


Don't forget to take your keys.

2016-05-13 20:26:05 | 英語・今日のレッスン

words and expressions

忘れないように勉強する方がいい So that you won't forget, you should study.
持っていく take   持っていった took
持ってくる bring  持ってきた  brought

vacate 出る、立ち退く
vacant  空の

It's about time. そろそろ時間です
It's about time to finish. そろそろ終わりの時間です

【drop 落とす】

Excuse me. You dropped your keys. あのー、鍵を落としましたよ
Excuse me. You dropped your wallet. あのー、お財布落としましたよ


Don't forget to take your keys. 鍵を持っていくのを忘れないで
Don't forget to take your wallet. お財布を持っていくのを忘れないで
Don't forget your pen.  ペンを忘れないで

Don't forget to return the books to the library by five today.

Don't forget to water the plants.  植物に水をやるのを忘れないで
Don't forget to take out garbage. ごみを捨てるのを忘れないで

【帰る return 】

He is going to return to Japan from America. 彼はアメリカから日本へ帰って来る予定です(オールマイティで使える)

He is going to come back to Japan.  彼は日本へ帰ってくる予定です(過去に来たことがある)
Today my friend will come to Japan from America. 今日、友人はアメリカから日本へ来る予定です(初めてくる)

When will you come back? いつ戻ってきますか? 
I'll be right back. すぐに帰ります(すぐに戻ります)

Are you going back to America in the near future?

【Japan is safe】

Japan is safe.  日本は安全です
Japan is a safe country.  日本は安全な国です
Safety first  安全第一

This neighborhood is safer than my previous neighborhood.  この近所は前の近所により安全です

【previous/ former/ old/ ex- 】
previous   前の
former  前の フォーマルな言い方
ex-    前の、ex-boyfriend/ ex-husband / ex-wife

I bought a new computer but I can still use my old one.


5分休みましょう  Let's take a five minute break.

三連休 Three day holiday
This weekend is a three day holiday. 今週末は3連休です

2週間の休暇  two week vacation

holiday  短い休暇 祝日
vacation 長い休暇

day off 仕事の休日
Tomorrow is my husband's day off.  明日は夫の休日です
My days off are Monday and Friday. 私の休暇は月曜と金曜です

【One of the things~ ~の一つは】

One of the things that stood out for me about her speech was her passion.

One of the things that stood out for me about
meeting Mr. Sakamoto's mother was her delicious cooking.

One of the things that stood out for me about her wedding was her dress.


≪今までの復習問題2≫  解答は次回更新の5月22日までにUPします


1. 今週末は3連休です This weekend is three days holiday.
2. 私は近い将来海外へ行きたい I want to go to abroad in near the future.
3. 私は週に2度野球をします I play baseball twice in a week.
4. 私の息子は7時に家へ帰ってきました My son came to home at 7 o'clock.
5. それがどこか知っていますか Do you know where is it?
6. これはいくらだと思いますか Do you think how much this is?
7. 私は美術館で絵を見ました  I watched the paintings in the art museum.
8. それはとても面白い本でした It was so interesting book.
9. 日本についてどう思いますか What do you feel about Japan?
10. 私は兄弟も姉妹もいません  I don't have any brothers and sisters.

10. 3週間前

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2016-05-13 20:21:58 | お知らせ
To prevent accident you should always pay attention. 事故を防ぐため、いつも注意をするべきです

To prevent spilling the coffee you should not fill to the brim.

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ゴールデンウィーク中の復習問題 解答編

2016-05-03 14:58:53 | 復習問題解答

≪ゴールデンウィーク中の復習問題≫ 正解


1、15分前  Fifteen minutes before  Fifteen minutes ago

2、15分後  Fifteen minutes later In fifteen minutesまたはFifteen minutes from now

3、 彼はたくさんお金を持っています  He has much money. He has a lot of money.

4、日本は安全な国です  Japan is a safety country. Japan is a safe country.

5、安全運転してね    Safety driving. Drive safely. または Drive carefully.

6、ちょうど2時です  It's just two o'clock. It's exactly two o'clock. または It's two o'clock sharp.

7、日本人のほとんどは風呂に入るのが好き Most of Japanese like taking a bath.
Most Japanese like taking a bath.

8、私の友人のほとんどは車を持っています  Almost my friends have their own cars.
Most of my friends have their own cars.

9、試合で私は興奮しました  At the game, I was exciting. At the game, I was excited.

During driving, you shouldn't use a cellphone. While driving, you shouldn't use a cellphone.

11、興奮させる試合でした The game was excited. The game was exciting.

12、面接の間、大変緊張しました While the interview, I was very nervous.
During the interview, I was very nervous.

13、彼は彼女と来年結婚する予定です He will marry to her next year.
He will marry her next year.

14、彼女は警察官と結婚していました She was married....a policeman.
She was married to a policeman.

When I saw the photo, I was shy because there was "nori" between my teeth.
When I saw the photo, I was embarrassed because there was "nori" between my teeth.


1、とりあえず  For now
2、例えば For example
3、なんとなく For some reason
4、とにかく Anyway
5、ところで By the way
6、ちょっと待ってください Just a moment, please. /Just a second, please など

7、5分休憩しましょう Shall we take a five minute break?/ Let's take a five minute break!

8、あなたはこれを復習する方がいい You should review this.
9、あなたはこれを復習しなければならない You have to review this.
10、私はこれを復習したい I want to review this./ I would like to review this.
11、私はこれを復習するのを忘れた I forgot to review this.
12、私はこれを復習しなくてもよかった I didn't have to review this.
13、私はこれを復習する方がよかった(復習するべきでした)I should have reviewed this.
14、忘れないように復習する方がいい So that you won't forget, you should review this.
15、一緒に勉強しましょう Let's study together.
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What on earth is this?

2016-05-02 21:55:18 | 英語・今日のレッスン

words and phrases

mosquito(es) 蚊
A mosquito bites 蚊が刺す
I don't like mosquitoes. 私は蚊が嫌いです

suicide 自殺、自殺する
homicide (名詞)殺人
insecticide 殺虫剤

【prevent 防ぐ・ protect 守る】
To prevent mosquito bites you should use an insect repellent.

To prevent serious injury you should always use your seat belt.

While driving to prevent accidents you should never use your cellphone.

To prevent sunburn you should always use sunblock. 日焼けを防ぐためにいつも日焼け止めを使方がいい

When I leave home, to prevent myself from forgetting something I check my room room again and again.

To prevent accident you should always pay attention. 事故を防ぐため、いつも注意をするべきです

To prevent spilling the coffee you should not fill to the brim.

(protect) protect A from B  BからAを守る

To protect babies from sunburn most mothers use sunblock and umbrellas.

When I bought a smartphone for my son I put a parental filter with it to protect him from inappropriate website, like porno, violent pages.

To protect roses from bugs you should use insecticide.

【What on earth 一体全体】

What on earth is this? 一体全体これはなに?
What on earth did you do? 一体全体何をした?
What on earth are you doing? 一体全体何をしているの?
What on earth did you buy?  一体全体何を買ったの?
What on earth have you done? 一体全体何をしているの(していたの)?
What on earth are you looking at? 一体全体何を見ているの?
What on earth are you eating? 一体全体何を食べているの?

What on earth is this? と What is this? は聞いていることは同じ 「これは何?」 What on earth はより強調した聞き方

【Would you like~? Would you please~? May I~?】

Would you like
some coffee? コーヒーいかがですか
Would you like to dance? ダンスしませんか?ダンスしたいですか?
Would you like to sit here? ここにお掛けになりませんか
Do you want 名詞? Do you want to 動詞?の丁寧な形。 

Would you like me to take your photo? あなたの写真を撮りましょうか?(わたしに)あなたの写真を撮ってほしいですか
Would you like me to wait for you? あなたを待ちましょうか
Do you want me to 動詞? の丁寧な形

Would you please wait for me? 私を待ってくださいますか。待っていただけますか
Would you please give me some advice? アドバイスをいただけますか

May I have some tea? お茶をいただけますか
May I have a receipt? レシートをいただけますか。レシートをください

≪ゴールデンウィーク中の復習問題≫ 正解は5月15日の次回更新時にUPします


1、15分前  Fifteen minutes before
2、15分後  Fifteen minutes later
3、 彼はたくさんお金を持っています  He has much money.
4、日本は安全な国です  Japan is a safety country.
5、安全運転してね    Safety driving.
6、ちょうど2時です  It's just two o'clock.
7、日本人のほとんどは風呂に入るのが好き Most of Japanese like taking a bath.
8、私の友人のほとんどは車を持っています  Almost my friends have their own cars.
9、試合で私は興奮しました  At the game, I was exciting.
During driving, you shouldn't use a cellphone.
11、興奮させる試合でした The game was excited.
12、面接の間、大変緊張しました While the interview, I was very nervous.
13、彼は彼女と来年結婚する予定です He will marry to her next year.
14、彼女は警察官と結婚していました She was married a policeman.
When I saw the photo, I was shy because there was "nori" between my teeth.



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2016-05-02 21:36:08 | お知らせ
4月18日(月)の記事より 追記と訂正

He was one month premature. 彼は1カ月早産児でした
= He was born one month before it was expected to be born. 彼は出産予定よりも1カ月前に生まれました

The baby was three weeks premature. [=the baby was born three weeks before it was expected to be born]
Merriam Webster's dictionary より

Do you have already your passport? → Do you already have your passport? に訂正しました
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