from Monday's Nikkei

2008年06月24日 16時49分58秒 | 新聞記事から
世界の企業 時下総額 ロシア・ブラジル台頭 エネルギー上位占める 米金融・ITは後退
The world's corparate rankings in terms of market capitalization have recently changed markedly.According to a recent data,while U.S. financial corporations and IT firms are all falling back, energy-related companies have occupied the world's top three rankings. Comapared with the data as of the end of last year,comapnies in emerging economies,rich in resources, such as Brazil and Russia, have conspicuously risen their positions.Among the Japanese companies Toyota is the highest at 21st,and other four are within the 100th.

from today's Nikkei

2008年06月24日 09時10分17秒 | 新聞記事から
消費税上げ 首相「2-3年で判断」 社会保障 来月に緊急対策 内閣改造「今は白紙」

Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda said on Monday at a news conference at the Prime Minister's Official Residence that regarding the consumption tax rate hike it should be considered with more time,two or three years spent deliberating upon it.His saying means that it is a matter a little bit ahead.He thus showed the cautious stance over the consumption tax rate,but,at the same time, regarding the social security issue, he made clear that the government will compile emergency measures on the issue, including the strengthening of medical treatment system within July.He said also "I am now thinking nothing about the Cabinet reshuffle."