
~ フランスからモーリシャスへ ~

where can I get a LAN cable?!

2004-09-10 11:30:34 | Weblog
I still don't know how to type Japanese with a computer with a French keyborad.
I am having a hard time typing this cuz the layout of the keyboard is different from
English keyboard. I'm always being bothered with keyboard since I started working...

It seems that wireless card doesn't work well in my dorm (it should!)
I asked several offices to get a LAN cable,
but everyone told me a different thing. Tarai mawashi desu.
Finally I found that there is one thing in common; they just don't have one, and don't know where I can get'em.
They were just kind enough not so say so, but say "XX office might help you."...shoot.
My journey for getting a LAN cable continues..


