


2007-10-28 16:37:48 | 英語








2007-10-18 19:48:01 | リチャード・ギア



BLITZER: Why, first of all, are you as passionate as you are in trying to support free Tibet and the Dalai Lama?


GERE: Well, clearly this is a people who deserve their freedom and as his Holiness says, he's looking for meaningful autonomy so their religion and culture can survive. And the onslaught of the Han Chinese and the communist Chinese government policies has been destroying them now since 1959.


BLITZER: What about the Chinese government's reaction because they are saying all these things that they are not happy about this, that there will be consequences. What do you think?


GERE: It's kind of childish. They are kind using the old-form characterizations. He's a splittist. He's, you know, kind of childish remarks.


BLITZER: He's not calling for an independent Tibet. To be part of China but should have autonomy.


GERE: The autonomy is meaningful autonomy in terms of religion and culture. You have to understand, this is a vast area we're talking about. Tibet is the size of Western Europe. And it's a very delicate ecological place. The Hahn Chinese, the Chinese government, communist government, has brought in over 6 million Chinese settlers, many of them subsidized to ...


BLITZER: To try to change the demographic.


GERE: Absolutely



BLITZER: What do you want the U.S. government, the Congress, the executive branch, what do you want the U.S. to do?


GERE: First, what they are doing now. In harmony with all parts of our government have said, yes, this cause is just. It's in the political. It's human. It's in the area of human rights and civil rights and the will and the need, the desire, the right of all of us to practice religion, to practice our own culture in a way. The riches of China, the riches of the world demands it.



BLITZER: I'll ask you. How do you get the Chinese to change? For example, there's a Beijing Olympic games coming up this summer.


GERE: Yes.


BLITZER: Where do you stand? Because some are saying maybe it's time to think about a boycott.


GERE: Boycott is difficult to me. I don't believe in isolation. I believe in speaking the truth, and speaking the truth loudly in ever every instance. And I must say that our state department and our executive branch has been doing that.


I think forcing strongly or if you'd rather say suggest strongly the meeting between the Dalai Lama and the leader Hu Jintao in China around the Olympics would be great for Hu Jintao. It would be great for China. They have huge problems in that country in dealing with the rest of the world. The human rights abuses are well documented. The abuse of their own people and their minorities is well documented. To create a positive situation with the Dalai Lama, and this is all resolvable. These are not huge issues we're talking about. It's freedom of religion, freedom of development of culture.


BLITZER: Richard Gere, thanks for coming in to Washington. Thanks for coming in to THE SITUATION ROOM.


GERE: Thank you.



2007-10-17 20:33:02 | ダライラマ
Welcome to the Dalai Lama Congressional Gold Medal Celebration Webcast!

You will be able to watch the events live online here on October 17th!

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Please Note:

There is no video or audio file to download. The feed will broadcast directly in your media player beginning at 10:30 a.m. EDT.

Live Program Schedule:

All times are U.S. East Coast time (EDT). The online media player links below will become active at 10:30 a.m.

11:00 a.m.: Tibetan cultural performances will begin on West Lawn stage following opening remarks by Special Envoy Lodi Gyari
1:00 p.m.: Congressional Gold Medal ceremony from the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol
2:00 p.m.: Tibetan cultural program resumes
2:40 p.m.: Public address by the His Holiness the Dalai Lama with opening remarks by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and ICT Board Chair Richard Gere
3:30 p.m.: The program will conclude with an excerpt performance of a Tibetan opera and closing comments by Richard Gere

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