Jun's Blog in English


Dinner with our dog

2022-04-30 09:30:26 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka here.

Yesterday, I visited my mother’s house in Atami with my family,
who were my wife, my son and our dog.

Before, there was an Italian restaurant which my cousin run near
my mother’s house, so, we used to go there to have dinner.
But the restaurant was closed recently.
We should have another restaurant instead of that.

The problem is that there are few restaurants which accept pets.
But I finally found an Italian restaurant suitable for us through
the internet.

The name of the restaurant is ‘Blue Nine Café’ where is located
near Atami Sun Beach. We can take our pets to the restaurant.
Both of foods and atmosphere were good.

I hope we will visit there again.

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Karaoke room with a sewing machine?

2022-04-29 07:00:00 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka here.

I found an interesting article on the internet news.
It was about karaoke rooms which lend sewing machines.

Karaoke room‘JOYLAND’is doing this service.
Due to the pandemic, customers who use karaoke rooms are decreasing.
So, the company thought how to use rooms without singing.

There were many people who wanted to use a sewing machine on a big table.
Some people like wearing their favorite animation character’s costume
and made them by themselves.
Some women needed to sew clothing for their children.

Karaoke industry was affected very much by the pandemic.
I hope they will survive in this difficult situation.

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Yo-Kai Express

2022-04-28 08:45:21 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka here.

I read FROM a newspaper called Nikkei MJ, and found an interesting article.
It was about a vending machine which provides ramen.

Yo-Kai Express is a new company in the U.S.A.
The term Yo-Kai means ghost or monster in Japanese.
They developed a ramen vending machine.
They have already operated them at 50 places in the U.S.A.

This machine keeps frozen ramens and WHEN a customer pushes a button,
it provides a hot ramen in 90 seconds.

The company is planning to operate 500 machines in Japan this year and
5000 machines in the near future.

I am interested whether their business will be successful or not.

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2022-04-27 09:02:32 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka here.

A few days ago, an accident at sea happened in Hokkaido.
The ship was a small sightseeing boat which 26 people were on it.

The ship is missing.
11 people were found but they all were dead.
Search activities are conducted even now.

They say that that day’s weather was bad. It was windy and the waves
were very high. The judgement by the captain might have been not good.

Judgements to avoid some risks are important.
We should learn something from this accident.

I am into motorbiking recently, I am careful about the weather
when I try to drive my bike.
It’s dangerous to drive a motorbike in rainy and windy days because
a bike slips easily.

We sometimes should judge to stop something.

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Congratulations, Nasa!

2022-04-26 07:59:12 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka here.

Miss Nasa Hataoka did it!
Yesterday was the final day of The DIO Implant Golf Tournament
held in Los Angeles, USA.

Nasa is the No1 Japanese female golfer.
she started in the top position and kept this position till the end.
She won the match by the score -15 which was 5 strokes better than
the second. It was an overwhelming victory. Congratulations!

Her next target is to win one of the major tournaments.
I hope she will achieve it within this year.

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