Jun's Blog in English


Cup Noodle

2021-09-16 08:30:12 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka here.

I read a newspaper called Nikkei MJ(Marketing Journal)
and found an article about Cup Noodle.

It said Cup Noodle marked 50th anniversary.
Cup Noodle is developed and started to sell in 1971 by
Nissin Food Company.

Before, there were several instant noodle products but
people needed to cook them.
Cup Noodle was epoch making.
What we need to do is to put hot water in the cup and
wait for 3 minutes!

Cup Noodle became very popular in not only Japan but all
over the world.
The number of sold products in the world reached 50 billion.

Mr.Ando, the president of the company, said in the interview,
“It’s grateful for us that many people eat Cup Noodle for
such a long time. But we have to develop new products which
surpass it.”

I’m looking forward to seeing something new from
Nissin Food Company.

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