

BBC 中国のメダル獲得に現金が動く

2008-08-26 | Weblog
Page last updated at 10:40 GMT, Tuesday, 26 August 2008 11:40 UK

Cash boost for China medallists

China spends about $117m each year on sports

1: Chinese athletes who won gold medals at this summer's Beijing Olympics are to be paid about $51,000 each (£28,000), according to Chinese state media.

2: The payouts are an increase on the $29,000 (£16,000) that China paid its gold medallists after the 2004 Games.
China came top of the medals table at this year's Games, winning 100 medals in 25 sports, including 51 golds.
China spends about $117m (£63.5m) each year on sports, according to China's sports chief, Liu Peng.
中国が2004年のオリンピックのあと金メダリストに支払った金額は29,000ドル増加している。中国は、今年の大会で51個の金メダルを含めて100個のメダルを25のスポーツで獲得してメダルの数のトップに立った。 中国のスポーツ長官のリウ・ペン氏によると、中国は、毎年、スポーツに11700万ドルを使っているという。

3: China is not alone in giving its athletes cash prizes for winning medals at the Olympic Games.

4: The United States also pays money to medal-winning Olympians.

5: At the 2006 Winter Games, US athletes were paid $25,000 (£13,600) for winning gold medals, $15,000 (£8,100) for silver and $10,000 (£5,400) for bronze.

6: Canadian athletes are also being paid cash rewards for medals won at the Beijing games.

7: It is the first time Canada has made such awards to its athletes.

8: They will be paid about $19,000 (£10,000) for each gold medal, $14,000 (£8,000) for each silver, and $9,000 (£5,000) for each bronze medal they won.




BBC イスラエルがパレスチナ人を釈放する

2008-08-25 | Weblog
Page last updated at 09:31 GMT, Monday, 25 August 2008 10:31 UK

Israel frees jailed Palestinians

The prisoners were taken to Beituniya checkpoint, where celebrations began

1: Israel has released 198 Palestinian prisoners in what it calls a goodwill gesture to bolster Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas.

2: They include two convicted killers of Israelis who have been in detention since 1977 and 1979 and who are among the longest-serving inmates.

3: The release coincides with a visit to the region by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

4: Washington aims to achieve a Middle East peace deal by the year's end.

5: Reaching that target looks increasingly unlikely, as relations between Israel and the Palestinians have been strained in recent months, the BBC's Aleem Maqbool reports from Ramallah.

6: Palestinians have been unhappy at illegal Israeli settlement expansion in the West Bank.
On a previous visit, Ms Rice criticised the policy.
パレスチナ人は、ウエストバンクのイスラエルの不法占領を拡大していることに不満を持っている。 ライス長官は先の訪問でその政策を非難した。

7: The prisoners underwent routine medical examinations on Sunday and met Red Cross representatives, prison officials said.

8: They were transported to Beituniya checkpoint near Ramallah, where they were greeted with cheers and applause.

9: They then boarded Palestinian buses for the short journey to Mr Abbas's presidential compound for an official celebration.

10: Palestinian Prison Affairs Minister Ashraf al-Ajrami said their reception would be like a "national wedding".
Correspondents say it is rare for Israel to free convicted killers of its citizens.

11: Said al-Attaba, 56, was jailed in 1977 for killing an Israeli woman and Mohammed Ibrahim Abu Ali, 51, was imprisoned in 1979 for killing an Israeli reservist.

12: Shaul Mofaz, one of the contenders to succeed Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert when he steps down next month, condemned the release.

13: *"When Israel frees prisoners to weak elements without demanding anything in return, they remain weak," he said.  "This is a decision conveying weakness and an acceptance of the existing situation," the Israeli politician said.

14: About 10,000 Palestinians remain in Israeli jails - nearly 700 of these are held in administrative detention without charge or trial.




BBC 北京がオリンピックに別れを告げる

2008-08-24 | Weblog
Page last updated at 12:11 GMT, Sunday, 24 August 2008 13:11 UK

Beijing bids farewell to Olympics


1: The Olympic Games are drawing to a close at a glittering closing ceremony inside Beijing's Bird's Nest Stadium.

2: Spectacular fireworks kicked off the proceedings, while a theatrical drumming and dancing display inside the stadium recalled the opening ceremony.

3: It is a more and light-hearted event though, in front of 90,000 spectators, with the exuberant athletes getting into the spirit.

4: China will soon hand the Olympic flag to the 2012 hosts London.

5: The sporting action was finally brought to an end with France's men claiming gold in the final of the handball.

6: It was the 302nd and last gold medal to be awarded, and followed Sunday's finals in boxing, basketball, volleyball and water polo, while Kenya's Sammy Wanjiru won the men's marathon.

7: Beijing's dramatic farewell to the 29th Games of the modern Olympiad got under way with a magnificent firework display, which quickly segued into a beautifully choreographed display of dancing and drumming.

8: With thousands of athletes on parade inside the stadium, Wanjiru received his gold medal for the marathon win before the playing of the Greek national anthem, in recognition of their unique and hidtorical contribution to the Olympic movement.

9: Great Britain surpassed all targets by winning 19 golds at the 2008 Games - their best haul for a century.

10* Scottish cyclist Chris Hoy, who claimed three gold medals at the Games, will carry the flag for Team GB at the closing ceremony.

11: The ceremony will also see London mayor Boris Johnson receive the Olympic flag to signal the countdown to the 2012 Games.

12: Team GB have been congratulated for their efforts in a message from The Queen.

13: "As a nation we now look forward to holding the Olympic Games in London in 2012," she said.

14: "The golden triumphs of the present British team can only serve as further inspiration to those who will be working hard over the next four years to make the London Games a shining example of Olympic success."

15: China staged the Olympics against a background dominated by fears of pollution, worries over security and protests about its human rights record.

16: But the sporting action has been enthralling, with highlights including Michael Phelps swimming to a record eight gold medals and Jamaican Usain Bolt breaking three world records as he bagged a sprint title treble.

17: British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who spoke on Sunday of his hope that a UK football team could compete in the next Olympics, will attend the closing event.

18: The London Olympics will also have a eight-minute slot that will feature a version of Led Zeppelin classic Whole Lotta Love performed by the group's guitarist Jimmy Page and singer Leona Lewis.
ロンドン・オリンピックも8分間の時間で、ギタリストのジミー・ペイジや歌手のレオナ・リュイスのグループで形成するLed Zeppelin classic Whole Lotta Loveを演奏する予定だ。

19: Footballer David Beckham will be involved as will the Royal Ballet and the London Symphony Orchestra.
The closing show will also feature a duet by Chinese folk singer Song Zuying and Spanish tenor Placido Domingo, along with a performance by a 350-strong kung-fu group.
サッカー選手のデビッド・ベッカムは、ロイヤル・バレーやロンドン・シンフォニー・オーケストラと共に参加する予定だ。閉会式では、中国人のフォーク歌手のSong Zuyingやスペイン人のテノール歌手Placido Domingoも350人のカンフー・グループと一緒に出演する。



@:閉会式は無事に終了しました。中国にとって国威をかけた最初のオリンピックだったので熱の入ったセレモニーでした。終わりの頃、ロンドンの光景が入ってきて、早くも次のオリンピックへバトンタッチをしたかのようでした。 これを機会に中国には大会前に噴出した諸問題を解決し、自由で民主的な国に大きく変身してほしいものです。 


BBC  アルゼンチンが暑さに打ち勝って金メダル獲得

2008-08-23 | Weblog
Page last updated at 06:48 GMT, Saturday, 23 August 2008 07:48 UK

Argentina brave heat to take gold

Argentina defend football gold

1: Argentina retained their Olympic men's football title as they overcame the heat to beat Nigeria 1-0 in the Bird's Nest stadium.

2: Benfica striker Angel di Maria's neat chip after 58 minutes was enough to give the Argentines victory.
Nigeria had their fair share of chances, but were unable to beat goalkeeper Sergio Romero.

3: Play was stopped twice to allow players to take on water to deal with the searing 42C (107F) heat.
Striker Lionel Messi put di Maria through on goal, after freeing himself from some tight Nigerian marking.

4: Nigeria were attempting to repeat their 1996 Olympic victory over Argentina, but despite some early solid defending could not keep Messi at bay.

5: "Maybe the heat was a factor," said Argentina coach Sergio Batista. "I think it the game had been played in another part of the day it would have been very different.

6: "We tried to make sure that we didn't get uptight, just to play our own game. We wanted to play with intelligence and move the ball around and not run around so much. We wanted the ball to do the work."

7: Nigeria coach Samson Siasia was critical of the decision to play the game in the middle of the day.

8: "No team has actually played at noon since we started this tournament," said Siasia. "It affected both countries and most players didn't perform to their level because of the heat.

9: "But we didn't make the rules. They said play the game at noon which I don't think was a good idea.

10: "We had a lot of chances on goal, but you have to score goals to win gold medals. After gold, I think silver is not bad. Look at Brazil, they came third."

11: Brazil took the bronze medal on Friday, strolling to a 3-0 win over Belgium.




BBC ライオン事件の南アフリカ人が釈放

2008-08-21 | Weblog
Page last updated at 11:03 GMT, Thursday, 21 August 2008 12:03 UK

Lion death S African to be freed

MPs have condemned Scott-Crossley's release

1: The South African man convicted of feeding one of his ex-workers to the lions is due to be freed on parole shortly, after three years in jail.

2: Mark Scott-Crossley was originally given a life sentence for murder but this was reduced after a judge said there was no proof the man was alive.

3: The remains of Nelson Chisale's body were found in the lion enclosure, causing a national outcry. The case highlighted the racial tensions in rural South Africa.

4: Trade unions and MPs have condemned the release of Scott-Crossley. His lawyers says the release comes after he has served two-thirds of his sentence.

5: Mr Chisale was beaten up by Scott-Crossley and another worker after going to his home to collect belongings after being dismissed from his work on a farm in the Limpopo province in 2004.

6: The Appeals Court last year found there was no evidence that Mr Chisale had been alive when thrown into the lion enclosure, so Scott-Crossley could only be convicted of being an accessory to murder after the fact.

7: The other worker, Simon Mathebula, is serving a 15-year sentence for murder.

8: Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) official Jan Tsiane said the case shows that, 14 years after the end of apartheid, the criminal justice system remains biased towards the rich, reports the South African Broadcasting Corporation.

9: SABC also reports that the chairperson of the parliamentary Correctional Services Committee, Dennis Bloem, says he will be writing to demand an official explanation for Scott-Crossley's early release.



