Jun's Blog in English


60 years old

2021-06-21 07:59:51 | 日記
Hi there, Jun Tomioka here!

Today is my birthday. I turned 60 years old.
When you reach 60 years old, you'll be referred to
as "Kanreki" in Japan.
We celebrate it as a long life.

Kanreki is the first cerebration of a long life.
Other than that, we have other celebrations such as;
70 years old means “Koki”.
77 years old means “Kijyu”.
80 years old means “Sanjyu”.
81 years old means “Hanjyu”.
88 years old means “Beijyu”.
90 years old means “Sotsujyu”.
99 years old means “Hakujyu”.
100 years old means “Hyakujyu”.
108 years old means “Chajyu”.
111 years old means “Koujyu”.
119 years old means “Ganjyu”.
120 years old means “Daikanreki”.
250 years old means “Tenjyu”.

So many celebrations!
It’s interesting that the 250 years old celebration is settled.
They say that the record of the longest life is 122 years
and 164 days.
Life span is becoming longer.
In the future, people might live for over 250 years.

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