Jun's Blog in English


Time with my mother

2023-12-31 07:00:00 | 日記
Hi! Jun Tomioka here.

Our family is at my mother’s house in Atami.

This year, I visited my mother a couple of times
because of the many unexpected incidents that happened.

But I suppose those incidents blessings in disguise
because I was able to spend time with my mother.

I will try to be good to my mother as much as possible
next year too.

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Traffic Jam

2023-12-30 07:00:00 | 日記
Hi! Jun Tomioka here.

I watched a TV news that reported traffic jams
in many express ways because the homecoming started.

We are going to my mother’s house in Atami by car
on the 31st of this month.

We are anticipating heavy traffic jams, that's why
we've decided to leave home very early in the morning.

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Weekly Magazine

2023-12-29 07:00:00 | 日記
Hi! Jun Tomioka here.

Yesterday, I bought two weekly magazines called ‘Bunsyun’
and ‘Shincho’. They are famous for gossip articles.

I seldom buy these magazines because I am not so interested
in gossip. Since I will have a lot of time during the holidays,
I bought them.

When I read articles, I enjoyed some of them.
I am now contemplating if I indeed don't like gossip.

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Barbecue Lunch

2023-12-28 07:00:00 | 日記
Hi! Jun Tomioka here.

My wife had a day off yesterday.
We went to a barbecue restaurant close to us for lunch.

The restaurant is pet-friendly, a great convenience
because we can take our pets with us.

Only a few restaurants close to us allow pets inside
their premises.

We enjoyed the barbecue very much.
Our dog was also satisfied with the good barbecue food.

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First Lesson

2023-12-27 07:00:00 | 日記
Hi! Jun Tomioka here.

As I mentioned before, I decided to get a new license for
big motorbikes.

Yesterday, I took the first lesson.
Since the bike was heavy, it was not easy for me to handle,
but I got used to do it gradually.

I need to take 12 lessons and pass the exam to get the new license.
I will try my best to reach my goal.

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