


2022-05-19 23:07:17 | アメリカの文化・政治・ジェンダー・軍事
ノンフィクション作家のナオミ・ウルフの新刊『他者の身体:新しい権威者、COVID-19と人間との戦争』が5月31日に発売される予定です。電子書籍は比較的安く購入できます。第3次フェミニズム運動(Third-wave feminism)の論者の1人で、男性優位社会におけるファッション業界と美容業界によるイメージ戦略が、いかに女性が不当に搾取し痛めつけているかを告発した処女作『美の陰謀 女たちの見えない敵』が国際的ベストセラーになり、一躍著名人となった女性です。興味深いのはアメリカのリベラルフェミニストで民主党支持者だった彼女がバイデン政権の政策を強烈に批判していることです。




Dr. Naomi Wolf talks about COVID-19 pandemic, restricting freedoms and the launch of her new book
Nonfiction author Dr. Naomi Wolf's new book titled "The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and The War Against the Human" is set to be released on May 31.
 It talks about people finding themselves engaged in a war against vast impersonal forces with limitless power over people's lives. 
Those forces refer to Big Tech, Big Pharma, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the oligarch elite.
 The book also discusses the sinister ways of undermining the United States and the fundamentally reoriented human relations. 
Wolf pointed out that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic was never about a virus, and it was never about public health. 
 Instead, it was about remaking the world in a way that permanently suits and gives power to tech companies, a handful of bad nonprofits, the CCP and the World Economic Forum. 
(Related: NEVER FORGET: Fauci, Walensky, Trump and Collins all LIED about COVID "vaccines" while millions died.)
(関連記事: 決して忘れてはならないこと。ファウチ、ワレンスキー、トランプ、コリンズは皆、COVID「ワクチン」について嘘をつき、何百万人もの人が死亡しました。)
 "It does so by taking aim at the things that make us human, specifically," she said. "The pandemic policies we saw were aimed at killing off the human advantage and dissolving human culture and community. And I point out in 'The Bodies of Others,' I follow the money.
 I point out how billions and billions of dollars were stolen through the process of targeting humans."
 In an interview with "Fox News," Wolf shared that she carefully reviewed the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and found that many things that happened in the past were not at all constitutional. 
「Fox News」のインタビューで、ウルフは、合衆国憲法修正第1条を慎重に検討し、過去に起こった多くのことが、全く合憲ではないことを発見したことを話しました。
Wolf mentioned that the Constitution specifically stated that "Congress shall make no law prohibiting freedom of assembly or the right of citizens to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
  ウルフは、憲法には特に、"議会は、集会の自由または不満の解消のために政府に請願する市民の権利を禁止する法律を作ってはならない "と書かれていることに言及しました。

" But cops are arresting people for assembling, and have done so going back to the history of founding the country.
 "History is full of people thinking that restrictive or tyrannical or abusive orders are okay if it's their own kind of people. It is people who look like them, talk like them, worship like them," Wolf pointed out.
Wolf: The narrative that you have to get vaccinated for other people is a totalitarian lie. 
From a figurehead of third-wave feminism and inspiration to a generation of women, her legitimacy was put in question by the mainstream media when she turned on President Joe Biden because of his ineffective strategy for fighting COVID-19.
 Media outlets criticized her "political transformation" from being a staunch Democrat to a "conspiracy theorist.
" She'd been mocked when she spoke with Steve Bannon in May last year about her "Five Freedoms" campaign against vaccine passports, mandatory mask mandates and other emergency laws.
 (Related: Let's Talk America: Dr. Bryan Ardis says people behind COVID-19 have been weaponizing venom peptides in medicines, "treatments" – Brighteon.TV.)
(関連記事 アメリカについて話そう。ブライアン・アーディス博士、COVID-19の背後にいる人々は、毒ペプチドを医薬品や「治療法」に兵器化してきたと語る - Brighteon.TV.)
 Wolf explained that she saw the light and why her liberal friends haven't. "It’s because they are watching nonsense like CNN, NPR.
 Studies show that categorically, and even the CDC confirms, vaccinations don’t even affect transmission.
 So the whole narrative that President Biden repeats that you have to get vaccinated for other people – it's a totalitarian lie.
 It's a lie that is propagated in order to justify the CCP-style social controls," she said. 
According to Wolf, the Democrats have been "otherizing" the unvaccinated by withholding their rights as they are labeled as people who are standing in the way of the Democratic agenda, saying that it leads "to the kind of worsening of sensibilities that leads to cruelty.
ウルフによれば、民主党はワクチン未接種者を民主党のアジェンダの邪魔をする人間というレッテルを貼ることで、その権利を留保し、「オトリ」にしている。"残酷さにつながる感性の悪化 "につながります。
" Find more stories like this at Tyranny news. Watch the video below for more information about Wolf's latest book.
This video is from the Puretrauma357 channel on Brighteon.com.
More related stories:

★ Dr. Malone and Naomi Wolf say that Fauci committed "premeditated manslaughter of millions of people."
Dr. MaloneとNaomi Wolfは,Fauciが "何百万人もの人々に対する計画的な故殺 "を犯したと述べています。
★ Naomi Wolf says Bill Gates is destroying Western freedom and ushering in a "bio-security state."
ナオミ・ウルフは、ビル・ゲイツが西洋の自由を破壊し、"バイオセキュリティ国家 "を到来させようとしていると言う。
★Some Democrats are beginning to admit that lockdowns have turned the US into a totalitarian police state.
★EXCLUSIVE — Ex-Clinton advisor banned from Twitter: De-platforming is 'terrifying' for democracy.
EXCLUSIVE - 元クリントン顧問がツイッターから追放される。脱プラットフォームは民主主義にとって「恐怖」である。
★IBM, which provided punch card computing systems to power the Holocaust, now in charge of "vaccine passports."
ホロコーストを動かすパンチカードコンピューティングシステムを提供したIBMが、今度は "ワクチンパスポート "を担当することになった。
Sources include: Brighteon.com FoxNews.com BusinessInsider.com RealClearPolitics.com
情報源は以下の通り。Brighteon.com FoxNews.com BusinessInsider.com RealClearPolitics.com


Our pre-March 2020 world is gone forever. Irretrievable. For in league with mass surrender to all-powerful technology, the “restrictions” against the human assembly, speech, gathering, culture, and worship brought on by pandemic panic have brought new cultural norms frighteningly at odds with traditional Western notions of freedom and independent thought.
Indeed, in our fear of public ostracism and shaming and our ready abandonment of free, open, spontaneous, individualistic, egalitarian, and tolerant expression, we in the West today live in a world of CCP-style regimentation and conformity. It is a world in which all human endeavor—all human joy, all human fellowship, all human advancement, all human culture, all human song, all human drama, all worship, all surprise, all flirtation, all celebration—is behind a digital paywall. A world in which we must ask permission from technology to be human. This is a world we must challenge and change.

★"Naomi Wolf is one of the bravest, clearest-thinking people I know. The reason you hear the forces of repression so desperately trying to dismiss her is  she is right." - Tucker Carlson
「ナオミ・ウルフは、私が知っている最も勇敢で、最も明確な考えを持つ人々の1人です。必死に彼女を落とし込めようとしている抑圧勢力の事が耳に入るのは、彼女が正しいからです。」 -タッカーカールソン
★"Dr. Naomi Wolf's book stands apart in a world of groupthink. It is an impeccable, thought-provoking compilation of the troubling and distressing consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, including censorship and the suppression of alternatives to the mainstream narrative." - Dr. Paul Alexander, former WHO COVID pandemic evidence-synthesis advisor
「ナオミ・ウルフ博士の本は、集団思考(同調圧力)の世界で際立っています。これは、検閲や主流の物語の代替案の抑制など、COVID-19パンデミックの厄介で悲惨な結果をまとめた非の打ちどころのない、考えさせられるものです。」 -ポール・アレクサンダー博士、元WHOCOVIDパンデミック証拠合成アドバイザー
★"Naomi Wolf warned America and the world at the start of this 'pandemic' that it would be used to eviscerate the Constitution and civil liberties. It is uncanny how right she was, how she predicted the tyranny that was to come via the lockdowns and mask and vaccine mandates. In The Bodies of Others, she takes you on a journey through a modern-day Dante's Inferno. This is a book that will shake you to your core, a warning of the struggle ahead and what you can do to resist it." - Steve Bannon
「ナオミ・ウルフは、この「パンデミック」の開始時に、憲法と市民の自由を窮地に立たせるために使用されるだろうとアメリカと世界に警告しました。マスクとワクチンの義務。『他者の身体』で、彼女はあなたを現代のダンテの地獄篇の旅に連れて行きます。これはあなたをあなたの核心に揺さぶる本であり、これからの闘争の警告とそれに抵抗するためにあなたができること。」 -スティーブバノン
★"Naomi Wolf's courage is a gift to us all. Her work in this brilliant book is groundbreaking and inescapably important for anyone who cares about freedom and human dignity." -Eric Metaxas, #1 New York Times bestselling author and host of the nationally syndicated Eric Metaxas Radio Show
「ナオミ・ウルフの勇気は私たち全員への贈り物です。この素晴らしい本での彼女の作品は画期的であり、自由と人間の尊厳を気にする人にとって必然的に重要です。」 -エリックメタクサス、ニューヨークタイムズのベストセラー作家であり、全国的にシンジケートされたエリックメタクサスラジオショーのホスト
★"Naomi Wolf understood, well before most, that the pandemic was one of the greatest crimes against humanity ever perpetrated. She was right. The official COVID-19 narrative was a lie and was used by our oligarch masters to destroy human connection and human relationships. Read this book to understand what must be done to fight back and ultimately save humanity." - Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, member, German Coronavirus Investigative Committee

「ナオミ・ウルフは、ほとんどの場合、パンデミックが人道に対する最大の犯罪の1つであることを理解していました。彼女は正しかったのです。公式のCOVID-19の物語は嘘であり、オリガルヒの巨匠が人間のつながりを破壊するために使用しました。人間関係。この本を読んで、反撃し、最終的に人道を救うために何をしなければならないかを理解してください。」 -ドイツのコロナウイルス調査委員会のメンバーであるReinerFuellmich博士


