Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2016年12月31日 13時47分01秒 | Weblog

“Cultural values about male beauty were completely different back then. Today, big p*nises are seen as valuable and manly, but back then, most evidence points to the fact that small p*nises were considered better than big ones.”

Large p*nises were associated with very specific characteristics: foolishness, lust and ugliness.”

“The ideal Greek man was rational, intellectual and authoritative. He may still have had a lot of s*x, but this was unrelated to his p*nis size, and his small p*nis allowed him to remain coolly logical.”




Few if any Japanese know Japanese people are doing what BBC says they are doing.

2016年12月31日 04時39分58秒 | Weblog
Spica ‏@Kelangdbn 3 時間3 時間前

長年日本人してるけどこんなの初めて知った Spicaさんが追加
NHachiya @Khachaturian
BBC News - Why Japanese people are wrapping themselves up in cloth http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-38441166 …

Few if any Japanese know Japanese people are doing what BBC says they are doing because few if any Japanese are doing it.

Reporting by Mariko Oi and Yvette Tan.
