


2010年02月12日 23時56分43秒 | Weblog




主題歌:ううあ「てぃんさぐぬ花」 歌:ううあ&大島保克 三線:大島保克
(SPEEDSTAR RECORDS/Victor Entertainment,inc.)(NHK/DoReMi-TV)




2010年02月12日 23時41分06秒 | Weblog


* 下記は参考のための仮翻訳で、正文は英文および仏文です。










2010年02月12日 23時40分41秒 | Weblog
2010/02/08 11:54 サーチナ(searchina)









2010年02月12日 23時39分22秒 | Weblog



●米国務次官補 「DV逃れ子ども連れ帰り」否定 「拉致問題支援に悪影響」  『普天間より深刻』 

2010年02月09日 14時21分49秒 | Weblog
●「DV逃れ子ども連れ帰り」否定 ハーグ条約巡り米高官http://www.asahi.com/national/update/0202/TKY201002020323.html


(2010年2月2日19時21分 朝日新聞 asahi.comより)

●米が日本にハーグ条約加盟迫る 「拉致問題支援に悪影響」 キャンベル米国務次官補



(2010年2月7日 02時02分  東京新聞より)

●ハーグ条約 腰重い日本 米『普天間より深刻』





 <ハーグ条約> 正式名称は「国際的な子の奪取の民事面に関する条約」。オランダのハーグ国際私法会議で1980年に採択され、83年に発効した。締約国は欧米を中心に81カ国。子どもを連れ去られた親が返還を求めた場合、相手国は子どもの居場所を特定し、元の居住国に戻す義務を負う。

(2010年2月6日 東京新聞夕刊より)

Children's rights, judicial wrongs (3)

2010年02月05日 05時33分13秒 | Weblog





一方、家庭裁判所が、その特別な訓練を受けた捜査員子供たちに"専門家"、高齢者の福祉と権利などが開催されます。私の見解では、問題は、子どもの権利、おそらく日本では他の多くの個人の権利と同じ文字:がされて権利はなく、むしろ、バインドして、政府に対抗することができますが、それらはbeneficesの人々にもによって与え、裁判官の意味と他の官僚。権利を紙の上では、他の国の人々が享受するための微妙なプロセスwhereby、ルールの政府機関から変換されますを受ける可能性があります同様に従うことになっている、これが官僚の多くの市民になる何をする人々 -公民権伝える媒体に見える職務。



結果として、存在する可能性が非常には、たとえば、父親との調停の子供との接触を求めてスタートする場合、すべてがうまくいけば、家庭裁判所は、"審判の面会" -かもしれないで行くかもしれないと言われる切断する基本的なもの法廷職員の監督の下では、家庭裁判所プレイルームで2時間。裁判所に携わっている疑いもなく一生懸命""彼の子供を持つ父親の時間を与えるに取り組んでいると思う。多くの親は、"与えられた""審判"の訪問時間は、同居されている可能性のある子供とされての概念の背後にある仮定によると激怒される可能性があります数週間前まで。


として正式に翻訳されている同様の動的なときに完全な親権を()拳、または"親権に関しては、"見たことができます。親権者の標準的な教科書の説明は、このようなものだ:"ただし、その顔を拳で親の権利の文字が(神拳では、'研究'の漢字を右'のために、'のように書かれて表示されます 、jinken 人間の権利)を、これほどの親としての義務の観点で考えることが適切です:ご両親の職務を適切にし、子どもたちを高めるため、職務の市民は、次の世代を育てる。"







さらに、それらはすべて明らかに認知的不協和を経験せずに行うことができることがあります。この例では、さいたま家庭裁判所は、裁判官は、それは彼の元妻の精神的苦痛を引き起こすだろうとの理由で父親の面会賞を拒否した最近の事件について両親のグループニュースレターの記事で報告されます。の訪問に代えて、裁判官は、父は毎年彼の子供の3つの写真を送信するよう命じた。裁判所のWebページでは、この同じ裁判官が短い列を記述掲載している両方の方法を彼女の家族は自分の人生彼女のキャリアの基盤であり、どのように彼女の仕事を彼女の2人の子供を十分に時間を費やしてからの彼女の維持についての罪悪感に彼女の気持ち。 3枚の写真は1年、確かに。 。 。




Children's rights, judicial wrongs (2)

2010年02月05日 05時32分27秒 | Weblog
The family court personnel no doubt also consider themselves to be protecting the rights of the child — there might be assertions of abuse, the visitation might turn into an abduction (or counter-abduction); all sorts of terrible things could happen, so a presumption of guilt may be the safest course — for the court, at least, since it means it will not be blamed for any negative result. The ability of courts to be "safe" in this fashion would be jeopardized if visitation were any sort of fundamental right, since then the court would be participating in its infringement.

The same dynamic can be seen when it comes to full custody (shinken), or "parental authority," as it is officially translated. A standard textbook description of parental authority goes something like this: "although on its face shinken appears to have the character of parental rights (the 'ken' in shinken being written with the kanji for 'right,' as in jinken, human rights), it is more appropriate to think of it in terms of parental duties: the duties of parents to raise their children properly, and their duties to raise the next generation of citizens."

On first glance this seems like a perfectly wholesome way to think about the subject. Indeed, it is a formulation that probably comes naturally to jurists who no doubt see more than their fair share of dysfunctional families, bad parents and messed-up kids (family courts also have jurisdiction over juvenile criminal cases). Yet it is also a formulation that results in the subtle conversion of parental authority from something that parents can assert against the government on behalf of their children, into the means by which well-meaning judges and other government employees tell misguided parents what they are doing wrong and why they are bad parents.

However, the description of parental authority as a set of duties rather than rights actually ignores the wording of Japan's Civil Code, which sets forth a small number of rights as well as duties that come with parental authority, including the right to specify where one's children live, and the right to discipline them. Yet these rights do not seem to mean anything to family courts once it comes to divorce and custody — parents left behind when their children are removed by the other parent may find that even though they supposedly have custody, they do not even have the right to know where their children are, let alone decide where they live.

Indeed, the only time parental authority seems to involve rights is when it is terminated for abuse ("abuse of rights" is a basic concept in the law of Japan and some of the European countries on which it modeled much of its legal system). While there are formal procedures for terminating parental authority, they may not be necessary in practice: All it can take for a parent to lose all contact with their children, and be denied all information about their education or whereabouts, is an unproven allegation of abuse. Once a government agency has decided to act, whether or not you have "parental authority" may mean very little. The formal legal termination of parental authority after a married couple separates may be nothing more than a procedural afterthought to be noted in the family register, which, as already noted, is more about form than substance.

Thus, in my view, the fact that courts might be inclined to ignore Civil Code provisions that describe parental authority as including parental rights is understandable for the same reason that they might not be keen on referring to the Children's Rights Convention: It is probably personally and professionally more satisfying to tell other people what they should be doing than the other way around.

With rights being the principle way in which parents and other citizens could tell the courts and other government institutions what to do, their conversion into duties is also understandable. While in other countries courts provide a mechanism by which people assert their rights against bureaucracies, in Japan the courts tend to be more like bureaucracies themselves. The same logic may also explain why the Japanese government is able to advance plans to make it easier to terminate the rights of abusive parents at a time when growing calls for the adoption of joint custody, enforceable visitation and joining the Hague Convention on international child abduction remain unaddressed.

Consequently, parents and activists trying to address the problems of child abduction and parental alienation in Japan using arguments framed in terms of children's rights may not get very far with family courts or other bureaucracies. After all, they are the experts in the subject, and if you are in court they may presume you are a bad parent anyways. That being the case, they will tell you what is best for your child, not the other way around.

Furthermore, they may be able to do so without experiencing any apparent cognitive dissonance. An example of this is reported in a parents' group newsletter article about a recent case in the Saitama Family Court, in which the judge refused to award a father visitation on the grounds that it would cause his ex-wife emotional distress. In lieu of visitation, the judge decreed that the father should be sent three pictures of his child annually. On the court's web page, this same judge has posted a short column describing both how her family life is one of the foundations of her career, and her feelings of guilt about how her job keeps her from spending enough time with her two children. Three pictures a year, indeed . . .

Paradoxically, therefore, what may be needed in Japan is not more children's rights: it may have more than enough of those — they may just be being interpreted by the wrong people. Rather, what might actually be needed is stronger, more firmly defined parental rights — coupled with a clear understanding that it is first and foremost parents, not bureaucrats, who will decide what is best for their children before, during and after marriage, regardless of what it says in the family registry. Strong parents' rights are likely to be the key to stronger, more meaningful children's rights: Most parents — even the divorcing ones — are going to spend a lot more time thinking about what is best for their children than a judge or some other bureaucrat, no matter how well-intentioned.

Colin P. A. Jones is a professor at Doshisha Law School in Kyoto. Send comments and story ideas to community@japantimes.co.jp
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The Japan Times
(C) All rights reserved

●Children's rights, judicial wrongs (1)

2010年02月05日 05時30分42秒 | Weblog

Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2010

Children's rights, judicial wrongs


Parents, lawyers and activists alike understandably frame the problems of parental child abduction and parental alienation in Japan in terms of children's rights. While it would be easy to conclude from what I wrote in last week's column that Japanese courts simply do not care about them, this would probably be a mistake.

On the contrary, family courts and their specially trained investigative personnel are held out as the "experts" on children, their welfare and rights. In my view, the problem is that children's rights probably have the same character as many other personal rights in Japan: Rather than being rights that bind and can be asserted against the government, they are benefices bestowed on the people by well-meaning judges and other bureaucrats. Rights that on paper seem similar to those enjoyed by people in other countries may undergo a subtle process whereby they are converted from rules government agencies are supposed to follow, into the medium by which bureaucrats tell the people what to do — civil rights often becoming civic duties.

To look at the Justice Ministry's human rights cartoon mascots, Ayumi Ken and Mamoru Ken (puns meaning "advance rights" and "protect rights"), and their posters exhorting the citizenry to "think about the feelings of others," "engender a considerate heart" and "heighten each person's awareness of human rights," one would think that human rights in Japan are a matter of some failing in the psyche of the Japanese people, rather than, for example, failings in the same system that allows Japanese police and prosecutors to detain and question suspects for long periods without access to counsel in order to coerce confessions. This system is under the supervision of the Ministry of Justice — a system that has been repeatedly criticized by the U.N. Commission on Human Rights, members of which have questioned whether the Japanese government even understands what some of the human rights agreements it has signed mean. But of course the U.N. must have it wrong: The Japanese government is in the business of telling its citizens to respect human rights, so how could it possibly be infringing them?

The same subtle conversion process seems to take place in family law as well. For example, for a number of years there was a somewhat surreal academic debate in Japan over whether visitation was a right of the parent, the child (as is the view of courts in some countries) or something else. In its second decision on visitation, the Supreme Court held in 2000 that visitation was a right of neither parent nor child. Rather, it was a parent's right to ask the court to do something, like awarding visitation — maybe. Effectively, visitation is a privilege granted to deserving and cooperative parents by generous judges. This is a perfectly rational decision from the standpoint of a judicial bureaucracy: To officially identify any sort of substantive right in the parent-child relationship would involve unnecessarily binding courts in future cases. Litigants would start to demand visitation as a right, whereas many judges would probably rather bestow it after being asked nicely.

As a result, there is likely a very basic disconnect when, for example, a father starts mediation seeking contact with his child and is told that, if all goes well, the Family Court might have a go at "trial visitation" — maybe an hour or two in the family court playroom, under the supervision of courtroom personnel. Those working for the court doubtless feel they are working hard to "give" the father time with his child. Many parents, however, are likely to be enraged by the presumption behind the notion of being "given" an hour of "trial" visitation with a child they might have been living with until a few weeks ago.

Judges fill the gaps in Japan's family law (3)

2010年02月05日 05時21分05秒 | Weblog



コリンP.A .ジョーンズ





本質は、"黒い文字"の家族法では、日本では家族関係の物質よりも、フォームでより多くの懸念が存在しません。この両方の社会単位と社会と政府との取引の責任の結節点としての家庭の歴史的重要性ではなく、個々の反映されます。このため、政府が投与される可能性があります 戸籍 システム-公式には"戸籍"(ただし、"家計簿"をより正確になるため) -として翻訳の重要な機関にもかかわらず、であるように、平均的な日本人一人が、21世紀の民主主義社会の何を目的を説明するのは難しいことが時代錯誤である。






実際、フォームと日本の法律での物質の衝突は、民法の家族のレジストリや時代遅れの規定に頻繁に勝つ。までに登録されて結婚した場合、有効ではありませんし、親権争いでは、どのような戸籍の言葉より、子供の生活環境と生物学的または感情的な社債の現実よりも重要になることがあります。結果として、子供婚外子の父親が-たとえそれが母親の事情(のようなものですからは疎遠になっても誰か、または希望しないように、プロの理由で彼女の名前を変更する結婚) -文字通りている日本では自分の子供には法的拘束力は、たとえ主な介護者です。同様に、離婚noncustodial父親の後に合法的に自分の子供に"知らない"となると、本人の同意なく、これらの子供たちは新しい夫で採択されることを発見し、ショックを受ける可能性がありますが、元妻の再と結婚するか、またはによって彼女自分の親の場合、彼女はしません。




もう1つの標準は、裁判所が発明の母のときに親権を受注するために来たの好み、しかし、当事者は、常に裁判所の過程で、父親に親権を与えることに同意するには無料ですが離婚訴訟の前にする必要があります調停を後援した。 2008年、男性による離婚の例は約10%の親権を得た最高裁判所の統計によると、。興味深いことに、裁判所は、(すなわち、裁判官は当事者本人ではなく、結果責任がある)争わ離婚同様の統計情報を公開するには、小さなお子様の場合は、特に母親のために規定の好みを反映されません。彼らは常により父親よりも丁寧になるだろうが、商業的で、家族法の専門家向けに書かれたマニュアルをご参照、親権の決定には、規定する単一の標準設定の章:母親に親権を聞かている。 (この判断を行うためには、マニュアルでは、家庭の外で、すべての人の仕事と、すべての母親の自宅に滞在と仮定するようです。)



それから、憲法です。米連邦最高裁判所は、親が子供との関係を根本的に自由関心を持って、それは非常に高いしきい値の政府機関前に終了することが満たされなければならないという意味を開催しています。日本の最高裁判所の判例の基本的権利のいずれかをソートするために、親と子の関係を結ぶが、ほとんど存在しない。 1984年、父は最高裁判所にその下の幸福を追求する彼の権利を侵害に基づいて面会を拒否控訴第13条の日本の憲法。彼の訴えは却下された。これは、日本の最高裁判所の家族の内政に干渉することに消極反映するかもしれないが、多くの親かどうかを第13条何ももし自分の子供たちの成長を見ての幸せは含まれないという問題があります。


Judges fill the gaps in Japan's family law (2)

2010年02月05日 05時20分24秒 | Weblog
Another example is the anachronistic legal requirement that a child born within 300 days of the mother's divorce be registered as the child of her ex-husband — even if she has married the child's biological father. Thus, the formalistic integrity of the registry system takes precedence over the biological and emotional reality of Japanese children.

Indeed, when form and substance clash in Japanese law, the family registry and outdated provisions of the Civil Code often win. Marriages are not legal until they are registered, and in custody disputes, what the family registry says may be more important than the reality of a child's living environment and biological or emotional bonds. As a result, fathers of children born out of wedlock — even if it is due to the circumstances of the mother (such as being estranged from but still married to someone else, or not wanting to change her name for professional reasons) — have literally no legal standing over their own children in Japan, even if they are the primary caregiver. Similarly, after divorce a noncustodial father legally becomes a "stranger" to his own children and may be shocked to discover that, without his consent, these children can be adopted by a new husband if his ex-wife re-marries, or by her own parents if she does not.

This brings us back to the Civil Code, which basically says that, absent special circumstances, mothers have custody of extramarital children, that married parents have joint custody over children of the marriage while it lasts, and that if divorcing parents are not able to agree on who gets custody, a judge will decide for them.

At the same time, however, the code contains virtually no standards for custody decisions after divorce other than a reference to the "interests of the child." Courts purport to use a "best interest of the child" standard, but there are virtually no statutory guidelines as to what that means (that is, unless you include the fact that the Civil Code does not allow joint custody post-divorce — even if both parents desire it). The law effectively assumes that outside of marriage, having only one parent actively involved in a child's life is better than having both. But since the focus of the law was traditionally on the interaction between households and the rest of society, this restriction may have once made sense: Fewer disputes are likely to arise if after divorce only one parent has the authority to conduct dealings with third parties on the child's behalf. It is, however, a rationale that has little to do with the best interests of the child. A sole-custody regime is probably also easier for bureaucrats to administer, and changing it might involve a wholesale restructuring of the family registry system, and even lead to thinking about whether it is still even necessary (South Korea recently replaced its family registry with a personal registry system).

Other than the limitation on joint custody, there is essentially no substantive body of "law" on child custody or visitation in Japan, with such matters left to the discretion of Family Court judges. Courts have used this authority to adopt a number of unofficial standards, including a strong preference for the status quo (but only the status quo at the time of litigation; the status quo of children before they are abducted to Japan, for example, is often ignored). Courts are also increasingly open to the once-alien notion of visitation after divorce, but often only if both parents agree to it. And while mothers refusing to agree to visitation is a persistent problem, it is not uncommon for Japanese fathers not to seek it, either.

Another standard invented by the courts is a preference for mothers when it comes to custody orders, though the parties are always free to agree to give custody to the father in the course of the court-sponsored mediation that must precede divorce litigation. According to Supreme Court statistics, in 2008 men got custody in mediated divorces in approximately 10 percent of cases. Interestingly, the court does not appear to publish similar statistics for litigated divorces (i.e., when judges are responsible for the result rather than the parties themselves), reflecting their stated preference for mothers, particularly in the case of young children. A commercially available manual written by and for family law specialists has a chapter on custody determinations that sets forth a single standard: Give custody to the mother, because they are always going to be more attentive than fathers. (In making this judgment, the manual seems to assume that all men work outside the home and all mothers stay at home.)

The preference for mothers would seem to be an impressive feat of judicial legerdemain in the face of provisions in the Constitution, the Civil Code and the Family Court procedural statute that mandate the "essential equality of the sexes." That jurists can talk openly about mothers as always being the "better parent" without any cognitive dissonance may reflect an understanding of the phrase "gender equality" as actually being about raising the status of women from the legal infirmities they were subjected to under the pre-war Civil Code, rather than actual gender equality. Whether such an understanding remains relevant in the 21st century is questionable.

Of course Japan has laws other than the Civil Code, and it should be possible for courts to look to them for norms and principles that could be applied to fill out the many blanks in the area of child custody and visitation. For example, Japan is a signatory to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which contains an extensive list of rights that would seem relevant, including the rights of children to be free of various forms of discrimination against them and their parents, to know and be raised by their parents whenever possible, to preserve their name and family relations, and to continue to have contact with a separated parent. Yet none of this seems to count for anything in Japanese courts, where parental contact is easily terminated even before divorce, custody determinations are made based on gender (and nationality, many foreign parents might assert), and a child may grow up forgetting or even never experiencing the love of a caring parent who has struggled in court to prevent this from happening.

Then there is the Constitution. The U.S Supreme Court has held that parents have a fundamental liberty interest in their relationship with their children, meaning that a very high threshold must be met before a government agency can terminate it. Japanese Supreme Court cases tying the parent-child relationship to any sort of fundamental rights, however, are almost nonexistent. In 1984, a father appealed the denial of visitation to the Supreme Court on the basis that it violated his right to the pursuit of happiness under Article 13 of the Japanese Constitution. His appeal was rejected. While this may reflect the reluctance of Japan's highest court to interfere in family affairs, many parents might question whether Article 13 means anything at all if it does not encompass the happiness of watching your own children grow up.

Colin P. A. Jones is a professor at Doshisha Law School in Kyoto

The Japan Times
(C) All rights reserved

●Judges fill the gaps in Japan's family law (1)

2010年02月05日 05時13分21秒 | Weblog

Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2010
Judges fill the gaps in Japan's family law

Last year was an important one for child custody issues in Japan, with growing international pressure on Japan to sign the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction, and the dramatic arrest of Christopher Savoie in September for supposedly "kidnapping" his own kids in Fukuoka.

I was actually interviewed for a segment on MSNBC's "Today Show" in connection with the Savoie case. Since the program quite rightly focused on an interview with Mr. Savoie, the footage used of me was quite brief: mostly a clip of me saying it was shocking how easily parental rights are terminated in Japan. But watching my (literally) 14 seconds of fame afterwards, I realized immediately that I had mis-spoken. What is shocking is not how easily parental rights are terminated, but how few parental rights there are to begin with.

While it is common to refer to divorce, custody and visitation as matters of "family law," strictly speaking Japan does not have such a thing. The principal body of what is generally considered family law is contained in Part IV of the Japanese Civil Code, which is actually titled "Relatives." In substance, it is concerned mainly with how family relationships are created, modified and terminated, and includes not just the rules by which marriages are formed and terminated, but also those governing the widespread practice of adoption (adult adoption remaining a common practice for households that wish to continue the family name, traditions or business but have no male children to do so).

The code also explains some of the duties of individuals within these relationships, but contains almost no provisions laying down rights, particularly after a relationship has been terminated. Thus, the code is silent on post-divorce child support, visitation and alimony (as distinct from division of marital property). Such relief as is awarded in these areas has effectively been manufactured by the courts according to their own unofficial rules and standards.

In essence, the "black letter" family law that does exist in Japan is concerned more with the form than the substance of familial relationships. This reflects the historical importance of the household rather than the individual as both a social unit and a nexus of responsibility for dealings with society and government. This may be why the government- administered koseki system — officially translated as "family registry" (though "household registry" would be more accurate) — remains an important institution, despite being so anachronistic that the average Japanese person may struggle to explain what purpose it serves in 21st century democratic society.

The family registry has its beginnings in a system implemented by the government at the start of the Meiji Period, designed to help maintain order at a time of great political upheaval. It did so by enabling the new government to keep track of who belonged to which household, and which people were "out of place." The family registry thus traces its roots directly back to a 19th century community surveillance system. It was also a tool of class warfare: Adopting a registration system that kept track of class was one of the ways the new government eradicated the rigid samurai-farmer-artisan-merchant neo-Confucian caste system of Tokugawa Japan.

Births, deaths, marriages and divorces — and, recently, changes in gender — are all recorded in the family registry. The registry remains a quasi-public record, and a copy of it is still an important identity document, and may be required for a passport application or other purposes. As an identity document, however, the family registry suffers from a number of deficiencies, since it shows little more than who is officially related to whom and how, and possibly where in Japan the family has its roots (it being possible to have a registry that goes back many generations).

The family registry can reveal all sorts of information about people that in many countries would be nobody's business and, more importantly, that can be the source of various forms of discrimination. For example, only Japanese nationals can have family registries, so ethnic Koreans who have lived in Japan for generations without naturalizing are readily identifiable, as are those who marry foreigners (this involves a special notation in the Japanese spouse's registry). The document also shows whether children were born out of wedlock, and can be used to trace family origins. While it is possible for a marrying couple to start a completely new registry, this can arouse suspicions that you are trying to hide something about your pedigree.

The fact that the family registry remains a source of a person's official identity has a number of ramifications, most of which seem negative. Reflecting the "form over substance" character of the registry, the "identifying information" may not actually be accurate. For example, since the registry reflects family origin rather than actual residence, the "domicile" shown in a Japanese passport may be a place where its holder was neither born nor lives.


2010年02月04日 08時49分02秒 | Weblog

●TBSニュース 子供連れ去り対処、8大使が要望(1/30):http://news.tbs.co.jp/20100130/newseye/tbs_newseye4344136.html

●TBSニュース 米キャンベル次官補「日本もハーグ条約加盟を」



●離婚と子どもをめぐるニュース番組(NHK総合 首都圏ネットワーク)

2010年02月01日 09時26分57秒 | Weblog






2月 2日(火) ●問い合わせ
▼リポート「シリーズ 子どもたちの現場 ~離婚した親子の再会」

「NPO法人 びじっと」

●第14回 国会勉強会 レポート

2010年02月01日 08時29分21秒 | Weblog














(親子ネット 監事 加太)