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GRAミーティング開催報告 (その3)/ GRA Meeting Report < part 3 >

2024-02-29 22:17:18 | イベント開催終了後発...


2月18日に開催した GRAミーティングの報告、その3回目です。
今回は、「2023年度 活動報告」と「2023年度 会計報告」の検証、そして「事務局移転の承認」について検討しました。では、検討結果をご覧ください。

This is the third report on the GRA meeting held on February 18th. This time, we examined the "2023 Activity Report" and "2023 Financial Report" as well as the "approval of secretariat relocation." Let's take a look at the results.


『 2023 活動報告 / 2023 Activity Report 』


All the reports in the 2023 Activity Report were approved. In particular, the continued dissemination activities through the official website were commended. It was commended for changing the dissemination activities to the main focus of its activities and for publishing articles with unique and distinctive content.

『 2023 会計報告 / 2023 Accounting Rekport

生憎、1月から募集をしている、スポットでの “会計担当” への申込みが無く、正式な会計報告はまだ作成できていません。が、暫定で作成された「概算・会計報告」で検討を行ないました。

 この 概算・会計報告が示すように、2023年度は 支出が収入を上回り、約 33,000円の赤字となり、前年度からの繰越額を上回りました。その為、新たに借入れを行なう必要があり、負債合計額は 300,000 円を超える見込みとなりました。

なお、当日、ミーティングに参加された方々から、活動支援金として 計 5,000円を頂戴しました。ありがとうございました。

In 2023, expenditure exceeded income, resulting in a deficit of approximately JPY 33,000, which exceeded the amount carried over from the previous year, so new borrowing was required and total liabilities were expected to exceed JPY 300,000, but the conclusion was that this was not a major problem. The reason for this is that the GRA does not carry out activities for profit and has received approval from the borrower, so it is expected to be able to continue its activities for the foreseeable future.

In addition, we are happy to report that. We received a total of JPY 5,000 as 'activity support money' from the people who attended the meeting on the day. We are very grateful.

また、スポットでの “会計担当” をして下さる方を引き続き募集しています。この活動を支援して下さる方はご連絡下さい。


『 事務局移転の承認 / Approval of Office Relocation 』


The change of the company registration needed to be approved at the meeting and was approved without any problems.



Next time, I will report in detail on the results of our examination of the "letters", "opinions" and "suggestions" delivered in conjunction with the meeting, one by one, based on our activity objectives and action principles.

 NPO法人 GRA 代表 小林 裕之  
Hiroyuki KOBAYASHI   GRA representative 


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活動支援金を受領しました / Activity Support Fund Report

2024-02-29 21:59:14 | 受領した“ご支援”の報告

先日(2/18)開催した『 GRAミーティング 』にて、参加者の方々から 活動支援金として、合計 5,000円を頂戴しました。大変にありがたい事です。

At the ``GRA Meeting'' held the other day, we received a total of 5,000 yen from the participants to support our activities. We are very grateful.
With your encouragement, we will continue to provide free support to riders and other people around the world.


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文章等は許可無く転載することを禁じます / Copyright GRA All Rights Reserved.