


Please eat as much as you like.

2014-09-28 15:58:56 | 英語・今日のレッスン

words and expressions

雰囲気  atmosphere / mood
confident air 自信あるように
light 自然な明るさ
lightning 人工的な明るさ(電灯など)

nauseous (形容詞)吐き気を催す
I feel dizzy. めまいがする

except for 以外は My family except for my sister 私の家族の妹以外は・・・
besides 以外に  Besides my sister, my brothers went to a park. 妹以外に兄弟も公園へ行った

instead of  かわりに 
At the party instead of coffee I drank tea. パーティーでコーヒーの代わりに紅茶を飲んだ

in the child raising years 子育ての時期に

【~の面では -wise】

How are you? お元気ですか?/ どうですか?

Okay, but, health-wise, things could be better.

大丈夫です。でも、健康面では今ひとつです。(直訳)よくなる可能性がある → いまひとつ
* could はこの場合 することが出来た、という仮定

How was your trip? 旅行はどうでしたか?

Okay, but, weather-wise things could have been better.


How? / why? どう?/ どうして?

It rained except for the last day. 最後の日以外は雨でした

How was the restaurant?  レストランはどうでしたか? 

Okay, but, price-wise, things could have been better.


Why? どうして?

I thought it was inexpensive, but actually it was expensive, so I barely had enough money to pay.


relationship-wise  人間関係の面では
lightning-wise 電気の明るさの面では
seat-wise / seating-wise 席の面では

【 On the way to~, On the way~ ~へ(行く・来る)途中】

On the way to Tokyo  東京へ行く途中
On the way here ここへ来る途中
On the way there そこへ行く途中
On the way home  家へ行く途中
On the way to (the) hospital 病院へ行く途中 (アメリカ英語ではtheはつかわないが、イギリス英語ではthe hospitalとなる)
On the way to her home. 彼女のうちへ行く途中

On my way home 家へ行く途中

here, there, home の前には to はいらない
所有格の前には to が必要 to his house

【Please eat as much as you like. 好きなだけ食べて下さい】

Please eat as much as you like. あなたの好きなだけ食べて下さい
Please take as much as possible. 出来るだけ取って下さい
Please take as much as you can. 出来るだけ取って下さい
Please take as many as you count. 数えられるだけ取って下さい

Please come as early as you can. 出来るだけ早く来てください(時間的に早く)
Please come as quickly as you can. 出来るだけ速く来てください (スピード的に速く)

先週の復習【I was just about to eat lunch. ちょうどお昼を食べるところでした】

I was just about to leave home. ちょうど家を出るところでした


My friend recommended me this movie. 友人は私にこの映画を勧めた

What do you recommend at this restaurant? このレストランでは何がお勧めですか?

I don't recommend this movie for children. 私は子供にはこの映画をお勧めしない

recommend +名詞 お勧めする

I suggested that you wait until tomorrow. 私はあなたが明日まで待つことを提案します(お勧めします)

I suggested to my husband that he save money. 私は夫にお金をためることを勧めた

Even though we can eat as much as we like with 1000 yen at this restaurant, I suggest you not to eat too much.

suggest ~ 動詞の原型 

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« I was just about to leave.... | トップ | I'll catch up with you. あ... »


