


2007-03-03 14:58:30 | イアン・リーダー

イギリスの宗教社会学者Ian Readerさんの「Religious Violence in Contemporary Japan 」はオウム真理教が何故あのようなテロ事件を起こしたのか、初期からの教義分析をしながら究明していっていますが、アマゾンでの書評も、高い評価を与えています。たとえば、次のような感想。

An Extraordinary book, March 29, 2003
Reviewer: Michael W. "daitokuji31" (The Hill of Black Glass) -

It seems that most books about the Aum Shinrikyou concentrate on the gas attacks of March 20, 1995. Of course this is extraodinarily important, but it is only a small piece of the puzzle because Aum Shinrikyou and its founder Asahara Shoko are much more complex. Reader gives the reader a very detailed look into the early days of Aum and its 's founding by Asahara, and he gives detailed entires of Asahara's sermons giving a step by steo analysis of how Aum went from a yoga group to one bent on the destruction of the world. A wonderful book that peels back many of the mysteries of Aum.

Accoding to Aum, the universe was mult-dimentional, consiting of various realms: the realm of desire, the realm of form and the realm of non-form, each of which was subdivided into a number of different spiritual levels.


Humans exist in the realm of desire, which is divided into six levels, the lowest of which are various hells.


Above the human world and the realm of form is the realm of non-form, which can only be entered by those with high levels of consciousness and spiritual practice.


Souls transmigrate at death and can ascend or descend through the realms depending on the deeds of the person in this life.


Such movement was determined by the laws of karma, a critical concept in Asahara's teachings which refers to one's accumulated merits and demerits in life, and to how this balance of merits and demerits(or good deeds and sins) determines the realm in which one is reborn.

