

One of the camellia bush branch

2023-01-09 17:01:04 | 日記
One of the buds on a camellia branch I picked up during my walk on December 29th opened.

I put it in a glass bottle in the kitchen, but perhaps because the room was warm, the middle-sized bud on the far right opened.

The big bud in the middle is still sleeping.

The large buds do not bloom one after another.

Here, to, there is a great intention beyond human comprehension.

I don't want to forget the sensibility that can sense the great intentions in all actions and events.

Remember that we are in the hands of the Great One.

Thank you for the work of the Great One.


2023-01-09 16:40:38 | 日記
Over the end of the year and the beginning of the year, one of the managers of a group I participate in on FB has repeatedly sent me offensive messages.

I am fed up with the list of one-sided, condescending and intimidating words, I am tired of their humanity, and I have lost the will to refute them.

Pleasure things and the opposite are happening at the same time.

Dandelions are blooming while the outside temperature is below zero.

A dandelion makes its flowers bloom where they are placed, regardless of the surrounding environment.

I will also let my own flowers bloom without being swayed by the noise around me.

The dandelion taught me what to do.

This year, too, I will continue to live by committing to the laws of the universe.

Thanks Something Great.