世界中に、Happy を smile を!



2006-07-07 23:32:32 | その他

It is 7th July today.
The only day our wishes MAY come ture in a year.

What's your favor?
Do you have a wish if it can be TURE?


Actually,  I wanna say,   

"Give me time to think about it, at first !"

Things in my head now is,

Just thank everything it let me spend FRUITFUL daily life.
Wish i never forget to THANK everything, to everyone, whenever and wherever.

Because i'm not good at "being KENKYO".


1 コメント

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Unknown (Tomsmile)
2006-07-11 02:46:34
I think you have to make a lot of time to rest. But, it's impossible(?) I know.

You 're doing the best everyday!! Excellent!!

Indeed when it's Tanabata we want to think about a wish. I wish the health of my family , my friends ,my colleagues and everyone !! I want everyone to keep in good health and become able to do what they want to do.

I'll pray Orihime and Hikoboshi for everyone's physical health and mental peace☆