Jun's Blog in English


Tennis is fun

2022-01-31 11:00:53 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka here.

The 2022 Australian Tennis Tournament ended yesterday.
I enjoyed watching a lot of matches on TV for the past two weeks.
The matches were very engaging.

Yesterday afternoon, I played tennis with my friends.
I played as if I were a professional tennis player I watch on TV.
However, it wasn’t successful because I made a lot of mistakes
during the games. I still had so much fun though.

Tennis is a sport that all generation can enjoy no matter what level
you are - whether you are an amateur or a professional.

I will continue to play tennis as a hobby.

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Watch Collection

2022-01-30 10:03:06 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka here.

My father passed away eight years ago.
He used to collect watches made by ROLEX which is a very popular
brand and is very expensive.
He gave some ROLEX watches to me before he died.

One of them broke a few years ago.
I left the watch for a long time.

Yesterday, one dealer visited me.
He said he wanted to buy high-class watches.
I showed him the ROLEX, I honestly told him that it’s broken.
He offered to buy it at a higher price than I expected.
I decided to sell it soon.

I showed him other ROLEX watches given by my father.
He told me each watch’s price.
Some were expensive and others were less expensive than I expected.
After all, I sold only one watch which was broken.
I understood that I had some valuable watches thanks to my father.
I will keep and wear them carefully.

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Close Contacts

2022-01-29 08:58:39 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka here.

The cases of the new corona virus were about 80,000 yesterday.
They have been increasing day by day very rapidly.

Though people who were infected need to stay home or at hospital,
those who had close contacts also must stay home for 10 days
in the present regulation.

Workers as a team are worried about the present situation very much
If someone were infected, team members can’t continue to work.

We have to be careful as much as possible to avoid the infection.

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Mesh Wi-Fi

2022-01-28 08:58:56 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka here.

I had trouble with the internet connection at my home recently.
I take an English lesson with a tutor from the Philippines every day.
While we spoke, the internet connection often broke.

I tried to find a good way to solve this problem and found it.
It is called ‘Mesh Wi-Fi System’.
This system can provide Wi-Fi service smoothly by using a few rooters.

I usually use the internet on the second floor at home.
Before only one router was set on the first floor.
Maybe the signal didn’t come to my room strongly.

I bought two new rooters by Mesh Wi-Fi System.
I set one router on the first floor and another one on the second floor.
It seems to work well so far.
I hope my English lesson will always go well.

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Rabbit as a pet

2022-01-27 09:02:27 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka here.

Yesterday, I conducted a business training.
Before starting the main training, trainees made a short speech
as a practice for presentation.

One of them was an interesting speech.
He spoke about his rabbits.
He recommended a rabbit for the first pet owners.

There were three reasons.
1. Reasonable price
If you want to have a dog, you have to pay much money.
A price of a rabbit is one-tenth of a dog.

2. No cry
Since rabbits don’t have vocal cords, they never cry.
If you live in an apartment, you never bother your neighbors.

3. No walk
You don’t need to take a rabbit for a walk.
It’s enough for them to play in your room.

I have a dog. I thought he was right.
Having a dog will cost us very much.
His barks sometimes annoy me.
Walking with him is sometimes a troublesome.

I love my dog but I thought a rabbit is also not bad
as he said.

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