


How many people were there?

2014-10-26 20:16:13 | 英語・今日のレッスン

words and expressions

crutch  松葉杖
cane 杖、ステッキ

trekking  トレッキング、基点と終点のある旅

This is free. 無料です
Did you do it for free? それは無料でしたか


How many people did you go with?   何人の人が一緒に行ったのですか?

How many people were there?  何人の人がそこにいましたか?

How many Japanese were there? 日本人は何人いましたか?

→ Including me three. 私を含めて3人です

Besides you, could you any other Japanese speak English?

We hiked around Oze. 私たちは尾瀬の周りをハイキングしました

Did you get some money for helping them? 彼らを助けることでお金をもらいましたか?

I did it free.   私はそれを無料で(ただで)しました

I stayed at the hotel for free. 私はホテルに無料で泊まりました

【enjoyable/ fun / interesting】

enjoyable (形容詞) 楽しい  いろいろな楽しいに広く使える
fun  (形容詞)楽しい カラオケ、パーティー、ディズニーランドなど動きのあることでの楽しみ
interesting (形容詞)興味深い、面白い

Was lunch with your friend enjoyable?  友達との昼食は楽しかったですか?

Was the party fun? パーティーは楽しかったですか?

Watching football is enjoyable?    サッカーを見るのは楽しいです

Playing football is fun. サッカーをするのは楽しいです

Reading book is enjoyable.  読書は楽しいです

【Because of ~で】

Because of the typhoon the wind was very strong in that area. 台風でこの地域の風はとても強かった

Because of his age  彼の年で
Because of her condition 彼女の具合で
Because of her injury 彼女の怪我で

enough +名詞 / 形容詞+enough

Do we have enough milk to make a cake? ケーキを作るのに十分のミルクがありますか

Do we have enough time to have coffee before our departure?

Is this table strong enough for me to stand on? このテーブルは私にとって上に立つのに十分強いですか?

Is she old enough to drive? 彼女は運転するのに十分な年ですか?

The movie was enjoyable enough to see twice.

Is this ladder tall enough to pick persimmons?


A little while ago 少し前

A little while ago I took this medicine. 少し前、この薬を飲みました

three days from now = in three days  3日後

a little while from now = in a little while  すぐに、まもなく、少したって

This is the first first time for me to have a traffic accident.

過去形)It was the first time for me to have a traffic accident.

未来形) It will be the first time for me to join the Global coffee.

Is it the first time for you to come to this restaurant?

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