

宇宙のはじまりについて語り超越した存在を語る!Has Science Discovered God?

2017-04-04 10:28:31 | 地球、惑星、宇宙、実存、宗教、神秘


つまり宇宙に始まりがある。無からの創造を語ります。Creation from nothing. In the beginning the God created the heavens and the earth.の聖書的イメージで宇宙の始まりを解き明かしていきます。動画の最後はキリストの称揚になっていますね。

”Someone behind the scene designed and created the Universe”の考えですね。

A Superbeing です。


Has Science Discovered God?


2015/07/03 に公開

This video explores the latest discoveries from physics and astronomy on the universe and biology and DNA and how these relate to the existence of God. Also see Creation is a Scientific Fact: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFWdM... 物理学、天文学、生物学、DNAの最新の発見と神の存在を問うていますね。キリスト教の啓蒙的動画です。

一方で以下の本が出版されています。Dark Matterについてです!TEDでも紹介されていて学生たちが授業で報告したことがあります。

An extraordinary discovery has recently shaken the foundations of Cosmology and Particle Physics, sparking a scientific revolution that has profoundly modified our understanding of our Universe and that is still far from over. Pioneering astronomers in the 1920s and 1930s had already noticed suspicious anomalies in the motion of celestial bodies in distant galaxies and clusters of galaxies, but it wasn't until the late 20th century that the scientific community was confronted with an astonishing conclusion: the Universe is filled with an unknown, elusive substance that is fundamentally different from anything we have ever seen with our telescopes or measured in our laboratories. It is called dark matter, and it constitutes one of the most pressing challenges of modern science. 

In this book, aimed at the general reader with an interest in science, the author illustrates in non-technical terms, borrowing concepts and ideas from other branches of art and literature, the far-reaching implications of this discovery. It has led to a worldwide race to identify the nature of this mysterious form of matter. We may be about to witness a pivotal paradigm shift in Physics, as we set out to test the existence of dark matter particles with a wide array of experiments, including the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, as well as with a new generation of Astroparticle experiments underground and in space.


