Jun's Blog in English


Naomi’s opinion

2021-06-01 07:28:19 | 日記
Hi there, Jun Tomioka here!

Naoki Osaka, a renowned Japanese tennis player announced
that she would not join press conferences after games
because some questions from media hurt her.

Yesterday, the French Open Tennis Tournament which is
one of the biggest tennis tournaments in the world,
started. Naomi played in the opening game and won.
Although she took an on court interview, she was absent
from a press conference as she mentioned.

The committee of the French Open decided to fine her
15,000 US dollars and noticed her that they might
banish her from the grand slam tournaments if she continue
this action.

She tweeted;
Anger is a lack of understanding.
Change makes people uncomfortable.

I respect her action.
Other athletes might have similar feelings but they
usually follow regulations.
I think she knew many people would be against her opinion.
But she did it.

Some people from media sometimes criticize celebrities
mercilessly. I think she wants to change the situation.

This issue became big. Many people are making a fuss.
Eventually, she announced she will withdraw from the French Open.

Anyway, I want Naomi to play tennis hard and give us
a deep impression. I hope she will come back soon.

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