


His idea is the opposite of mine.

2019-12-08 18:29:26 | 英語・今日のレッスン

the same as 】

AとBは同じ----->A and B are the same.
AはBと同じ-----> A is the same as B.

私の友人の年とわたしのは同じ-----> My friend's age and mine are the same.
私の友人の年は私の(年)と同じ-----> My friend's age is the same as mine.

the opposite of

AとBは反対------> A and B are the opposite.
AはBと反対------> A is the opposite of B.

彼の考えと私のは正反対です------> His idea and mine are the opposite.
彼の考えは私のと正反対です------> His idea is the opposite of mine.

similar to

AとBは似ている------> A and B are similar.
AはBと似ている-------> A is similar to B.

私の性格と母の性格は似ています-----> My character and my mother's are similar.
私の性格は母の性格と似ています-----> My character is similar to mine.

彼女の靴は私の靴と似ています-----> Her shoes are similar to mine.

different from 】

AとBは違います-----> A and B are different.
AはBと違います-----> A is different from B.

彼女の猫と私の猫は毛の色以外は違います-----> Her cat and mine are different except for the color of fur.
彼女の猫は毛の色以外は私の猫とは違います-----> Her cat is different from except for the color of fur.
私の今の仕事と前の仕事はあまり違わない-----> My new job and previous one are really no different.

彼女の靴の色は私のと違います------> The color of her shoes are different from mine.

A is the opposite of B.-- AはBと反対です】

難しいは易しいの反対です-----> Difficult is the opposite of easy.
浅いは深いの反対です------> Shallow is the opposite of deep.
太っているは痩せているの反対です-----> Fat is the opposite of thin.
酸っぱいは甘いの反対です------> Sour is the opposite of sweet.
病気なは健康なの反対です------> Sick is the opposite of healthy.
狭いは広いの反対です------> Narrow is the opposite of wide.
固いは柔らかいの反対です-----> Hard is the opposite of soft.
高いは低いの反対です------> High is the opposite of low.
貧乏は裕福の反対です------> Poor is the opposite of rich.
幸せは悲しいの反対です------> Happy is the opposite of sad.
ひどいは素晴らしいの反対です-----> Terrible is the opposite of wonderful.
美しいは醜いの反対です------> Beautiful is the opposite of ugly.

ひどいの反対は何ですか------> What is the opposite of terrible?
AとBの違いは何ですか------> What is the difference from A and B?

We're gonna move on. ----> We're going to move on.--> 先に進みましょう

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