Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

「韓国死ね 竹島返せ」”Death to Korea. Return Dokdo / Takeshima to Japan " ー Buzzword-for-2017

2016年12月04日 20時56分26秒 | Weblog

‘Die Japan’ named a top-10 buzzword for 2016
By Roland Shichijo on December 3, 2016Comments Off on ‘Die Japan’ named a top-10 buzzword for 2016
Phrase gained popularity after appearing in blog post spotlighting waiting lists for day care

TOKYO (TR) – A phrase from the title of an anonymous blog post by a mother titled “couldn’t get into day care, die Japan!!!” was named one of the prize winners for the top-10 buzzwords of the year on Thursday for catapulting the country’s issue of ever-growing waiting lists for day care into the national, if not global, spotlight.



2016年12月04日 19時34分15秒 | Weblog




じゃあ、街角で、韓国死ねーーー! 韓国死ねーーー!って叫んでいる人に、国籍聞いて、「韓国人です。」と言われたら、「あ、失礼しました、どうぞ、どうぞ、すばらしい!」ってなるんだ? その人の所属聞くまでなんとも言えないんだ?(因みに、問題のブログは匿名ブログで、執筆者は、日本人かもしれないし、韓国人かもしれない)






White fragility White allyship

2016年12月04日 16時14分02秒 | Weblog


So, yes, these people were acting entitled. In two of the cases, they were engaged in racial harassment. And sure, they’re all displaying petulant and pathetic assertions of white privilege. But they’re also full of what the scholar and author Robin DiAngelo calls “white fragility”—“a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves.”

Anti-racist activist Tim Wise says these episodes demonstrate, as much as anything else, how recent years have created “a perfect storm of white anxiety” in the United States:




The good news in these videos, to the extent that there is any, is that both their content and their spread on social media suggests that other white people aren’t going to be, to use a Wise phrase, “silent partners” for assertions of white nationalism and privilege. Jessie Grady’s decision to capture the episode in Michaels—and to immediately rally to the aid of black store employees, along with several other customers—was a prime example of what racial-justice activists call “white allyship.”
Wise said he’s seen more white anti-racist activists in recent years than he has for many decades—and Trumpism has undoubtedly helped them find their voices, too. In a strange way, these disturbing viral videos can be a gift, showing Americans who we really are—both bad and good. They’re also an challenge to be our best selves, to act in such situations the way we’d hope to be seen on camera.




2016年12月04日 13時12分17秒 | Weblog

朝日新聞田中 教 2016.12.04




Most American Christians Believe They’re Being Persecuted

2016年12月04日 09時55分51秒 | Weblog

Almost half of Americans say discrimination against Christians is as big of a problem as discrimination against other groups, including blacks and minorities. Three-quarters of Republicans and Trump supporters said this, and so did nearly eight out of 10 white evangelical Protestants. Of the latter group, six in 10 believe that although America once was a Christian nation, it is no longer—a huge jump from 2012.

Forty-six percent of those surveyed said immigration from Mexico and Central America has been too high in recent years. When asked the same question about immigrants from “predominantly Christian countries,” though, only 10 percent of people said immigration has been too high. The irony is that this is essentially the same question, phrased two different ways: Latin American countries are overwhelming Christian—in many places, even more so than the United States

There’s evidence of this in the strong nostalgia many people seem to feel for the past—an elusive time when Americans felt more of a consensus about their values and beliefs. Strong majorities of white evangelical Protestants and white Catholics believe America has changed for the worse since the 1950s, as do a slim majority of white mainline Protestants.

None of this quite explains why many Christians believe they face discrimination, though. Suspicion of those who are different, along with a yearning for an idyllic past, are different from the perception that American Christians are penalized for their faith.







Disappointing you are unaware of white resentment building up in the UK

2016年12月04日 09時36分15秒 | Weblog


それに対して、犬がCM出ても文句言わないのになんだよ! 人口比から言って、黒人の方が出る幕全然足りないだろ!などの反発を食らった、と。


マスコミ横並びの恐怖 ノセボ効果

2016年12月04日 09時27分13秒 | Weblog









Post-Truth ってやつかね?


2016年12月04日 09時23分29秒 | Weblog


Beijing has been far more restrained in its rhetoric toward Trump, whom it will surely need to keep in a good mood if it wishes to exact concessions on trade, human rights, or control of the roiling South China Sea. It may have calculated that an official tantrum about Trump’s latest impulse will only forfeit leverage China will need later.

But grassroots commenters on the Chinese social network Weibo, freed from the burdens of international statecraft, are now likening Trump to an inexperienced, wayward child. Even the official account for the police department in a prefecture-level city called Dezhou chimed in, writing that Trump had “just been victimized by a telephone scam.”

Many noticed that the White House issued a pointed declaration on Dec. 2 that it remains “firmly committed to our ‘one China’ policy.” Beijing surely sees that as a great relief, and a possible face-saving gesture for Trump; online commenters interpreted those remarks more literally. “White House: The boy doesn’t get it,” read one. “United States: The new president doesn’t understand the situation — sorry!” read another. One web user saw the move as “a spank on the ass for Trump,”One web user saw the move as “a spank on the ass for Trump,” adding that the Chinese foreign ministry’s response meant, “Your son will be naughty some times. But the daddy is still the daddy.”



Thinking it had Reagan on his back heels, Beijing sent a senior envoy to push the U.S. president to make further concessions and “do something about the Taiwan Relations Act.” As George Schultz told me for my forthcoming book (By More than Providence: Grand Strategy and American Power in the Asia Pacific Since 1783), Reagan stared at the envoy and said, “you’re right … we need to toughen it up!” Beijing stopped pushing and the Reagan administration enjoyed a far more productive and stable U.S.-PRC relationship than his predecessors, while simultaneously deepening trust with Taiwan.




2016年12月04日 07時50分36秒 | Weblog




2016年12月04日 07時35分45秒 | Weblog

China hopes US relations won't be 'damaged' after Trump speaks with Taiwan's president

By ASSOCIATED PRESS • 12/2/16 11:06 PM

Hong Kong's Phoenix TV reports that Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Saturday the call between Taiwan's president and Trump was "just a small trick by Taiwan." He said he thought it would not change longstanding U.S. policy toward China.

Taiwan official: Call with Trump was prearranged



”"Donald Trump! Donald Trump! F****** terrorist, get out of this country”

2016年12月04日 07時22分34秒 | Weblog

The suspect walked up to the woman, who was wearing a hijab, and began chanting, "Donald Trump! Donald Trump! F****** terrorist, get out of this country, you don't belong here," according to police.

NYTの地下鉄。ヒジャブをつけた女性に近寄る男性が「ドナルド・トランプ! ドナルド・トランプ! テロリストはくたばれ! この国から出て行け、お前はここの人間じゃない!





Impressed by hearing-impaired baristas serving at Starbucks
で、「聴覚障害者」ってなんて言うのか、と思ったけど、the deaf and hard of hearing で(も)いいんだね。