Jun's Blog in English



2021-06-19 08:00:19 | 日記
Hi there, Jun Tomioka here!

I read Nikkei the Newspaper every day.
There is a popular column named “My Resume” which
is an autobiography by business managers or famous people.

Now, Mr.Kise who is a former president of TOTO Company,
is writing it.

TOTO is a big company in Japan which produces toilets.
It holds 60% share of toilets in Japan.

TOTO’s epoch-making product is “Washlet”.
It’s the toilet which washes your hip with water automatically.
They started to sell it in 1980’s.
The tagline of TV commercial was “ Hip wants to be washed, too.”
The products were sold out all over Japan.

Now, most houses and buildings in Japan have washlet toilets.
We can’t live without washlet.

When I travel abroad, I sometimes feel bad because the toilets
are not washlets.
I hope all countries all over the world use washlets.

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語の日記(英語のみ)へ
にほんブログ村 士業ブログ 中小企業診断士へ


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