Jun's Blog in English



2021-06-06 08:00:12 | 日記
Hi there, Jun Tomioka here!

Recently, I often drop by Starbucks to have some coffee and food.
I’m satisfied with the taste and atmosphere but felt that the prices
were expensive.

They say that people who use Starbucks tend to stay there for a
long time to study or work.
And now, I come to realize why the prices are higher than other shops.

If customers stay longer, the turnover becomes bad and may affect
the business.
What do they think about this matter?

I made a research about it.
Some years ago, the coffee shop industry had this problem in USA.
But Starbucks has a different take about the situation.
At that time, Starbucks announced that,
“We strive to create a welcoming environment for all of our customers.
We do not have any time limits for being in our stores, and continue to
focus on making the Third Place experience for every Starbucks customer.”

The first place is home and second one is the workplace.
Mr. Howard Schultz, the founder of Starbucks, travelled to Europe and
visited different cafés to observe how they deal with this circumstance.
He thought cafés are the third place for people to communicate
and wanted to make these places in USA, too.

Because of this, I finally understood why they have this kind of policy.
We can stay for a longer period of time and relax while we drink our
favorite drinks but I think we should keep a well-balanced behavior
and be sensitive enough to let other people experience there services.

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