


Haiku is easy to understand, but profound.

2015-05-31 18:09:30 | 英語・今日のレッスン

words and expressions

Calm down. 落ち着いて

useful (形容詞)役立つ、便利な、役に立つ
This is a useful tool. これは便利な道具です
This is a useful expression. これは便利な表現です

announcement (名詞)お知らせ、告知

fore 前面の
forehead 額(頭の前)

weather forecast= weather report 天気予報

rainy (形容詞)雨の / cloudy 曇りの / windy 風の強い / sunny 晴れの

salute (動詞)敬礼する、敬意を表する  (名詞) 敬礼

respect (動詞)尊敬する  (名詞) 尊敬 respect for~

remind (動詞) (人に)思い出させる Thank you for reminding me. 思い出させてくれてありがとう

hygiene (名詞)衛生状態(歯磨き、入浴、など体をきれいにすること)

at least 少なくとも
at most せいぜい、多くとも

【According to~ ~によると】

According to her mail, she'll be 30 minutes late.

According to the announcement, the train will be 10 minutes late.

According to the sign, you cannot take pictures here.

According to the weather forecast, today will be rainy.
=According to the weather report, it will be rainy tomorrow.

According to the newspaper, there was a big earthquake in Nepal.

【30 minutes late】

数字+ late

ten years old 10歳
30 minutes late 30分の遅れ
250 centimeters long 250センチの長さ

This table is 250 centimeters long. この机は250センチの長さです


The day after tomorrow= The day after next  あさって
The week after next  再来週
The Monday after next 再来週の月曜日
The month after next 再来月
The year after next 再来年
The summer after next 再来年の夏

The day before last おととい
The year before last おととし


I respect you. 私はあなたを尊敬しています

I'm thankful to you. あなたに感謝している

I'm thankful for your help. あなたの助けに感謝している

I'm grateful for your help. あなたの助けに感謝している

(appreciate 動詞:感謝する
I appreciate your help. 私はあなたの助けに感謝します
I appreciate your honest. 私はあなたの誠実さに感謝します
I appreciate your kindness. 私はあなたの親切なことに感謝します

【復習 besides, except for~】

When I went to Tokyo besides this bag, I bought a hat.

This morning, except for a banana, I didn't eat anything.

【復習 recommend , suggest】

At this restaurant, what do you recommend? (What do you recommend at this restaurant?)

I suggest you wait until tomorrow.


poem (名詞) 詩
poet (名詞) 詩人、歌人
poetry (名詞) 詩、詩的作品

He is famous as a poet. 彼は詩人として有名です
She is a famous poet. 彼女は有名な詩人です

Besides being a famous artist, she is also famous as a poet.

He is famous as a haiku poet at least in Gunma.

Haiku has deep meaning.  俳句は深い意味を持っている
Haiku is profound.  俳句は意味深い
Haiku is profound, but easy to understand. 俳句は意味深いがわかり易い
Haiku is easy to understand, but profound. 俳句はわかりやすいが、意味深い


40,000 forty thousand
14,000 fourteen thousand
1,000,000 million
1,400 forty hundred / one thousand four hundred
44,444 forty four thousand four hundred forty four

【as~  ~として】

As a mountain climber I'm interested in the weather.

As a English student besides my class I should speak English everyday.

As a housewife I always make healthy food.

As his guest I should move quietly to his house.

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