it can be embraced. And that's the apocalyptic side.


BM: Would you put bin Laden in that category?


RL: I would. I would, because with this apocalyptic vision, there's always an idea of renewal. It's wrong to say that these people have no conscience, they have a whole moral structure. But it's a destructive moral structure and it requires mass killing to realize their moral goals.


And I would certainly put bin Laden there, because he's willing to initiate large scale destruction, as we can see from this event and potentially larger ones, in the name of what's perceived by them always a higher purpose. You can't leave out that vision of a higher purpose if you're to understand what they're after.
