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2022-08-31 08:01:12 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka again!

Yesterday, I heard the sad news.
Mr.Kazuo Inamori passed way. He was 90 years old.

He established Kyocera Company in 1959 and made the company
one of the biggest ceramic companies in the world.
He also established Daini Denden which is the second telecom
company in 1984.

He was a professional manager.
I read many books he wrote and studied business.

I am sorry for his loss. Rest in peace.

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The power of insensitivity

2022-08-30 08:57:59 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka again!

I read a book titled ‘The Power of Insensitivity’ written by
Mr.Junichi Watanabe, a writer and also a doctor.

He says, successful people have the power of insensitivity.
For example, Mr.A is a sensitive person. When he made a mistake,
His boss got angry and scolded him. Mr.A was disappointed very
much and he lost his energy.
Mr.B is an insensitive person. Although he was scolded by his boss,
He didn’t go down. In the next morning, he said ‘Good morning!’
very cheerfully. He seemed to forget what happened yesterday.

Which person will get promoted, Mr.A or Mr.B ?
The answer is Mr.B.

In not only business field, in all fields, insensitivity people
seem to be happy.

Although I became insensitive compared to my youth, I want
to become more insensitive.

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Entrance exams for universities

2022-08-29 08:06:13 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka again!

I have a son who just entered high school this year
and plans to go to a university after graduation.

They say that the system of entrance exams for universities
is becoming complicated recently.

There are many kinds of exam such as recommendation coming from
high school principal, a letter of intent, and the usual entrance exam,
which has been a little complicated nowadays because universities
prepare many types of tests such as three subject exam, two subject exam,
the exam using English score like TOEIC, EIKEN, and so on.
Each student will choose the best type of exam for him and try it.

I told my son that he should carefully plan and prepare very well for
his future in terms of college preparation.

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2022-08-28 09:28:23 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka again!

Eight months have almost passed this year.
Since I have been busy, I was not able to do my accounting
Yesterday, since I had time, I began to do it.

I finished the works from January to April.
Today, I am going to do the works from May to August.

We have only four months left this year.
Time flies.

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Women’s power

2022-08-27 09:01:45 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka again!

Yesterday, I visited a restaurant named ‘Osho’in Kamata.
to have lunch. ‘Osho’is a big Chinese restaurant chain group
and famous for its dumpling.
I had fried rice and some dumplings. They tasted very good.

By the way, I was surprised at one thing.
Many women worked there as staff.
My image of ‘Osho’restaurant is manly because the word ‘Osho’
means the king of Japanese chess in Japanese but yesterday,
many women worked very cheerfully.
Their work ethics made the ambiance nice.

I hope I can visit the restaurant again soon.

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