H. pylori陰性(未感染)胃に発生する上皮性腫瘍といえば,きれいなsignet,Dr Curry typeがんとこのラズベリー様腺窩上皮型腫瘍です。
ラズベリー様外観とは,2016年に出雲地方でチカちゃんが呟いたのが最初で,高輪ゲートウェイ近くの研究会で「最優秀症例賞」,そして,ようやく英文論文がacceptされたようです。結構な頻度でみつかるので,最近の内視鏡系学会でよくみかけます。日本の研究会では腺窩上皮型がんと発表されていますが,WHO分類ではfoveolar-type dysplasia/adenomaになります。
Speaking of epithelial tumors in the H. pylori uninfected stomach, Dr Curry type fundic gland neoplasia, a certain kind of signet-ring cell carcinoma and this raspberry-like polyp are well-known. I hear, Chika-chan first murmured “it looks like raspberry!!” in 2016 in Izumo. She received an award near Takanawa Gateway, and the original article in English has finally been accepted. Raspberry-like polyps are often presented at recent endoscopic conferences in these days. It is usually presented as foveolar-type adenocarcinoma in Japan, but is called “foveolar-type dysplasia/adenoma” overseas if it is confined to the mucosa.
H. pylori陰性(未感染)胃に発生する上皮性腫瘍といえば,きれいなsignet,Dr Curry typeがんとこのラズベリー様腺窩上皮型腫瘍です。
ラズベリー様外観とは,2016年に出雲地方でチカちゃんが呟いたのが最初で,高輪ゲートウェイ近くの研究会で「最優秀症例賞」,そして,ようやく英文論文がacceptされたようです。結構な頻度でみつかるので,最近の内視鏡系学会でよくみかけます。日本の研究会では腺窩上皮型がんと発表されていますが,WHO分類ではfoveolar-type dysplasia/adenomaになります。
Speaking of epithelial tumors in the H. pylori uninfected stomach, Dr Curry type fundic gland neoplasia, a certain kind of signet-ring cell carcinoma and this raspberry-like polyp are well-known. I hear, Chika-chan first murmured “it looks like raspberry!!” in 2016 in Izumo. She received an award near Takanawa Gateway, and the original article in English has finally been accepted. Raspberry-like polyps are often presented at recent endoscopic conferences in these days. It is usually presented as foveolar-type adenocarcinoma in Japan, but is called “foveolar-type dysplasia/adenoma” overseas if it is confined to the mucosa.