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人生💯倍の知恵😊【聖書】箴言23章 求めてもしょうがないもの、求めるべきもの

2023年07月07日 17時48分26秒 | 箴言
23章 求めてもしょうがないもの、求めるべきもの
Chapter 23: What We Cannot Ask for and What We Must Ask for
1. what we should not seek
The first half of this chapter discusses the natural desires of our hearts and the need for moderation. The desire for food (vv.1-3), money (vv.4-5), popularity and recognition (vv.6-8), education and instruction (vv.9), and material goods (vv.10-11) are all in moderation. The author is not ethically admonishing us that it is sinful to have these desires. He is speaking of the objective reality that they will never be satisfied as one would like them to be.
He also tells those who have a good appetite to be careful about the manner in which they are invited to the table at social gatherings. It is a time to suppress one's appetite and to be careful not to behave in a manner that could cause recession. Verse 4: "Do not struggle to acquire riches," and do not become a money-grubber. Just rejoice in the fruit that comes from hard work and wise labor, he says. Those who wish to have friends and harmonious relationships should also not be taken advantage of. Do not follow stingy, the suspicious, or the underhanded person without thinking. A pleasant dinner party may be short-lived, and you may end up getting involved in a complicated relationship. Verse 9: Also, when you are eager to make people understand you or to have them understand you, do not be too eager to do so. Inevitably, there are things we cannot understand each other. It seems cold eye. Verses 10-11 say that God is on the side of the poor and the weak, and that if we take advantage of their weakness and do greedy things, there will surely be repercussions. Anyway, it is important to keep in mind that we all have greed and are prone to failure because of our weakness.
2. what we should seek
There are some things in life that we cannot help but seek, and everything should be done in moderation, but there are also things that we must give it our all.
The author gives an example of this in verse 13, which says that children should be raised with a firm, natural attitude. As I mentioned earlier, people by nature want to teach. Therefore, there are people who put themselves on the shelf and make unnecessary comments about the way others raise their children. When you see such unfortunate people, think about how you should raise your own children. The Bible says to raise your own children well. The word "flogging" does not mean to actually prepare a whip and literally flog them, as heretical Jehovah's Witnesses have interpreted it. It means to be that serious. They are your own children. What is important is what you are passionate about in your parenting. Parenting is not about managing academic performance. It is about taking the time to lovingly teach them about attitudes, behaviors, and values in life. Parents are to pass on to their children, with conviction, an attitude toward life. What attitude does the author of Proverbs consider important? First, verses 15-16, to teach them to discriminate between right and wrong and to develop the ability to speak what is right and proper. Also, in verse 17, we are to teach them not to envy or envy others. People tend to compare themselves with others and envy what they do not have. Rather, teach them to live their lives in their own way if they don't have it. Teach them to work hard to achieve this. If your children are envious of the success of those who do evil and lament that it is absurd to live earnestly, remind them of God who does what is right and watches over them from the shadows. It is to bear witness that parents have lived their lives to God that if good and evil fight, evil will not win, but good will survive. It is to speak firmly that God is on the side of the poor and the weak. And to teach them to pray and trust God that He sees your struggles properly, that He will do what is right, and that we should trust Him. Verse 19, above all, is to encourage them to strive to understand the truth. In other words, to raise them to understand what is important in life and to seek what they should seek. Therefore, verse 20, don't let them fall in love with banquets. Do not let them become people who are always looking for something fun and interesting, people who seek ephemeral pleasures. Verse 23: If they have money to spend on alcohol, let them invest it in the "truth," that is, let them buy good books and cultivate the ability to think deeply about things. Wisdom, instruction, and enlightenment are worth investing in. Verse 26, not to allow money to be spent on love, and verses 29 and following are admonitions about drinking.
There are some things we cannot help but seek, and we must have a moderate mind, but we must pursue what we are concerned about and what we should pursue, and in this point, we must have good judgment.
<Quiz Corner</div>
First, yesterday's quiz. How many titles are given to Proverbs in total? (1) Three, (2) Five, and (3) Seven. The answer was (3) seven. They are: Proverbs of Solomon (1:1, 10:1), Words of the wise (22:17 and following, 24:23 and following), transcribed by those belonging to Hezekiah (25:1 and following), Words of Agur the son of Jakeh, a man of Massah (30:1 and following), and the commandments that Remuel, king of Massah received from his mother (31:1 and following). Now for today's Bible quiz. How many proverbs are said to have been written by Solomon? (1) 500, (2) 1,500, and (3) 3,000. I wish you a good day today
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