Jun's Blog in English


Power of Three

2021-09-30 07:28:16 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka here.

Yesterday, I conducted a business training for company employees.
I lectured about presentation.

In that training, I introduced them “Whole Part method”.
This is a kind of technique that you may apply in speaking.
At first, you speak about the whole of your speech.
Next, you speak parts of that.
At last, you speak about the whole again.

It’s effective if you divide 3 parts of the whole and explain them.
3 is a magic number. They say “Power of Three”.

Actually, participants tried to use “Whole Part Method”
and “Power of Three” and their speeches became very good.

I hope you will try this method if you have a chance.

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2021-09-29 07:26:32 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka here.

I read an article about bullying in school.

Recently, schools provide tables to students for their online classes.

These tablets have chat functions so students will be able to
communicate with each other.
However, it’s a negative thing for a student who experienced
bullying through the said chat box.
One elementary student was bullied by some of her classmates
and this made her take her life.

It’s a heartbreaking story.
One expert said “Incidents like this case could happen in all schools.
Schools should regulate the use of chat functions.”

I don’t want to hear any sad news like this.
I hope that the government and other officials will take necessary
measures to prevent bullying.

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One year anniversary

2021-09-28 07:26:02 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka here.

Last September, I started to write this English blog.
This idea came to me suddenly.
I thought that writing my daily life in English would be
a good practice for me.

Since then, I have been posting English blogs every day.
And it’s been one year. It’s amazing, isn’t it?

Continuity is a father of success.
I will continue to do this.

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Engine brake

2021-09-27 06:29:19 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka here.

The other holiday, I enjoyed riding my motor bike
on mountain roads.
When I went down the roads, I saw a lot of warning sighs
to use engine brake and escape spaces to avoid accidents.

Usually, we use foot brakes and hand brakes to decrease
the speed of vehicles. But when you go a long and sharp
downhill, you must not use these brakes so much.
If you do it, brakes might overheat and break.
You will not be able to stop your vehicle.

Engine brake means that you decrease the speed by changing
to a low gear instead of using foot and hand brakes.

This is a very important point when you drive mountain roads.

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The Man Called a Pirate

2021-09-26 10:04:09 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka here.

I’m reading a novel titled “The Man Called a Pirate” now.
This is a novel but based on a true story.
The model of this novel is Mr.Sazo Idemitsu who established
Idemitsu Company which is a big oil selling company in Japan.

When he graduated from college in 1905, a main energy resauce in Japan
was coal but he predicted oil will become very important in the future.
He dreamed he would have his own oil selling company.
To study business, he entered a very small oil shop at first.
His friends who worked for big companies made a fool of him but he
didn’t care at all because he had a dream.

After he worked very much for a small company, he became independent.
Although he had a lot of troubles, he gradually made his company big.
He trained his employees very eagerly. They developed very much and worked
very hard.

They expanded their business to Asian countries where Japan dominated
at that time but lost everything because of Japan’s defeat of
The World War Ⅱ.

But he didn’t give up.
His company recovered while overcoming a lot of troubles.

I was impressed by him very much.
He always cherishes his employees like his family.
He is always fair about business.
He always thinks of Japan rather than his own company.

I knew there is a movie of the same plot.
After reading the novel, I will watch the movie.

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