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人生💯倍の知恵😊【聖書】箴言22章 心ある人、ルールを弁える人

2023年07月07日 15時18分18秒 | 箴言
22章 心ある人、ルールを弁える人
Chapter 22: Be mindful of people and respect the rules of life
1. be mindful of others and heed the rules of life
 First of all, verse 1 says, "Fame is more desirable than riches, and patronage is better than silver and gold." (verse 2). What is more important in life, he says, is a good reputation than money. Building good relationships and earning the trust of others is far superior to growing inorganic wealth that has no voice. However, this is not to say that one should simply seek honor over money. He is talking about the importance of consideration for others, which is the basis for gaining honor (v.1). In other words, he says that if we humble ourselves, have modesty, remember God, and live daily with consideration for others, "wealth, honor, and long life" will normally follow (v. 4).
He says that rich people and poor people are all the same human beings created by God (v. 2), so we should not think of ourselves as something we are not, but walk carefully, remembering that there are many dangers and traps in life (v. 3). Therefore, be careful what kind of friends you associate with. There are dangerous traps in the path of the crooked (v. 5). Education should begin at an early age. Teach them what is right while their hearts are soft (v. 6). Let us walk in accordance with the laws of life. For example, if you borrow money, your position will surely be weakened (v. 7). The wicked will surely reap the rewards of destruction (v. 8). It is said, “Your kindness will be rewarded in the end.” If you do good, your reward will surely come back to you (v. 9). If there is strife, things will not go well. When the arrogant, egotists, and mean-spirited disappear, peace will return (v. 10). God properly sees the hearts of men. And He is on the side of those who do things with a pure heart (v. 11). The plans of such a person are also unshakable (v. 12). v. 13, where this Proverbs was written, lions probably sometimes appeared in towns and villages. Lazy people sometimes used this as an excuse to miss work. Therefore, he says that such lazy people should not be asked to work (v. 13). Whores are also to stay away (v. 14), and rebellious young men are to be chastised (v. 15). Let us also leave the vicious rich man alone (v. 16). They will eventually destroy themselves (Esther 3:1). The more I read, the more I realize that I should be aware of the various laws of life.
2. the lesson of Amenem Op!
 Now, there is an argument that Proverbs, from verse 17 of chapter 22 to verse 22 of chapter 24, is a quotation from another book of proverbs, the Egyptian book of wisdom, "The Lesson of Amenem-Opeh. Certainly Solomon, who wrote this Proverbs, was married to an Egyptian woman as well, so he must have known about Egyptian wisdom literature. In fact, however, it may simply have been a well-known document in the world at the time. We don't know the details, but 22:17-21 is an introductory section, which also teaches something important. In other words, the purpose of education is not to develop people who are useful to society. He says that it is about the learner trusting in the Lord, God (v. 19). This is because, he says, the fear of God leads to a correct ethical and life view of man. If a person's usefulness to society is based on a universal ethical and life view, then this is a view of education that is truly essential. This fits well with the context of the previous proverbs.
Beginning in verse 22, a specific lesson is spelled out. Do not cheat, for God is watching (v. 23). Always be cool. If you are emotional, you will fail. Be with a good partner (vv. 24-25). Don't do anything you can't afford (vv. 26-28). A competent person will be used in the right way (v. 29). Surely, this is a prescription for life that we should remember. I pray that today will be another good day for you.
<Quiz Corner</div>
First, yesterday's quiz. Whose grandfather was Ahithophel, who betrayed David and joined Abishalom? (1) Micah, (2) Abishag, (3) Bathsheba, the answer was (3) Bathsheba. Ahithophel was considered a man of wisdom, respected both by David and by Abishalom; comparing 2 Samuel 11:3 with 23:34, he could be the grandfather of Bath-Sheba. Now for today's Bible quiz. How many titles are given to Proverbs in total? (1) three, (2) five, and (3) seven. The answer will be given tomorrow. I pray that you have a good day today.

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