エコ・ニュージーランド Eco New Zealand



エコ・ニュージーランドへようこそ!! その時の気分で、過去の旅行の話になったり、庭、環境保全、トレッキング等々、話が飛んでいます。ジャンル別にお読みになりたい方は、左のカテゴリーからどうぞ!! また、本文中のトレッキング(トランピング)関連の用語の説明は、同じくカテゴリー欄から「ニュージーランドのトランピング用語集」をご参照ください (^o^)

Will be back soon...

2009年10月18日 | 思ったこと
Just wanted to note this blog is still alive and I'll be back next weekend or later.

Since the house move on the 9th, our phone line at the new place has been having a problem and we're not able to get connected to internet at all - frustrating! This is why I'm writing this in English (this one hasn't been installed with Japanese language. I can still read it though).

Hopefully everything will get all sorted and we'ii be back to high-tech life sometime coming Friday the 23rd. (fingers crossed)

There are so many things to be uploaded such as rest of our trip in the North Island and sweet home... So see you all soon!

Apology for inconvenience and many thanks for your patience, Sleeping Cat