

トランプ大帝→Trump the Great — Paul Craig Roberts←ポール・ロバートの現況分析はいいね!

2016-11-28 10:35:49 | アメリカの文化・政治・ジェンダー・軍事

 Paul Craig Robertさんのアメリカの現況への分析は妥当だと考えている。Infowarsやヒラリーに批判的なアメリカのSNSの見解ともマッチしているように見える。1%のオルガーキーの野望を挫き、どうアメリカの方向性を変えるかだが、チョムスキーが言ったように、unpredictability〈予想不可能性)ゆえに危険だと言った発言には100%組みせない。

http://eigokiji.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2016/11/post-d9c3.html←トランプ大帝 [マスコミに載らない海外記事」さんが全訳しています。

Trump the Great — Paul Craig Roberts

Trump the Great

Paul Craig Roberts

Liberals, progressives, and the left-wing (to the extent that one still exists) are aligning with the corrupt oligarchy against president-elect Trump and the American people.←ここがこのエッセイの主題です。リベラル、進歩派、左翼が腐敗したオルガーキーと協調して大統領に選出されたトランプとアメリカの大多数の国民に抵抗している。マイケル・ムーアもその1人だというのはちょっと残念です。まだPaul Craigさんの視点をわたしは評価します。

They are busy at work trying to generate hysteria over Trump’s “authoritarian personality and followers.” In other words, the message is: here come the fascists.トランプをファシストのイメージで攻撃せんとしている。メインメディアが進行中なんですね。騙されてはなりませんね。

Liberals and progressives wailed and whined about “an all white male cabinet,” only to be made fools by Trump’s appointment of a black male and two women, one a minority and one a Trump critic.

The oligarchs are organizing their liberal progressive front groups to disrupt Trump’s inauguration in an effort to continue the attempt to delegitimize Trump the way the paid Maidan protesters were used in Kiev to delegitimize the elected Ukrainian government.オリガーキーのトランプ政権への抵抗が続いているというわけですね。

To the extent any of the Trump protesters are sincere and not merely paid tools of oligarchs, such as George Soros, military and financial interests, and global capitalists, they should consider that false claims and unjustified criticism can cause Trump and his supporters to close their ears to all criticism and make it easier for neoconservatives to influence Trump by offering support.←ここは反トランプ煽動家たちへの警告ですね。

At this point we don’t know what a Trump government is going to do. If he sells out the people, he won’t be reelected. If he is defeated by the oligarchy, the people will become more radical.←ここはトランプ政権が誕生してからの動きになりますね。

We do not know how Washington insiders appointed to the government will behave inside a Trump presidency. Unless they are ideologues like the neoconservatives or agents of powerful interests, insiders survive by going along with the current. If the current changes under Trump, so will the insiders.←そうあってほしいです。

Trump got elected because flyover America has had all it can take from the self-dealing oligarchy. The vast bullk of America has seen its economic prospects and that of children and grandchildren decline for a quarter century. The states Hillary carried are limited to the liberal enclaves and oligarchy’s stomping grounds on the NE and West coasts and in Colorado and New Mexico, where effete wealthy liberals have located because of the scenary. If you look at the red/blue electoral map, geographically speaking Hillary’s support is very limited.オリガーキーのサポーターとヒラリーサポートの州と重なるのですね。

We know that Hillary is an agent for the One Percent. The Clintons $120 million personal wealth and $1.6 billion personal foundation are proof that the Clintons are bought-and-paid-for. We know that Hillary is responsible for the destruction of Libya and of much of Syria and for the overthrow of the democratically elected government in Ukraine. We know that the Clinton regime’s sanctions on Iraq resulted in the deaths of 500,000 children. These are war crimes and crimes against humanity. We know Hillary used government office for private gain. We know she violated national security laws without being held accountable. What we don’t know is why groups that allegedly are liberal-progressive-leftwing are such fervent supporters of Hillary.オルガーキーの1%を代表するヒラリーとその犯罪的政治についてここはまとめています。同じような疑問を代表的なマイケル・ムーアについて持っています。なぜヒラリーなのか?オバマ政権の外交の失敗と犯罪性はブッシュを引き継いでいるのですよね。

One possible answer is that these groups are mere fronts for vested interests and are devoid of any sincere motives.

Another possible answer is that these groups believe that the important issues are not jobs for Americans and avoiding war with nuclear powers, but transgender, homosexual and illegal alien rights.マイケル・ムーアの主張はこの段階だということだね。トランスジェンダーやホモセクシュアルや不法移民問題レベルで、貧困の大胆な改革や戦争を避けることには焦点を於いていない。近視眼的ということになるね。

Another possible answer is that these groups are uninformed and stupid.

What these protesters see as a threat in Trump’s strong and willful personality is actually a virtue. A cipher like Obama has no more ability to stand up to the oligarchy than a disengaged George W. Bush so easily stage-managed by Dick Cheney. Nothing less than an authoritarian style and personality is a match for the well-entrenched ruling oligarchy and willful neoconservatives. If Trump were a shrinking violet, the electorate would have ignored him.ここでは結局オバマは何もできなかったl、オルガーキーのパペット(傀儡)だったことを言っている。

Trump did not purchase his presidency with the offer of handouts to blacks, the poor generally, teachers unions, farmers, abortion rights for women, etc. Trump was elected because he said: “Those who control the levers of power in Washington and the global special interests they partner with, don’t have your good in mind. It’s a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities. The only thing that can stop this corrupt machine is you.”←ここがポイントだね。貧困層や教育界、女性の中絶の権利など、云々の前にグローバル権力構造による超格差(1%-99%)の構造を変えることを大胆に宣言したのである。

It has been a long time since the electorate heard this kind of talk from someone seeking public office. Trump’s words are what Americans were waiting to hear.←同感なのですが、なぜマイケル・ムーアやチョムスキーは否定的なのか?

As willful as Trump is, he is only one person. The oligarchy are many.

As impressive as Trump’s billion dollars is, the oligarchs have trillions.

Congress being in Republican hands will spare Trump partisan obstruction, but Congress remains in the hands of interest groups.

As powerful as the office of the president can be, without unity in government changes from the top don’t occur, especially if the president is at odds with the military with regard to the alleged threat posed by Russia and China. Trump says he wants peace with the nuclear powers. The military/security complex needs an enemy for its budget.←オルガーキーは敵や戦争を要求し(軍産複合体だから)、トランプは軍事パワー国家と平和を望んでいる。

It is absolutely necessary that a lid be put on tensions between nuclear powers and that economic opportunity reappears for the American people. Trump is not positioned to benefit from war and jobs offshoring. The only sensible strategy is to support him on these issues and to hold his feet to the fire.

As for the immigration issue, the Obama Justice (sic) Department has just worsened the picture with its ruling that American police departments cannot discriminate against non-citizens by only hiring citizens as officers. Now that US citizens face arrest in their own country by non-citizens, the resentment of immigrants will increase. Clearly it is nonsensical to devalue American citizenship in this way. Clearly it is sensible to put a lid on immigration until the US economy is again able to create jobs capable of sustaining an independent existence.移民問題ですね。経済が立ち直るまで蓋をしていいとの考えですね。

If Trump can defeat the oligarchy and save America, he can go down in history as Trump the Great. I think that this prospect appeals to Trump more than more wealth. Instead of trying to tear him down in advance, he should be supported. With Trump’s determination and the people’s support, change from the top down is possible. Otherwise, change has to come from the bottom up, and that means an awful lot of blood in the streets.トップダウンでやろうとしているトランプさんの政策を支えてほしですね。そうでなければ下から上への改革は血が流れるよ、との警告ですね。

そういえばチョムスキーは共和党はClimate Changeには関心をもっていないと話していますね。地球環境の破壊を止めないといけないとの主張は大きいですね。地球の最大の破壊は戦争だということは確かで核戦争の脅威を避けること、米ロシアの代理戦争をやめること、NATO-ロシアの軍事的緊張を和らげること、中国ーアメリカの軍事対立を平和的解決に転換する努力の方が先でしょうか?一方で中国などの環境公害へのコミットメントが問題にされるべきですね。代替エネルギーの開発、ソーラーエネルギーなど、もっと推進すべきで、トランプさんは宇宙開発にお金を注ぐようなことを言っているのですね。Climate changeを飛び越えて宇宙へのようです。FACTの偽造と真実の境界はあいまいなところがあり続けますね。


