Jun's Blog in English


Yashin no Susume

2021-09-18 07:58:34 | 日記
I read a book titled “Yashin no Susume” written by Mrs.Mariko Hayashi
who is a very famous Japanese novelist.

“Yashin no Susume”means “An encouragement of ambition”in English.
Yashin in Japanese means ambition in English by dictionary.
I think the word “ambition” is a very positive word.
But “Yashin” in Japanese has a little bit negative image.
This word includes a meaning of“shameless”and “aggressive”.
Since Japanese are modest people, aggressive behaviors are not liked.
The nail that sticks out gets hammered down.

But Mrs.Hayashi says “Young Japanese lack of ambitions. If you want
something eagerly, you could get it. Don’t hesitate to challenge.
Don’t be afraid of failure”

I agree with her.
No pain, no gain.

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