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2020-12-31 09:28:35 | 日記
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Hi there!
This is Jun Tomioka

21st of December was the winter solstice.
They say that this day has the shortest daytime of the year.

But old people didn’t think about it negatively.
Because daytime will become longer gradually from this day.
They used to believe that their luck will increase.

By the way, old people used to eat pumpkin on this day.
Actually, summer is the best season for pumpkin but since pumpkin
do not decay, they could keep until winter.
Pumpkin has a lot of vitamins so they eat it to overcome the cold winter.

Nowadays, we can eat everything throughout the year.
We have to understand the changes and we are happy with it.

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Clouds above the hill

2020-12-30 08:30:14 | 日記
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Hi there!
This is Jun Tomioka

Finally, I have finished to read a very long history novel yesterday.
The book is “Clouds above the hill” written by Mr. Ryotaro Shiba.

This novel describes Japanese-Russo War in 1904 to 1905.
Japan which was a very small and poor country, challenged Russia
which was one of the biggest countries, and then won.

The factor of victory was the Battle of the Sea of Japan.
The Japanese Navy thought the strategy to beat the enemy thoroughly.
In the result, all Russian battleship went down.

Nowadays, we should never have weapons but the economy looks like
a war. We try to get share from the competitors.
For that, we have to think the strategy very seriously.

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Employee Satisfaction

2020-12-29 09:42:32 | 日記
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Hi there!
This is Jun Tomioka

There is a business word called “CS”.
CS is short for “Customer Satisfaction”.
Companies are trying their efforts to make CS heighten.

On the other side, there is a word called “ES”.
ES is short for “Employee Satisfaction”.
It is a logic that the higher ES, the higher CS will be.

I remembered this thing when I heard the news about
a supermarket store group called “Summit” in Japan.

The company announced that all stores will be closed from
the first to the third of January next year to let their staff

Many years ago, in Japan, all stores closed at the beginning of
the new year. But recently, since a competition between them becomes
hard, many stores open from the first of January.

Summit’s decision was a surprise but I appreciate the company’s
policy for ES.

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The Origin of A Word

2020-12-28 14:00:27 | 日記
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Hi there!
This is Jun Tomioka

Yesterday, I brought my 14 year-old son at Jyuku(a cram school)
in Tokyo. We met with a teacher to consult about my son's study plan.

The teacher taught us a kind of knack to study well.
One of them was to learn the origin of a word.

For example, the word “Impress”.
Since “Im” means to inside, “press” means push,
“Impress” means “to make someone feel strong”.

Another word is "profess”. It is divided in two syllables,
“pro” and “fess”.“Pro” means “in front of people or God”
while “fess” means“tell something”.
Therefore, “profess” means "tell something clearly or honestly
with confidence”.

I am more interested in the word “profess”.
A professional is originally a person who can declare in front of God.

We always need to remember this meaning and work honestly
as a professional.

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24-hour Rule

2020-12-27 08:58:56 | 日記
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Hi there!
It is Jun Tomioka.

Yesterday, I joined a seminar to study overseas business.
I was interested in the word “24-hour rule” that an instructor said.

There is an EC (Electric Commerce) site among companies called
“Alibaba.com” in China.

Buyers in Alibaba are always trying to find new products to sell
on their site.

When they offer something to a company, they have to reply to them
within 24 hours otherwise they won’t proceed to a negotiation
and try to find another supplier.

Time is Money.

Nowadays, speed is one of the most important things in business.
Regardless of Alibaba, we have to try a quick response.

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